Thursday, October 31, 2019
Module 5 TD-HRM 401 - Recruitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Module 5 TD-HRM 401 - Recruitment - Essay Example Such may include a situation in which an employee has given out some confidential information regarding an investigation into the conduct of an employee by government authorities (Friedman, 2005). Employers need to take several actions that are aimed at minimizing retaliation actions such as coming up with policies against retaliation, proper communication with the employees who are making complaints at a personal level or in a staff meeting, ensuring confidentiality on any complaint that has been raised by the employees as well as proper documentation of any complaint brought up by the employees. Employers need to further offer training to the employee so as to make them to clearly understand what actions constitutes retaliation and how to respond when such occurs. The trainings should be aimed at offering counselling opportunities to the affected employees so as to boost their morale even as they strive to make their genuine concerns to be
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Morality Play Essay Example for Free
Morality Play Essay Cudgels- short thick stick used as weapon (n. ) mea maxima culpa -my mistake, my fault humani nil a me alienum- I am a human being, I consider nothing that is human alien to me. tonsure- the act of cutting the hair or shaving the head. artem illam ignominiosam- the art of her disgrace malodorous- an unpleasant odor; foul-smelling retinue- a group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person leman- a lover, sweetheart or paramour pretium- price ignorantia Juris non excusit- ignorance of the law does not excuse ubi stabilitas ibireligio-where ever stability is, there will be religion. Jongleurs- medieval wandering entertainers who played instruments, sang and danced, juggled, and performed plays. brawlers- a noisy quarrel, squabble, or fight. passe- old fashioned; out-of-style esse- being; existence. sorties- attacks redolent- (adj. ) fragrant, smelling strongly; tending to arouse memories or create an aura timorous- (adj) fearful; timid; demonstrating fear prating- to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble japer- to joke, gib petulance- (n. ) rudeness, irritability vagabond- A person who wanders from place to place preening- devoting effort to make one attractive lewdness- indecent. abscene. Offensive in a sexual way conjuring- the performance of magical tricks cavil- (v. ) to find fault in a petty way, carp; a trivial objection or criticism cupidity- (n. ) an eager desire for something; greed scruple- a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action folly- lack of good sense; foolish action or undertaking patron- (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support animosity- (n. ) strong dislike; bitter hostility emulate- to copy; to try to equal or excel lulling- cause to get calm, sleep or rest.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Increasing the Minimum Wage in America
Increasing the Minimum Wage in America Raising the lowest wages in America has always been a controversial topic. The Federal Government establishes the minimum hourly wages that a worker can be paid and as such, these standards of income impact the entire nation.à These standards of income or minimum wages were written into law to control the unfair practices of sweatshops and other capitalistic, manufacturing firms. However, minimum wage laws of today ensure that the employee being paid is provided with enough money to afford necessities (Edward and Gilman, 1999).à Nevertheless, with rising energy costs, no real affordable heath-care system in place and rising fuel and food costs the minimum minimally covers the average Americans necessities. The controversy and or problems associated with standard wages stem from both the positive and negative impacts that it imparts upon society. For example, as minimum wages increase companies are less likely to hire new employees, to train or retool current employees or to off er incentives and or job advancements.à In reverse, as wages decrease firms began to experience higher levels of employee turnover rates, incidents of accidents and often are left with less qualified applicants (Doyle, 2017). Seeing that much of this countries workforce is made up of hourly employees these minimum wage imbalances typically disrupt the main source of income for many households in America. à à Technology and various factors of life have changed over the years and has greatly advanced. However, what has remained stagnant; is the increases to minimum wages. As such, many people in America are unable to properly provide for their families. Poverty rates have increased as well as the number of the homeless, yet the Federal Government reports that our economy is improving. Nevertheless, many of this great, Nationââ¬â¢s citizens are unable to provide good and nutritional food for themselves and their families. Because of this we are now facing a rising epidemic of poor health and illness in this country. Due in part to the; depression, obesity, poor nutritional lifestyles brought on by poverty (T.H.G,2014). Throughout the years there has been research that has proven that workers who make more than minimum wage tend to be well and in good health. However, the Federal Government feels that by increased minimum wages create heightened levels of unemployment and that if minimum wages were increased above ten dollars per hour that these rates would elevate drastically. Truth be told, if minimum wages could increase as much as $25 an hour and firms and organizations would continue to grow and prosper because their inputs would always be higher than their outputs. Thriving companies like Amazon wouldnââ¬â¢t stop hiring and neither would they have to raise the prices on their goods to compensate for increased wages. Ideally, if wages were raised it would essentially grow the middle-class and low-income worker would be less reliance upon government assistance programs. As a result, hard working Americas are speaking out and protesting for a substantial increase to the minimum wages. This in essence is warranted because over the last few yearââ¬â¢s inflation has increased however income has not. According to different reports given by the Labor Board, ââ¬Å"2007 amendments increased the minimum wage to $5.85 per hour which took effect on July 24, 2007; $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008; and $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009.â⬠Throughout much of this time America was fighting 3 wars, losing several companies to foreign barters, dealing with a real estate crisis as well as an extreme recession. So, these relatively menial increases were not in alignment with gas prices, inflation nor overall citizen expenses. Statics show at the beginning 2017, twenty-nine states have a higher minimum wage than the standard federal rate. Implementing a minimum wage increase would promote equality among the nation, while also paying workers a living wage which will aid in one being able to live a decent and healthy life. Despite the hesitation from employers, many American households live off minimum wage, for this reason lawmakers should increase it; which will aid American families with the ability to afford the cost of living. Problem The bare minimum of anything is less than average and as such is subpar! Minimum wage in supposedly ââ¬ËGreatest and Strongest Nationââ¬â¢ in the world falls closer to the wages extended to citizens in less developed countries. America is ranked number 9 and has a greater military and infrastructure than at least two of the countries that out pay their citizens. Australia which is ranked number one as it relates to highest minimum wages paid to itââ¬â¢s workers and citizens yet this country founded in 1901 and America was founded in 1776, a whooping 275 years earlier (Papworth, 2012). Americaââ¬â¢s Minimum wage institution was established in 1933, and upon its inception citizens were paid twenty-five cents an hour. Eventually the wages were raised regularly in the years after, with the time between increases generally ranging between a year, and up to five and six years.à On Jan 1, 1981, the minimum wage increased to three dollars and thirty-five cents and it remains at the level until 1990. The current federal minimum wage has remained the same for the same amount of time. It was last increased on Sept. 1, 2010 at seven dollars and twenty-five cents. (Pollin, Robert; Wicks-Lim, Jeannette,2016).à Currently there are eighteen other states including the District of Columbia who have a higher minimum wage than what is typically required by federal law. However, there are still six states that donââ¬â¢t evenà participate in minimum wage. à The reason why this is a global societal problem is because approximately half of the people earning the minimum wage or less are younger workers who are under the age of twenty-five.à Many of these worked still live with their parents.à Statistic show that forty-one percent stay with their patents while fifteen percent are adults, who are raising a family and twenty-three percent are adults who are barely able to take care of themselves. Although, poverty has been a huge problem for many decades (for all types of families), government officials feel that raising wages would have little effect on these group of people. Researchers have proven that various states across America have a minimum wage that is higher than what is required at the government level.à However, the federal government gives each state an opportunity to manage their minimum wage by law, but the worker will get the higher pay of the two. ââ¬Å"Many economists do not like minimum wage for the simple fact it puts a stop to low-income workers who essentially cannot produce enough monetary worth in their work to cover the minimum wage. Often during various years such as 2008-2012, a worker in these situations has to consider the government, by looking at oneââ¬â¢s neighborhood, education level, race, and age (24-65)â⬠(Greory,2014). à Another factor that could be essential to help increase minimum wage is the coast of living.à Although each state has the authority to have its own minimum wage, some states are less cost efficient than others which require more than the standard minimum. ââ¬Å"Most of the global labor force, in any case, is the developing markets.à In addition, for some of these nations, initiating a minimum wage or raising it is unequivocally on the policy agenda. Yet, little is thought about the effects of minimum wages on labor and expectations for living standards in developing marketsâ⬠(Gregory, 2014). à ââ¬Å"The cost of living takes in to account the prices of different goods and services; whereas, housing affordability considers how expensive home prices are in relation to the median family incomeâ⬠(Cooper,2015). However, everyone feels that things are expensive and cost a fortune. After doing research, the states that have major metro areas (such as New York and San Francisco), often gain attraction for tourist and other perks which can make it least affordable.à If the cost of living is higher than minimum wage, it increases the ability to get another job or ask for government assistance. Statics also show that 30-50% of oneââ¬â¢s income is spent on rent and utilities, which in some cases it is 90% of their household income.à ââ¬Å"Although some people are rent-burdened, and cannot afford basics necessities, such as fresh fruits and vegetables; so alternatively, they consume un healthy food that eventual causes health problemsâ⬠. (Tsao et al 2016). Most minimum wage worker due to the lack of income cannot afford the health benefits that they need to stay healthy. Nevertheless, their ailments worsen and often time an individual may start to have feelings of depression or feeling down about their situation, this type of mindset is also unhealthy for low income Americans. Solution A probable solution to increasing minimum wages is to guarantee basic income programs like Housing Urban Development also known as HUD. à ââ¬Å"HUD is a public housing program for all sizes and types of families, which provides housing from houses to apartments, even for the elderly. This program was developed to provide housing and community development assistance and to make sure everyone has access to ââ¬Å"fair and equal housingâ⬠(Reich,2015).à à Another opportunity for low-income families is the government assistance program that helps provide food for low income families also known as the SNAP program. This program aids with food purchases for low-income or no income families; living in the United States. SNAP benefits cost about seventy billion dollars a year and provide for about forty-four billion people.à This number represents about fourteen percent of the population, which adds up to be $125.51 per month for each person. SNAP is one of the largest nutrition programs in American; for low income families. à After reviewing the article The Effects of Minimum Wage on Food Stamps, many government officials feel that one should not have it both ways, they should not be able to collect on both benefits. Their rationale is that if minimum wages increases, that the Snap benefits decrease.à This would have an adverse effect on oneââ¬â¢s health or possible affect the children in that household.à Government officials have spent numerus of time on discussing the issue for the welfare plan. However; since 2014, there has been an estimated increase on minimum wages and a decrease in SNAP participation, by 3.95 percent.à These results indicate that the government is going in the right direction in saving taxpayer money (Reich,2015). Although these individuals receive SNAP benefits some households still are facing the greatest hardship and most likely face a decrease in food security, rather than people who are not receiving SNAP benefits. However, SNAP enrollment seems to increase in periods of prosperity. Another solution to increasing minimum wages could be raising the child tax credit.à Families with children could really use the extra money that is provided form the benefit from child tax credit program. Many government officials are in favor of increasing the child tax credit, they say it is highly unlikely that it would be and increase in minimum wage. However, this strategy would help struggling families with children with the benefits and necessities that they need. Although most federal governments oppose of the minimum wage law they feel that there better solution for helping workers that only make minimum wage such as the earned income tax credit.à This tax credit is set up for a person who is poor and has earn a certain about due to his or her wages throughout the year.à à The earn income tax credit has several advantages for the poor and it favors those who make minimum wage. ââ¬Å"One argument often made by minimum wage advocates is that higher minimum wage is necessary to prevent or mitigate the reduction in market wages associated with the labor supply response to a more generous EITCâ⬠(Neumark&Washcher, 2011, p. 714).à The standard minimum wage does not cost the tax payer any money because of the higher income tax credit. This is one of the programs that was created so the government would not have to raise minimum wages, by only creating it for low income workers, who are eligible to receive it.à ââ¬Å"Economist around the globe, feel that training programs are criticism of raising the minimum wage it is the pay rate of low-skilled people and entry level jobsâ⬠(Neumar&Wascher,2002).à The government could install training programs that could potentially improve employee outcomes and help them to be more successful in getting a high paying job. Evaluation of the Evidence The evidence used here is all justifiable and dependable and without bias. The various of sources used here are scholarly, peer-reviewed articles which make the information justifiable. There are a few sources used here that would be considered popular sources.à After reading the article, American Journal of Public Health, the authors (Tsao et al 2016) worked with the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, they referenced their work and without bias. This article helped shed light on the health of low-income families. It also helped to explain how beneficial it would be if there was and increase in minimum wage and the effects it would have on and families.à The Effects of Minimum Wage on Food Stamps, is a credible scholarly source to show how the government reasons for not raising minimum wages but should create more programs to help individuals who are suffering with low-income or no income at all.à As a result, the article proved that the government is going in the right direction in saving taxpayer money.à This article is essential to research because it sheds light on the way minimum wages affect people who are less fortunate.à It also takes a closer look at those who have to use government assistance programs in order to support their families.à à Statistical data provided gives rationale for raising the minimum wage and to utilize the table of data. Once again, this source is reliable, valid and unbiased. Several of the sources provide statistical data that need to be illustrated. ââ¬Å"The statistic from this graph clearly shows the percentages of familiesââ¬â¢ income and of those who would be affected by a minimum-wage increase on a generally low to moderate level. à Nearly, 70.7 percent of affected families have a total family income of less than $60,000, and nearly a quarter (23.6 percent) have total family income of less than $20,000. Among all U.S. families, the median family income in 2010 was $60,395â⬠(Current Population Survey, 2010) . Some of the surveys results are incorrect due to lack of education and inaccurate information being provided at the time the survey was given. The source Neumak and Wascher, shows support on finding a solution to help low-income workers.à They were able to shed light on how poverty has affected workers which have low-incomes. à Cooper explains, the percentages of youth and adults that are targeted by the fast food industries and that have no education (2015). This source explains why the government will not increase minimum wage because of the targeted age group. Ethical outcomes of Solution Some journalists have stated negative impacts, such as turnover rates and untrained workers for small businesses if wages are increased, the positive aspect of raising wages would have, overall.à After reviewing the statistical data, it shows that mostly teenagers are targeted when mentioning minimum wage, this is because they are one of the largest group that is affected by the minimum wage, which makes it effects more discernable.à After reading the article Pay Equity and the National minimum wage, the author points out that reservation wages of younger workers, which is lower than adult workers. Citizen throughout the country have had many concerns about the status of minimums wage getting abused form primary earners in poor families, more than for the wages of teenagers and other secondary earners form higher-income families. It also raises arguments on why young workers are receiving such low pay and sheds light on the national minimum wage.à The theories of wage control vary, but details pay levels and pay dispersion; thus, proving that pay differs around the world.à These differences are based on job requirements.à Younger adults are also targeted by the fast food industries because of no job experience and lack of education.à Most young adults are just trying to earn extra money rather than trying to take care of a family.à ââ¬Å"The average age of affected workers is 36 years old. A larger share of affected workers is age 55 and older (15.3 percent) than are teens (10.7 percent). About two-thirds of affected workers are 25 years old or olderâ⬠(Cooper, 2015). à There have been numerous of research obtain to show that most teenagers will not be affected by the increase because most teenagers only work part-time because they attend school. Teenagers could also learn these lessons from many other activities or discussions. à Young adults should not just rely on minimum wage; but continue their education, which would lead to an opportunity of getting a better job, when they become an adult.à They will not only have job experience but know the value of money and how it can help provide for their families. à à There is various reason on why minimum wage should be increase because society feels like worker are less likely to quit on higher-paid jobs. Sheposh explains how minimum wage has the lowest rate of pay that was set out for mostly the fast food industry.à The government or union negotiated and calculated hourly, weekly and monthly incentives to come up with the first national minimum-wage law.à He presents the establishment and timeline of minimum wage and how it affects certain parts of the country. States like Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee do not implement the minimum wage law.à According to this article each state and municipality can set its own wage.à ââ¬Å"Minimum wage has always been a controversial issue and will continue to be an issue as the cost of living is always risingâ⬠(Sheposh, 2016).à However, minimum wage was not meant for workers to rely on as a permanent career, but to only use as temporary financial support.à There are many reasons that minimum wages should be increase for a worker. The standard minimum wage pay for participating states varies between $7.25 and 9.00; which in todayââ¬â¢s society typical family of three people, would barely be able thrive.à However; from a business perspective, the employer gains profit by paying the workers less, but still has the exception for that worker to work hard and come to work every day.à In the article Santa Monicaââ¬â¢s Minimum Wage: Assessing the Living Wage Movementââ¬â¢s New Frontier,it mentions that Santa Monica proposed a plan that would raise the minimum wage to $12.25 per hour (2005). After reviewing the statistical data of this source, it shows that many businesses would close due to the increase.à Studies also show that some business relocate, this is done so they will not have to pay the workers more money. It is unfair that some businesses cheat their employees out of money, so they can make more profit.à It continues to be controversial topic around the globe that the less fortunate or low-income community would be better if the government officials would come together and increase the minimum wage.à This would be beneficial, instead of developing various programs such as SNAP, earned income tax credit, and federal housing. It gives them a chance at a better life and helps them take care of their families, especially those who have unaffordable health issues. à It is immoral and unjustifiable to make someone work forty hours a week and still not be able to live. à Everyoneââ¬â¢s situation is different but giving them the opportunity to take care of their families is morally right and ethical. If the government will increase minimum wages and keep certain government programs, then add the installation of training programs to benefit low-income and uneducated workers, they will have the opportunity to get a higher paying job.à In turn, they would no longer need the aid of federal programs; thus, this will be a great solution for the worker, as well as, the government. Minimum wages were set to only help the younger workers while in school, and other adults with no job experience. Many economists argue that by increasing minimum wage does not only help low-income worker, but all workers.à Conclusion While increasing minimum wage will always continue to be a controversial topic around the world, the wealthy have argued that the poor would be better off if the government officials would not waste their time trying to increase minimum wage.à They should instead, create more programs that will be beneficial to workers to help them get better paying jobs.à Some feel that minimum wage will reduce employment, but not by as much as there are so many people who want to work, but can not due to health issue, education, and various other issues. Increasing minimum wages has benefits for all workers, not just the one that the government targets like young workers, single adults, and worker who are 55 and older.à President Barack Obama has stated on many occasion that increasing the minimum wage is very essential to addressing the income gap in America. Raising minimum wage does not just help families financially, but it helps them feel better about themselves.à Morale would increase because they would be able to take care of their families and develop good morals and standards. However, it can help take care of health issues and not use federal programs, because they will obtain a higher paying job, which will carry health insurance and that they can afford. Making more money with just a simple increase can give a household an opportunity to be successful and take care of oneââ¬â¢s family.à Poverty in America is at an all-time high and the lower-class has been affected by the increase in the cost of living. We have to find a way for government officials to make the decision to increase minimum wages. References Brosnan,à P. (n.d.). The Minimum Wage in a Global Context.à The Handbook of Globalization, Second Edition. doi:10.4337/9780857931443.00020 Cooper, D. (2015). Raising the Minimum Wage to $12 by 2020 Would Lift Wages for 35 Million American Workers | Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved from Doyle, A. 14 Dec 2017. Pros and Cons of Raising Minimum Wage. Web. Edwards, P., & Gilman, M. (1999). Pay equity and the national minimum wage: What can theories tell us? Human Resource Management Journal, 9(1), 20-38. Retrieved from Gregory,à T. (2014). When the Minimum Wage Bites Back: Quantile Treatment Effects of a Sectoral Minimum Wage in Germany.à SSRN Electronic Journal.à doi:10.2139/ssrn.2567167 Meer, J., & West, J. (2016). Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics. Journal Of Human Resources, 51(2), 500-522. Neumark, D., & Wascher, W. (2002). Do Minimum Wages Fight Poverty. Economic Inquiry, 40(3), 315. Papworth, J. 26 Oct. 2012. How Good is Great Britianââ¬â¢s Minimum Wage? Web. à à à à à à à à à à à Pollin, Robert; Wicks-Lim, Jeannette.à A $15 U.S. minimum wage: How fast-food industry could adjust without shedding jobs. à Journal of Economic Issues (M.E. Sharpe Inc.).à Sep2016, Vol. 50 Issue 3, p716-744. 29p. 10 Charts. DOI: 10.1080/00213624.2016.1210382 Reich, Michael.à Industrial Relations. ââ¬Å"The Effects of Minimum Wage on Food Stampsâ⬠.à Oct2015, Vol. 54 Issue 4, p668-694. 27p. 8 Charts, 1 Map DOI: 10.1111/irel.12105. Sanders, R. H., & Williams, E. D. (2005, February). Assessing the Living Wage Movementââ¬â¢sà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à New Frontier. Santa Monicaââ¬â¢s Minimum Wage:, 19(1). doi:10.1177/0891242404268705 Sheposh, R. January,2016 2p. ââ¬Å"Minimum Wages around the Worldâ⬠Salem Press. Web. 26 Jan. 2016. Santa Monicaââ¬â¢s Minimum Wage:, 19(1). doi:10.1177/0891242404268705 Tsao et al. (June 2016). Estimating potential reductions in premature mortality in New York City from raising the minimum wage to $15. American Journal of Public Health, 106(6): 1036-1041
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparing Two Views of Gay Marriage in America Essay -- Compare Contra
Marriage, by definition, is the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. In todayââ¬â¢s society however, things are changing. People of all genders are forming bonds with one another, and homosexuals are vying for the right to have their love established as marriage as well. Should men and men, and women and women, be allowed the right of marriage just like heterosexual couples in America? Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett have opposing opinions on this subject, however are more alike in opinion than they know. Their articles tell different stories, with the same general underlying tone. Gay people are people, just like everyone else. This is the argument that Andrew Sullivan is making in his essay titled ââ¬Å"Let Gays Marryâ⬠. His argument is based mainly on logic and facts, and for the most part, it is strongly supported. Sullivan mentions in his article that gay people are citizens of our country and are entitled to the exact same rights as everyone else. He is not asking for any special treatment, just equal treatment. All that the gay community is asking for is the right to form a legally recognized union. He also points out that the definition of marriage has changed with the times. Women are no longer a manââ¬â¢s property through marriage. People of different races can get married today and it is highly accepted. He is not asking that America changes heterosexual marriage at all, he is simply requesting that they be more open and accept homosexual bonds as marriages as well. Speaking for the other side of the spectrum is William Bennett. Using a very emotional argument, it is his belief that marriage should ... ... It is obvious that there are many differences between the two articles. Sullivan is fighting for his rights as an American, and as a human being, to be able to legalize the love felt between two people of the same sex. Bennett believes that marriage is a crucial part of our society, and that it is so special and important that it should stay as it is. They differ in opinions simply because they are looking for different things. As you can see, the battle with homosexual marriage is one that is not going to be settled overnight. People will continue voicing their opinions on the topic until we can reach a middle ground. When you think about it though, are our ideas really that different? Both men are fighting for the same cause in a way. They are looking for the glorification of the loving bond of marriage; they are just going about it in different ways.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Domestic Trafficking
Chapter 8 discussed domestic drug trafficking organizations. It distinguished the traditional and nontraditional organized crimes. The problem of organized crime in the United States is nothing new. The drug trade has changed organized crime by creating new, violent, and more sophisticated criminal groups. Although these groups often clash, they mostly work together in order to generate a bigger profit. In this chapter, the booked examined some of the largest and most active organized crime groups in the domestic illicit drug trade. One gang discussed was the Mafia. The Mafia, known as, ââ¬Å"La Cosa Nostra, which has been a source of controversy for years. Its roots are in Italy and Sicily during the mid- 1800s. The Mafia is common referred to as a domestic criminal organization, with two factions of traditional organized crime operated in the United States, American and Sicilian Mafia. Mafia families would meet to divide territory, choose rackets, approve new members, and arbitrate disputes between the families. During the late 196s and early 1970s, France became well known as a distribution point fir an estimated 80 percent of the worldââ¬â¢s heroin. Marseilles became the center of heroin laboratories that processed raw opium brought in from Turkey. Heroin was then smuggles into the United Stated by French Corsicans as well as Sicilian Mafia members. France is no longer considered a major producer of heroin sold on the U. S. market Associations with known Mafia type is illegal, whether a crime is committed or not. Association also applies to the Camorra and other ââ¬Å"Mafia-typeâ⬠groups. Exile is the locations for convicted Mafiosi have been established I towns with populations of fewer than 10,000, and an unauthorized exit of the location shall result in imprisonment. Property and other assets are subject to confiscation. Telephone wiretaps are authorized on people suspected of belonging to ââ¬Å"Mafia-typeâ⬠organizations. The term omerta is defined in its most negative connotation as a ââ¬Å"conduct of noncooperation with public safety fficials due to fear. There is much controversy on what it is that the Mafia actually does. They argue that the evidence to support the existence of such a group is weak and open to other interpretations and that empirical research has failed to confirm the existence of such a dominant, complex, hierarchically organized criminal group. The historical evidence is sometimes weal and contradictory and empirical research conducted on organized crim e fails to demonstrate the existence of the Mafias a single conspiracy. There is little doubt that some individuals in linked with the Italian dominated criminal organizations in both the United States and Sicily have been involved in Large-scale drug trafficking. Outlaw Motorcycle gangs have created a historic role in organized crime and in the drug trade. According to U. S. Treasuryââ¬â¢s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, OMG have evolved into one of the most reprehensible types of criminal organizations, consisting of killers, psychotics, panderers, and social misfits. The Hells Angels, The Outlaws, The Pagans, The Bandidos are all notorious motorcycle gangs.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Alternative Capital Structure Paper Essays - Capital, Contract Law
Alternative Capital Structure Paper Essays - Capital, Contract Law Alternative Capital Structure Paper Kristopher Watkins FIN/419 November 23, 2015 James Hagist Alternative Capital Structure Paper Land Recovery has decided to investigate several forms of financing assets to find an alternative capital structure. It is going to implement debt financing in order to raise its capital and has laid out three different options to consider for the new policy. Important aspects of this policy include current ratio, net working capital position, and expected rate of return on stockholders' equity, which you will find within the spreadsheet included at the bottom of this paper. We know for each option there will be certain variables that do not change. Each option includes current assets of 30 million and fixed assets of 35 million, which total 65 million in assets. We also have a tax rate of 40% and EBIT of 6 million. Stockholders equity has provided us with 40 million in assets, as well. Debt for each option is 25 million, though the difference of long term and short term debt changes for each option. Now we will break down the differences of each of those options. Option 1 Provided with option 1 is a short term debt of 24 million and a long term debt of 1 million. Option 1 has the lowest interest expense at 1.405 million. Although, it shows this option will pay the highest amount of taxes at 1.838 million reducing earnings from 4.595 million to 2.757 million. This option provides the highest rate of return on stockholders equity at 6.89%. This option has the lowest net working capital of 6 million, as well as the lowest current ratio at 1.25:1. Because of the low current ratio and net working capital I would consider this option to be the highest in risk and profitability. Option 2 Provided with option 2 is a short term debt of 18 million and a long term debt of 7 million. Option 2 has a medium interest expense at 1.460 million. It shows this option will pay a medium amount of taxes, as well, at 1.816 million reducing earnings from 4.540 million to 2.724 million. This option provides a medium rate of return on stockholders equity at 6.81%. This option also has an increased net working capital of 12 million, as well as a medium current ratio at 1.66666666666667:1. Because of the medium current ratio and net working capital I would consider this option to fall within the medium range of risk and profitability. Option 3 Provided with option 3 is a short term debt of 12 million and a long term debt of 13 million. Option 3 has the highest interest expense at 1.515 million. It shows this option will pay the lowest amount of taxes at 1.794 million reducing earnings from 4.485 million to 2.691 million. This option provides the lowest rate of return on stockholders equity at 6.81%. This option has an even more increased net working capital of 18 million, as well as the highest current ratio at 2.5:1. Due to the highest current ration and net working capital of the 3 options I would declare this option the lowest in risk and profitability. Which Option is Best? Of the three options provided each has given us a slightly different alternative to decide upon the best possible capital structure. Although option 1 has the lowest interest expense, as well as the highest ROE, its net working capital and current ratio is significantly lower than the other two options. For these reasons I would choose not to go with this option, as having such a low net working capital and current ratio could cause the company problems with creditability towards their investors. Option 2 provides a rather level medium between the two options, though I would be particularly more attracted to option 3. The main reasons for this would be because of the high current ratio and significantly higher net working capital, which goes from 6 million in option 1 to 18 million in option 3. Although we would be slightly reducing our ROE the significant increase of net working capital and current ratio will allow better protection for the companys investments. Conclusion Overall, this decision could be made solely based upon the opinions of the management in charge of making these decisions.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Business Process Improvement
Business Process Improvement Introduction According to the evaluation of the Benchmark System Company, Business Process Improvement is a contemporary management technique that can assist the organization in achieving its critical success factors. Business Process Improvement is a technique that involves the manager and the workers commitment to continuous improvement in quality as well as critical success factors (Tidd and Pavitt, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Process Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rationale for Business Process Improvement Business Process Improvement results in an increase in operation efficiency and customer focus. Therefore, the rationale for Business Process Improvement includes the need for change, motivating factors of the change process and competition in the business environment. According to Blocher, Stout, Cockins (2010), operation processes in the current competitive universe experience the effects of technology. For instance, networks, software and access to information are changing at a faster rate while interfering with the expenditures of organizations. As a result, organizations need to adapt to changes as they continuously receive process updates. In the Benchmark System Company, the questions that frequently presents concern the business goals, competition, improvement processes and the change techniques. This is because the company has several critical success factors that require assessment. They include high turnover, client improvement, customer satisfaction, expenditure management and support issues. Therefore, in order to improve these factors, the Benchmark System Company has a challenge of putting new processes, procedures as well as systems into place. This is possible through implementation of Business Process Improvement because it will affect the profitability as well as the stability of the company. Moreover, the Benchmark System Com pany has some motivating factors to the process of change. They comprise concern for customer services, operation cost, employeesââ¬â¢ production, operation processes, technology advancement, challenges in the market and organization infrastructure. Therefore, these motivating factors create the need for Business Process Improvement. This is because the process aid in providing solution to most of the concerns.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Finally, Business Process Improvement assists in production enhancement via achievement of specific goals. They include, enhancement of customer services, improvement of employeesââ¬â¢ ability to anticipate and respond to changes that take place in the business environment, maximization of business opportunities and reduction of inefficiencies as well as errors (The Frame Group Limited, 2008). Since these goals apply to Benchmark System Company, there is need for the implementation of Business Process Improvement. Additionally, Business Process Improvement helps an organization to understand the need for doing business, cumbersome processes, competition and the desire of having a working environment with excellent practices. A description of the Business Process Improvement Drucker (2008) states that Business Process Improvement assist organizations to maximize resources. Moreover, Business Process redesigning and engineering are rooted to it. Therefore, it focuses on doing the correct thing because it tries to minimize variation in processes so that the organization can achieve the anticipated outcome with proper resources utilization. As a result, the Business Process Improvement works via definition of goals, determination of customers and alignment of processes. To begin with, the definition of goals as well as purposes involves determination of the organization reason for existence, t he activities that they undertake and the rationale. Secondly, the determination of customers involves a thorough analysis of the people that the organization serves (Kerzner, 2010). Lastly, alignment of the processes entails organization realization of the techniques that improve the existing activities. Therefore, the aim of Business Process Improvement is a fundamental change in performance and not incremental in amendments. This helps an organization to fit in the competitive business environment. In order to have a successful Business Process Improvement, everyone in the organization needs to be involved. This is because people contribute differently in the achievement of an organization vision. Hence, role definition is imperative in Business Process Improvement. Griffin (2010) explains the four roles that include leadership, ownership, management and operator.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Process Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although the roles are peculiar, they work together to achieve an effective and efficient Business Process Improvement. Furthermore, some people in the organization may find themselves performing more than a single role. As a result, the roles have four categories that include planning, doing, checking and acting. The leadership role involves the creation of procedures and resourcing plans that aid in the achievement of Business Process Improvement. It entails the definition of the customers, the employees as well as the business needs (Hazlett McAdam, 2010). Thus, the planning, doing, checking and acting phases play a significant role in elimination of barriers to critical success factors. For instance, it ensures that products produced are of high quality and customers are satisfied. In the planning phase, performance objectives are determined via analysis of the customers, the stakeholders, the community, the employees and th e suppliers (Tidd and Pavitt, 2009). This involves an understanding of competition in order to translate business issues into performance objectives. For example, a company can react to the threat of market demand by formulation of an objective that ensures constant supply of products. Blocher, Stout, Cockins (2010) state that the doing phase entail removal of barriers to Business Process Improvement. The barriers can be lack of training, inadequate resources of harsh working environment. As a result, the organization requires collecting data and analyzing performance of the business. This is possible in the checking phase where activities appraisals take place as issues that hinder Business Process Improvement are rectified or eliminated. Finally, in the acting phase, the organization creates action for improvement. This helps the company to achieve its vision of effective and efficient Business Process Improvement. The Frame Group Limited (2008) argues that ownership is important in Business Process Improvement because it give employees the power to create, update as well as approve work procedures that aid in the achievement of the organization goals and objectives.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hence, employees need to understand the customers need in order to create procedures that lead to customer satisfaction and growth. Moreover, the employees need to determine their needs and address them. This will lead to achievement of critical success factors like employee satisfaction, training and competence. Moreover, the organization can use problem solving skills, risk assessment as well as root cause analysis to address the issues of Business Process Improvement (Drucker, 2008). Problem solving skills involve a critical analysis of existing issues followed by proposed solutions and implementation strategies. On the other hand, risk assessment help in reduction, elimination and mitigation of anticipated factors that can interfere with Business Process Improvement. This alleviates obstacles of critical success factor. Lastly, the root cause analysis reacts to an existing problem. For example, the organization uses it to determine the cause of a problem and implement corrective measures. In a recent research, Kerzner (2010) explains that Business Process Improvement has four fundamental processes. They include the necessity of aligning business goals, client focus, benchmarking and establishment of owners. To begin with, the alignment involves integration of balance scorecard and Business Process Improvement initiatives. Secondly, client focus concentrates on the customer issues to ensure that the organization hears their voices and address complains. Thirdly, benchmarking stress on specific, achievable and realistic goals that lead to measurable results. Finally, establishment of owners empower the employees with authority and responsibility. This make them feel valued thus increasing their motivation towards Business Process Improvement. In order to implement Business Process Improvement, the methodologies are important. They include definition of the problem, determination of the outcome and reorganization of the organization ability to meet the new ob jectives. The implementation of Business Process Improvement The implementation involves four fundamental steps. They include identification and selection of the procedures, mapping and redesigning of the processes and implementation of the solution (Griffin, 2010). Although they are steps, they form a cycle that the organization follows without making a stop. This continuity allows interaction that ensures efficient and effective implementation of Business Process Improvement. The first process involves identification of business procedures and it involve acceptance of the need of change. This is because the acceptance will lead to identification of an opportunity that will result to excellent outcome (Hazlett McAdam, 2010). The determination of process owner then follows. This process empowers the employees with authority and responsibility of implementing the Business Process Improvement. Finally, the organization develops goals and objectives that will direct the selected busin ess procedure. Additionally, the identification process creates an understanding of doing business, the stakeholdersââ¬â¢ involvement as well as the idea of change (Hackes, 2008). As a result, it comprise of identification of barriers to critical success factors and the activities that will alleviate them. For example, if the problem is lack of employees training, activities that promote workers development require consideration. The mapping process involves analysis of the procedures that take place in the organization. This involves all the activities that relate to the employees, the customers and the management (Tidd and Pavitt, 2009). They may include production, processing, supply and management activities. Additionally, the mapping process includes evaluation of available resources and determination of weaknesses. The evaluation of available resources is imperative because the principle of Business Process Improvement states that an organization should use what it own, as it is cost effective. On the other hand, determination of weakness helps an organization minimize them while maximizing the strength. This process usually helps an organization to choose the best Business Process Improvement activity. For instance, an organization that has a weakness of employee turnover will implement strategies that lead to workers retention. Finally, the mapping process involves documentation as it ensures consistency in routine. The first step in the redesigning of the processes and the initial activity is the identification of goals for the selected procedure (Blocher, Stout, Cockins, 2010). For example, if the procedure entail employee training, then the goals should aim at increasing the competency of the workers. Secondly, the employees together with the managers should work together and formulate processes that lead to workers development. The processes can be on job training or scholarship for further education. Stimulation, evaluation as well as redefini tion of the suggested processes follow it (The Frame Group Limited, 2008). Thereafter, the organization selects a process that meets the set goals. This is because it will lead to effective implementation of the Business Process Improvement. Finally, the organization implements the chosen process by integrating it with the existing procedures. This entails an analysis of the available resources together with cost benefit. For instance, the organization will analyze the benefit of the proposed process as well as anticipated problem. The final step in Business Process Improvement is implementation. It involves all the activities that the company will perform to ensure that the selected Business Process Improvement procedure is taking place. This step involves finalization of the Business Process Improvement (Drucker, 2008). It includes activities like gaining consensus, funding, improving infrastructures and developing processes. Therefore, the organization should cautiously implement as well as integrate the Business Process Improvement activities in to the existing system. This ensures that the Business Process Improvement is in line with the objective of the organization. As a result, continuous monitoring and evaluation is imperative as it aid in identification and rectification of problems. Moreover, it ensures that the selected process is on the road to achieving the organization mission and vision. Therefore, this makes Business Process Improvement a continuous process. Application of Business Process Improvement by other organizations Different organizations apply Business Process Improvement in a peculiar way depending on their vision and mission. Some common techniques involve problem solving, brainstorming, cause-effect diagrams and policy deployment (Kerzner, 2010). Problem solving cycle is a continuous process that entails identification of a problem together with the solution. For instance, the problem can be an emergency or an attempt to do someth ing in a different way. The organization need to analyze the cause as well as the way forward. Next is the selection of a suitable solution. The solution may provide an answer to the problem or it may lead to a repeat of the whole process. Therefore, this technique is a circle and with careful monitoring it alleviates problems that hinder the success of an organization. In other organizations, brainstorming has been successful in achievement of Business Process Improvement. Brainstorming is pooling of ideas from all the people in the organization before declaration of a final decision (Griffin, 2010). It begins with formation of a team, definition of a problem and generation of ideas. A thorough review of the ideas follows. Finally, the organization selects the procedure that facilitates Business Process Improvement. For instance, if an organization has a problem with customer satisfaction, all workers will have a chance of airing out their views. Finally, the management together wi th employees will select a favorable solution. According to Hazlett McAdam (2010) other organizations apply the cause and effect diagrams to achieve Business Process Improvement. This entails exploration of links that exist between causes and effects of issues. It operates under the principle that a single problem can have many causes. It is used to identify the causes of any effects. The effect can be a problem or something beneficial. Moreover, if something beneficial occurs, the organization should find out its cause so that they can increase the chances of it happening again. For instance, an organization with satisfied employees should find out the cause of that satisfaction so that they maintain it. On the other hand, if an organization produces low quality products, it should establish the cause so that it can rectify. There are steps that organizations need to follow in order to apply the process of cause and effect diagram. They include problem identification, cause analys is selection as well as implementation of a probable solution. Finally, some organizations use policy deployment to implement Business Process Improvement. This technique entails breaking down of an organization objective into several goals that ensure every member play a role in Business Process Improvement (Hackes, 2008). For example, if the company wants to improve its product, it will formulate several goals that ensure every person play a role in the improvement process. Applicability of Business Process Improvement to Benchmark System Company Business Process Improvement applies to Benchmark System Company at three levels. They include the organization, the employees and the customersââ¬â¢ levels. This is because the company has problems with some critical success factors that concern the organization, employees and the customers. Therefore, Business Process Improvement will offer a solution to these problems. To begin with, the Benchmark System Company has a number of issu es concerning sales, support, products and internal processes. The sales have been decreasing instead of rising. Additionally, the company has ineffective support quality leading to poor products. Moreover, inefficient internal processes have resulted to long waiting hours. As a result, Business Process Improvement will assist in streamlining those issues. This is because it will help in identification of causes of those problems as well as proposing the way forward. Therefore, the company will have an increase in sale, efficient support, quality products and effective internal processes. Secondly, Benchmark System Company has some problems with critical factors that concern the employees. They include satisfaction, training and competence. The employees are dissatisfied, have inadequate training and are incompetent. Therefore, the company needs to find a solution, which is Business Process Improvement. This is because it is a contemporary management technique that ensure the compan y has qualified and skilled employees. As a result, it will ensure that employee development and satisfaction take place. Finally, the Business Process Improvement is important because it will help the company satisfy the customersââ¬â¢ needs. This is because the Benchmark System Company has a number of issues concerning the customers. They include client growth and customer dissatisfaction. As a result, Business Process Improvement is the best contemporary management technique that applies to the company. This is because the technique will ensure that customers receive quality products. Besides, their demands and concerns will receive attention. The plan for implementation of Business Process Improvement in Benchmark System Company The implementation of Business Process Improvement will involve problem solving, brainstorming, cause-effect diagrams and policy deployment. This is because these processes are efficient and effective in ensuring that the implementation of Business Pr ocess Improvement take place. To begin with, the problem solving cycle will begin by determination of all the companiesââ¬â¢ problems that concern the organization, the employees and the clients. Thereafter, every person in the organization will suggest the applicable solution. A thorough analysis of the proposed solutions will take place. Finally, a selection of solutions will take place and then implementation phase begins. During the implementation phase, monitoring and evaluation will take place to ensure that the Business Process Improvement is on the right track. The second technique will be the brainstorming process. This will involve formation of different groups within the organization. The different groups will then generate ideas of how the workers can improve the relationship with each other as well as the customers. The different groups will then come together and select some imperative ideas. After that, the assembling of the required recourses will take place and t he selected proposals implemented. This technique is important because it will ensure implementation of a sustainable Business Process Improvement. Thirdly, the company will use the cause effect diagrams to implement the Business Process Improvement. This will involve investigations of the causes of both the companyââ¬â¢s problems as well as successes. For example, the company can investigate the cause of all the problems relating to the critical success factors like employee dissatisfaction. On the other hand, an investigation of factors that leads to strengths will take place. After the cause identification, alleviation of the causes that result to problems will take place. On the other hand, enhancement of the causes that lead to strengths will also take place. The two activities will result to a perfect organization, which is the aim of Business Process Improvement. Finally, policy deployment is a technique that will facilitate a smooth implementation of Business Process Impr ovement. It will begin by formulation of goals that focus on different activities that facilitate the implementation of Business Process Improvement. The goals will focus on the organization, the employees and the clients. For instance, the company can formulate a goal that ensures all the clients receive quality services. After goal formulation, policy development will take place. The policies will provide directions for all the activities that the employees engage in. For instance, activities towards the implementation of Business Process Improvement will have policies that direct them. Conclusion In conclusion, Business Process Improvement is an imperative contemporary management technique. This is because it will help the Benchmark System Company achieve its critical success factors. References Blocher, E., Stout, D., Cockins, G. (2010). Cost management; A strategic Emphasis. New York: McGraw Hill Companies. Drucker, P. (2008). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices. New York: Taylor and Fransis. Griffin, R. (2010). Fundamentals of Management. New York: Cangage. Hackes, C. (2008). Top Quality Mangement: The Key to Business Improvement. North Carlifornia: Springer. Hazlett, M., McAdam, R. (2010). Business Improvement: Intergrating Quality, Inovation and Knowledge. New York: Routledge. Kerzner, H. (2010). Project Management. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. The Frame Group Limited. (2008). Business Process Improvement. The Business Process Improvemnt Workbook , 23 (18), 58-67. Tidd, J., Bessant, J., Pavitt, K. (2009). Continuous Improvement: Specific Techniques. Managing Inovations , 1 (7), 31-34.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Ol Essays - Learning
Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Ol Essays - Learning Social-Emotional Development In A Child Of 4Yrs Old Chapter 2- Social - Emotional Development The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation. Ray L. Wilbur The typical four year old has a very good sense of humor. They love being silly and love to tell jokes that make others laugh. While observing Michael and the class having breakfast in the cafeteria, Michael and two of his friends were telling jokes. Boy 1: Knock! Knock! Michael: Whos there? Boy 1: Knock! Knock! Boy 2: He said whos there? Boy 1: Pizza. Michael: Pizza? Boy 1: Yeah I said pizza. Michael: Pizza who? Boy 1: Hmmm (pauses for a moment) I forgot. Boy 1, Boy 2, and Michael begin to laugh hysterically at one another. They are laughing so hard that other children around them begin to laugh as well. There are many different meanings for the term social development, but the one thing that is for sure is that it is a long and ongoing process This process begins in early childhood with self discovery and results in the ability to interact with others. During the social - emotional development of a four year old child, they are still continuing to learn about themselves. Their sense of identity includes knowledge that they are a boy or girl (gender) and a member of a particular family, racial, religious or ethnic group (Mitchell and David, 1992). However, their sense of self is unstable. Preschoolers are aware of how people feel about them. They want to please adults in their lives and look for approval and praise. Preschoolers are also developing new social skills. Friendships often have a momentary quality, although some friendships may be quite stable, especially if children have known each other for a long time (Pica, 1997). Play and social development go hand and hand. Play offers many opportunities to be with other children and to share, take turns, disagree, and compromise (Mitchell and Davis, 1992). Children enjoy each others company. While at play, they are increasing their self awareness, and are becoming more involved in cooperative play. Emotionally, children develop greater self awareness, characteristics, and actions. They are also able to predict the emotions of others. According to Huffnung (1997) children will develop empathy or the ability to appreciate the feeling of others and understand their point of view. If one child begins an activity, it is likely that his friends will want to follow along. Michael was sitting at the table in the cafeteria eating breakfast and he kept dropping his napkin on the floor because he knew that the college student would pick it up for him. Two other boys that were sitting with him saw what was going on and they started to drop their napkin on the floor also. This continued for a few moments until the college student yelled at the boys. She then began to ignore their behavior and eventually they stopped. Michael likes to play in a group with his friends. Michael, another boy and a college student were playing in the block area. They had a handful of different bugs and the college student suggested that they build a house for the bugs to live in. Michael and the boy went to get long blocks to start building the house. Michael: We need long blocks to build the house. Boy: Ok I will get them. Michael: Hey look! This can be a sliding door. Boy: We need to take the bugs out. Michael: Go over there and get those long ones so we can put them on top. A girl runs over from the snack table and sits down next to Michael. She grabs a bug and pretends to make it hop from one level to the next. Michael: Hey! What are you doing? Stop that were not done here! Boy: Yeah you cant do that. We need to build a house for the bugs to live in. Girl: Can I build with you? Michael: No! Girls cant build houses for bugs. No! College Student: Just because she is a girl Michael doesnt mean she cant play with you and help you make a house. Girl: Well hes not my friend anymore. Michael and his friend continue to build the house and do not pay attention to what the college student had said. The girl however did not get upset and she started building a house in a different area. Where she was building her house, Michael had an idea to build a road for the bugs to hop across. The road that they built connected the two houses together so that everyone could play. When
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Employment Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Employment Discrimination - Essay Example The argument put forward by this commission on behalf of the employee was that the medical disorder she suffered from was classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) around January of 2013. This, therefore, provided a basis for valid suing and demand for compensation to the affected person. A close examination of how Cody ââ¬â the employee was sacked it truly appears to have violated the Americans with Disabilities Act since after she suffered seizures the company required her to go for medical clearance that she complied. The doctors cleared her and found she would still perform her duties effectively but only under a few restrictions. This should have convinced the organization to let her continue with her job and observe the restrictions provided for in the doctor's report. The organization, however, gave her an unpaid leave and went ahead to sack her. The argument of EEOC was in accordance to title 7 if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was amended in 2009 to include the recovery of compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional violation of Title 7, Americans with Disabilities and Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act (EEOC, np). In my opinion, after a close analysis of the case, I think the sacking was intentional. This decision is derived from the fact that the organization already had the medical report of the employee before she was relieved of her duties.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Organizational Life-Cycles and Management Styles Research Proposal
Organizational Life-Cycles and Management Styles - Research Proposal Example Planning is very important since this will be the start off of a certain project. Without planning, the project may cause delays and eventually will reach the goal which is envisioned by the company. Having an activity or an event, planning is always needed. This plan will be the record of the goals and objectives the company wanted to achieve. In this way, there will be a check and balance if the projects were pursued or were it done.It is a process. Planning comes with organizing, directing people, who will be involved heavily in projects and ensure that there are changes, impacts happened through the course of implementation through monitoring.According to Reh (2006), managing people has never been easy especially when there are big numbers of the staff involved. But once the plan is done properly, in sync with organizing, directing and monitoring, then this will not be a heavy load after all. Later, it will be realized that the challenging project is rewarding once it came out su ccessfully.In brief, Mills (2005) stated that ââ¬Å"leadership is about a vision of the future and the ability to boost others to pursue it while management is about getting results and if it has done effectively and efficiently it will be a successâ⬠.A good leader should have qualities that can meet the standards of the people as well as the company. Some of these are a passion for the work. Enjoying what he is doing and do not care with the compensation. A good leader should also be decisive. In handling matters inside the company, the people seek this kind of leader. Other qualities are conviction, integrity, adaptability, emotional toughness, emotional resonance, self-knowledge, and humility.
The U.S. government reaction to the Enron Scandal Research Paper
The U.S. government reaction to the Enron Scandal - Research Paper Example This paper focuses on response made by the government as a result of Enron scandal. The chaos caused economic losses to it stockholders and people have lost trust to the financial community. It has rendered the Code of Conduct and Ethics an insubstantial piece of covenant that could be disobeyed by seniors when they chose to do so. This paper used published literatures and materials in order to review governmentââ¬â¢s reaction on the said scandal so that risks of same incident are apprehended. An aftermath of the investigation showed perpetrators of the crime were persecuted, and the creation of a legislative Act that offered strict regulations and changes on the financial reporting. Enron was the 7th biggest corporation in the United States in 2001. It was founded in1985 and was involved in electricity, natural gas, communications and paper companies. The collapse of Enron in 2001 created ripple effects to its investors, its creditors, banks, employees, and the government. It has shattered the confidence of people to the financial markets and brought financial losses to its stakeholders, unemployment, and closure of two giant corporations, the Enron, and Arthur Anderson (AA). AA was also one of the largest accountancy and auditing firms in the world, and was the auditing firm of Enron. A long period of time has passed since then, and it is the duty of the government to take action on this big financial mess. Focus of this paper is to know what have been the reactions of the U.S. government toward this. Methodology Qualitative research using secondary sources of information, published articles, and journals will be used to establish information required. Knowing what the government has done to give justice to the people who lost money and employment will rebuild its trust to the financial system. Background Enron was the 7th biggest corporation in the United States in 2001. It was founded in1985 and was involved in electricity, natural gas, communications an d paper companies, but was better known for its matchless style of business operation of futures trading of gas and electricity and creation of new unusual markets of commodities as broadcast time for advertisers, internet bandwidth, and weather futures. From a $9 billion revenue in 1995, its annual revenues rose to over $100 billion in 2001. So, the world was shocked to find out that it has filed for bankruptcy in the mid -2001. What was unknown to the public before the bankruptcy was that Enronââ¬â¢s reported financial condition was covered with systematic, organized and planned activities to cover up the losses of Enron. The drop of Enronââ¬â¢s stock price from $90 per share in the mid-2000 to less than $1 per share at the end of 2001 caused 11 billion dollars of losses to shareholders (Yuhao Li, 2010). Findings and discussions a. Violations of Ethical Practices Causes of bankruptcy in Enron is a tangled web of unethical practices committed by the Auditor, senior management , laxity of government rules, investment houses, banks and board of directors, stock analysts who kept on pushing Enronââ¬â¢s stocks and media frenzy.(Tesfatsion, L. 2011) Causes of bankruptcy is also deeply seated on breaking the rules of The Code of Conduct and Ethics wherein truthfulness was not followed by management by not announcing the true health of the company and conflict of interest. There was conflict of interest between the role of Andersen as Auditor and as a Consultant for Enron. The report of accounting irregularities on reports of Enron, and the admission of AAââ¬â¢s employees tearing of documents and evidences related to Enronââ¬â¢s involvement had totally eroded AAââ¬â¢s reputation and the quality of his audits on the Accountancy field were put to doubt by his clients. As an Auditor and Consultant of Enron, AA has the duty to inform the shareholders the correct information as the report influences economic benefits for its shareholders. But in this ins tance, Anderson chose to betray the stockholders for his best
Who are the decision makers in the European Union Essay
Who are the decision makers in the European Union - Essay Example The spirit behind formation of the trading block was that countries with high trade interdependence had higher chances of being peaceful. The goal was to establish peace, stability and prosperity among member countries for improved living standards (Europa, 2013). Since its formation, the trade block has undergone significant changes from an economic trade block to a political organization overseeing policy issues affecting economic, political and environmental issues in the region and beyond. Some of the noticeable transformations the EU has undergone include change from European Economic Community to European Union - EU in 1993. Currently, the membership has increased to 27 members drawn from the Euro zone. Most significant of all these changes is the level of development in decision making in matters pertinent to the region and global trade. Decision making has been strengthened by strict adherence to the rule of law, Constitution for Europe, treaties and establishment of strong d ecision making institutions. Some of the key decision making institutions within the EU are; The European Commission, The European Parliament, European Central Bank (ECB), European Council, The Council of European Union, Presidency of EU council among other bodies (Europa, 2013). Mungersdorff (2009) noted that the co-decision procedure is often a rule other than an exception where the European Commission, the European Parliament, The Council of EU and ECB are key decision making institutions of the EU. This paper primarily focus the main decision making organs of the EU and the politics behind that tend to strengthen the trade block in its quest to achieve its vision and mission. The analysis covers the country and regional levels of influence in the decision making process. Subsequent sections of this paper discuss the decision makers in economic, political, social, environmental and arbitration issues affecting the trade block. Decision making in EU is spread across several bodies mandated to oversee specialized functions and operations in harmionising and facilitating operations in the worldââ¬â¢s most effective trading block. The paper operates each of the EU bodies mandated to oversee trade, legal, political, justice among other aspects in the trading block and how these bodies work alongside others to support EU in all its functions. Objectives of the European Union The main objectives of the European Union are ââ¬Å"to promote peace, the Unionââ¬â¢s values and well-being of its peoples (Europa, 2013).â⬠They are explained in detailed in Article 1 ââ¬â 3 of the Constitutional Treaty, which outlines both the internal and external objectives of the Union. Decision Making Institutions in EU The Constitutional Treaty of the EU provides a multi-level decision making process where different institutions are involved. Actors in these organizations are drawn from the region as well as from persons from member countries. The decision making struct ures exhibit a high level of interdependence where intra and cross-institutional alliances, as opposed to long-term coalitions is pronounced (Cini and Borragan, 2010; Mongersdorff, 2009; Thomson, Boerefijn and Stokman, 2004). Key decision making EU bodies include; The European Commission, The European Parliament, The European Council, European Central Bank (ECB), European Investment Bank, Council of European Union, EU Court of Justice and the EU presidency. The institutions work closely with other bodies and organizations of the EU including the European Ombudsman, European Court of Auditors, European External Action Service, European Economic and Social Committee,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International monetary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International monetary - Essay Example There is a relationship between real exchange rate and balance of payment crisis. The exchange rate is one of the variables for the BOP crisis (Berg & International Monetary Fund, 1999). The government handles the BOP crises situations by taking up various measures. This paper will discuss the degree of relationship between the measures. The crisis situation in a countryââ¬â¢s BOP occurs when it moves beyond the control of the government to remove the current accountââ¬â¢s deficit. The crisis situation would lead to deficit in foreign exchange reserves too. Considering these adverse impacts of the BOP crisis, the objective of this paper has been selected that will comprehensively discuss the measures taken up by the government for dealing with the adverse conditions. Nature of the Exchange Rate The exchange rate acts just as the demand and supply of currency in an international market that in turn affects the BOP. There will be minimum effect when a currency of a domestic count ryââ¬â¢s demand and supply is equivalent. This is represented below in figure1 (Pereira, 1998). Figure 1: Interaction of demand and supply with respect to foreign currency and unit prices (Pereira, 1998). The demanded and supplied foreign currencies are exhibited in X-axis, in a specific period. The unitary prices / exchange rates are illustrated in Y-axis for the foreign currencies that are in national currency. At point 4, the demand and supply meet and the exchange rate is maintained. There is less volatility in the exchange rate and it does not develop BOP crisis (Pereira, 1998). If it is now considered that the demand is constant and the supply of the currency has declined, then the rate of exchange declines and there are difficulties in the BOP management. This might lead to BOP crisis if it lasts for long period of time. This is illustrated below in figure 2 (Pereira, 1998). Figure 2: Interaction of demand and supply with respect to foreign currency and unit prices with sh ift in supply curve (Pereira, 1998). The supply has been declined when the demand became constant. The curve SS moves to Sâ⬠Sâ⬠. Thus, the exchange rate declines from point 4 to 3. The effect is viewed in the BOP where there are chances of deficits and crisis might be present. The demand and supply of the currency determines the exchange rate fluctuation and its effects are seen in the BOP. The BOP crises are generated with continuous decline in the exchange rate of the domestic country (Pereira, 1998). There are three alternative assumptions of BOP that are discussed here. These theories are known as ââ¬Ëabsorptionââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëelasticityââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëmonetary approachesââ¬â¢ (Ardalan, 2003). Elasticity Approach In this approach the impact of devaluation of the exchange rate on domestic output is believed to be met by distinction in output and employment rather than prices, with the consequences of variations in the level of output is viewed on the balance of payments. The association connecting the balance of payments and supply of money, and linking the supply of money and the cumulative demand are ignored. This is through the assumption of existence of unemployed resources and Keynesian scepticism concerning the influence of money (Ardalan, 2003). According to the Mundell-Fleming Model of elasticity approach to the BOP, there are two effects: (1) The exchange rate outcome contributes to a
Page 50 51 and Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Page 50 51 and - Assignment Example Sketching an outline for a thesis is a good exercise for developing writing abilities. Check if each topic sentence clearly supports the thesis. Consider changing the organization if topic sentences and paragraphs are not connected to one another. Consider also changing the thesis if writing about the topic reveals something new. Change the essay, redraft change thesis and topic sentences. Be open to changing the essay if it doesnââ¬â¢t work out. Nothing is permanent when it comes to writing. Changes can happen as we collect information and develop arguments, paragraphs. Paragraph development. Beginning writers have weakness in developing paragraphs, so must practice in developing them by using topic sentence and information to support topic sentences. Each paragraph must support the topic sentence in different ways- explain, define, give examples, any way to support the topic sentence. Give sufficient information and evidence to support the topic sentence. Make information, clear and specific. Another example of fully developed paragraph. Used many examples to support the topic sentence. More convincing because of stories and examples that prove that Jesse James is a Robin Hood kind of outlaw. They all say something about the topic sentence- connection, unity is clear. Give more evidence to develop the paragraph. Give information that is connected to the topic sentence. Again, think of unity and coherence for each paragraph. Check each paragraph for unclear ideas or sentences that are not connected to the topic
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Who are the decision makers in the European Union Essay
Who are the decision makers in the European Union - Essay Example The spirit behind formation of the trading block was that countries with high trade interdependence had higher chances of being peaceful. The goal was to establish peace, stability and prosperity among member countries for improved living standards (Europa, 2013). Since its formation, the trade block has undergone significant changes from an economic trade block to a political organization overseeing policy issues affecting economic, political and environmental issues in the region and beyond. Some of the noticeable transformations the EU has undergone include change from European Economic Community to European Union - EU in 1993. Currently, the membership has increased to 27 members drawn from the Euro zone. Most significant of all these changes is the level of development in decision making in matters pertinent to the region and global trade. Decision making has been strengthened by strict adherence to the rule of law, Constitution for Europe, treaties and establishment of strong d ecision making institutions. Some of the key decision making institutions within the EU are; The European Commission, The European Parliament, European Central Bank (ECB), European Council, The Council of European Union, Presidency of EU council among other bodies (Europa, 2013). Mungersdorff (2009) noted that the co-decision procedure is often a rule other than an exception where the European Commission, the European Parliament, The Council of EU and ECB are key decision making institutions of the EU. This paper primarily focus the main decision making organs of the EU and the politics behind that tend to strengthen the trade block in its quest to achieve its vision and mission. The analysis covers the country and regional levels of influence in the decision making process. Subsequent sections of this paper discuss the decision makers in economic, political, social, environmental and arbitration issues affecting the trade block. Decision making in EU is spread across several bodies mandated to oversee specialized functions and operations in harmionising and facilitating operations in the worldââ¬â¢s most effective trading block. The paper operates each of the EU bodies mandated to oversee trade, legal, political, justice among other aspects in the trading block and how these bodies work alongside others to support EU in all its functions. Objectives of the European Union The main objectives of the European Union are ââ¬Å"to promote peace, the Unionââ¬â¢s values and well-being of its peoples (Europa, 2013).â⬠They are explained in detailed in Article 1 ââ¬â 3 of the Constitutional Treaty, which outlines both the internal and external objectives of the Union. Decision Making Institutions in EU The Constitutional Treaty of the EU provides a multi-level decision making process where different institutions are involved. Actors in these organizations are drawn from the region as well as from persons from member countries. The decision making struct ures exhibit a high level of interdependence where intra and cross-institutional alliances, as opposed to long-term coalitions is pronounced (Cini and Borragan, 2010; Mongersdorff, 2009; Thomson, Boerefijn and Stokman, 2004). Key decision making EU bodies include; The European Commission, The European Parliament, The European Council, European Central Bank (ECB), European Investment Bank, Council of European Union, EU Court of Justice and the EU presidency. The institutions work closely with other bodies and organizations of the EU including the European Ombudsman, European Court of Auditors, European External Action Service, European Economic and Social Committee,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Page 50 51 and Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Page 50 51 and - Assignment Example Sketching an outline for a thesis is a good exercise for developing writing abilities. Check if each topic sentence clearly supports the thesis. Consider changing the organization if topic sentences and paragraphs are not connected to one another. Consider also changing the thesis if writing about the topic reveals something new. Change the essay, redraft change thesis and topic sentences. Be open to changing the essay if it doesnââ¬â¢t work out. Nothing is permanent when it comes to writing. Changes can happen as we collect information and develop arguments, paragraphs. Paragraph development. Beginning writers have weakness in developing paragraphs, so must practice in developing them by using topic sentence and information to support topic sentences. Each paragraph must support the topic sentence in different ways- explain, define, give examples, any way to support the topic sentence. Give sufficient information and evidence to support the topic sentence. Make information, clear and specific. Another example of fully developed paragraph. Used many examples to support the topic sentence. More convincing because of stories and examples that prove that Jesse James is a Robin Hood kind of outlaw. They all say something about the topic sentence- connection, unity is clear. Give more evidence to develop the paragraph. Give information that is connected to the topic sentence. Again, think of unity and coherence for each paragraph. Check each paragraph for unclear ideas or sentences that are not connected to the topic
Eastern Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Eastern Philosophy Essay Eastern philosophy is the philosophies of the eastern continents. Many postmodern philosophers believe the only variant of Eastern and Western philosophy is that of Geographicââ¬â¢s however some scholars will disagree that it is not geographical but of natural language and investigated thinking. Eastern philosophy touches base with three traditions ââ¬âIndian, Chinese and Persian philosophyââ¬âwhich are just as different from each other as they are from Western philosophy. Eastern religions have not spent as much time as western philosopher questioning the nature of God and his role in the creation of mankind. More recently philosophical schools are teaching both religious and philosophical concepts. East Asian Philosophy includes Confucianism, which is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia[1], Taoism which refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions that have influenced Eastern Asia[2], Shinto which is the indigenous religion of Japan[3], Legalism which was one of the main philosophic currents during the Warring States Period[4], and Maoism, which is officially known as Mao Zedong Thought[5]. Indian philosophies were several traditions which included but limited to, Hindu philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, Sikh philosophy, Jainism and Carvaka (atheist school of thought with ancient roots in India). Indian philosophers live life by a philosophical custom. They believe this is the righteous way to best live their lives. Whether Indian schools believe in god or not, they all share the same perception of the truth through logical practices. West Asian Philosophies include to Babylonian philosophy, Iranian philosophy, Zoroastrianism, Islamic philosophy, and Sufi philosophy, however they can also be referred to as western philosophies. Babylonian philosophy dates back to the Mesopotamian era which demonstrated certain philosophies of life, in the forms of dialectic, dialogs, epic poetry, folklore, hymns, lyrics, prose, and proverbs. [6] Iranian Philosophy is the same as Persian philosophy and is said to date back to the beginning of the science of philosophy. Zoroastrianism was philosophy influenced Indo-Iranian Philosophy. Islamic philosophy is summed up as the philosophical harmonization of Sufi philosophy reason and faith. Sufi philosophy involves a school of thought, in the form of manuals, dictations, poetry, and other written works as a means of thinking and meditation. In conclusion, Eastern philosophy is more about, the scientific aspect of philosophy without questioning the practically of it. All cultures involved have lived their lives by means of experience and by doing so they have gotten the best out of their lives. Even in religious culture, they do not question the beliefs but rather embrace them without fear of judgment and ridicule from others. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Postmodernist http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eastern_philosophy#Classification [1] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Confucianism [2] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Taoism [3] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Shinto [4] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Legalism_(Chinese_philosophy) [5] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Maoism [6] http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eastern_philosophy.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Example Essay On Developing Communication Skills In Nursing Essay
Example Essay On Developing Communication Skills In Nursing Essay Nurses largely affect society in the health care system by helping, supporting and caring for an individual, a whole family or even an entire community. While in the medical surroundings, the nurse becomes the primary contact for the patient in care and spends a lot of time with them. Before approaching a nursing care situation a nurse needs to clear all judgments and respect every individual, as there are many different religions, morals and personal beliefs in the world today. Therefore nurses need to develop the ability of quality communication skills which helps to create great interpersonal relationship skills in nursing. Communication and interviewing are both skills needed to develop interpersonal relationships within the nursing environment. Communication skills are the first skills noticed in a person. Effective communication skills are crucial for nurses. When first greeting a patient or person the individual level of communication is most evident. Communication has two main elements, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is the use of languages, words, sounds and letters and non-verbal communication is that which is only seen, such as body language, gestures and other signs of the human body (Eunson 2008: 260). While in a hospital-like environment, all aspects of communication skills are needed because of the variety of people you need to communicate with. The use of rich vocabulary is important in educating and informing patients although the nurse needs to make sure the patient understands the information given (Dallas Sully 2005: 50). Listening is also a very important communication skill needed in nursing. Nurses need to have the ability to actively listen to doctors and patients needs to give quality care. Through listening, nurses put aside their own perceptions and demonstrate acceptance and respect for those they are listening to (Dallas Sully 2005: 50). An effective way to demonstrate active listening is to be aware of the body language used. By not using eye contact, fidgeting and doing other tasks which distract the nurse while with the patient may decrease effective communication. Another important communication skill is the ability to accurately record written information. This is a very important skill as without clear concise notes recording the patients vital signs, the quality and consistency of care may be at risk. These notes are a form of communication given to the doctor to assist in determining the patients diagnosis and continuing care. Without effective communication, the interviewing process may be dramatically affected. The foundation of an interpersonal relationship is in the interviewing and assessment process. Interviewing is the first very important process in a nursing care plan. This process is when the nurse interviews the patient to determine details of their current health, history and personal needs and ways in which the nurse can meet the patients needs (Crisp Taylor 2009: 262). Before conducting an interview, multiple things must be considered such as the people present, the environment and how much time is available to the nurse. Interviewing can be very invasive for a patient; this is why we need to consider their privacy in the hospital and around family. The environment surrounding the patient can also limit the information you will get from the patient in the interviewing process and inhibit a comfortable and trusting nurse-client relationship (Dallas Sully 2005: 80). Interviewing skills involve the use of other communication skills including questioning skills, explanation skills and also the ability to communicate with relatives of the patient (Dallas Sully 2005: 75). There are multiple ways in which a question can be asked. A nurse must have the ability to determine how questions should be asked depending on the topic, circumstance and environment. If a question that is asked needs an elaborate answer an open question may be used, this allows the patient to answer with full detail which can lead to other answers required for the nursing assessment (Crisp Taylor 2009: 263). Closed questions are used in a variety of situations; they allow an answer to be given specifically and limit explanation (Crisp Taylor 2009: 263). After asking a question it is sometimes necessary to clarify with the patient the answer they have given, this is the use of explanation and paraphrasing skills (Dallas Sully 2005: 49,79). Explanation and paraphrasing skills are also important to give information to the doctor, patient and relatives. The interviewing process enables the beginning of a nurse-client interpersonal relationship. Therapeutic relationships with patients are essential in nursing. Communication skills and the interaction level which is given to the patient ultimately influences the comfort and trust levels which the patient will feel, this then has effect on the interpersonal relationship (Chitty 2005: 491). Interpersonal relationships in nursing have three phases; establishing the relationship, building the relationship and the ending of the relationship (Stein-Parbury 2009: 42-48). Establishing the relationship is the initial interaction between the nurse and client, and is when trust and comfort are introduced (Stein-Parbury 2009: 42-45). Building the relationship is when the nurse and patient have an understanding of each other and the expectations of care (control and power) (Stein-Parbury 2009: 46,47). Ending the relationship happens for a number of reasons for example the patient recovers, the nurse moves placement area or the death of the patient. This stage can be emotional for both the nurse and patient. The use of effective communication must be used throughout the interpersonal relationship to establish appropriate knowledge that a nurse has. Interpersonal relationships are important in the nursing environment as it enables the most possible quality care to the patient. A nurse-patient relationship enables the patient to be comfortable and allow maximum recovery while in care. A good interpersonal relationship with a patient can also develop into relationships between the nurse and the patients family. This helps in assisting the family with information needed and assists to comfort the patients family that their family member is being cared for at the highest standard, as expected. The relationship also establishes a good nursing rapport which gives the nurse confidence and also helps with future interpersonal relationships. A reflection piece on nursing skills exercised is an excellent way to help develop and maintain great quality skills that help the nurses care to patients. This reflection piece is on my interviewing process with a role played 49 year old woman with a two pack-a-day smoking habit for 35 years who has bronchitis. As this was the first time I had used the communication, interviewing and assessment skills that I had learnt I felt a little nervous and not confident to begin with. Many things were good with my overall interviewing process for example my verbal and non-verbal communication skills. I felt I was very conscious of my body language ensuring I was actively listening at all times. I also used the reviewing and paraphrasing skills to confirm I understood correctly what the patient was informing me of. This then also reassured the patient I was listening. I feel that it took a while for me to feel comfortable and confident in my communication skills therefore the patient didnt seem comfortable with me until half way through the interview. If I couldve been more confident in the beginning the patient may have felt more comfortable and trusting of me, this wouldve also helped our further interpersonal relationship. Another skill which needs more work is my questioning skills, being conscious of what questions need to be open or closed. With more practice I think I will feel more comfortable and confident in myself, which will then help to bring out my communication skills to full potential. This will help me in the future with interviewing process and help me develop into a high quality nurse. Nursing has many crucial elements which are necessary to ensure a good quality of care. The nursing process is developed to encourage individualised care; this then achieves meeting all patient needs in and out of the hospital setting. Effective communication skills include the use of verbal and non verbal language, vocabulary, listening and written record taking skills. The nursing interview and assessment process is a part of the nursing care plan which is a crucial process to enable a nurse to assess a patient to full potential. These both help to develop a therapeutic interpersonal relationship which is increasingly important for both the patient and their family. The relationship allows a patient to trust and feel comfortable with the people surrounding them while being cared for. These important nursing skills enable the highest quality of care for all patients in the nursing environment. Words: 1424
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