Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Language Teaching and Translation
LANGUAGE TEACHING AND TRANSLATION The use of translation as an inherent part of FLT was prevalent until early in the present century. The Grammar-Translation method, dominant during the first half of the century, stressed translation and grammatical analysis, and put greater emphasis on accuracy than on fluency, preferring academic erudition to communicative competence (Titone& Danesi 1985).At the turn of the century, the Grammar-Translation method gradually gave way to the Direct Method (more characteristic of ELT in Europe than in America (Rivers 1991)), which advocated maximum exposure to the target language, with no recourse either to L1 or to translation. During this period, ââ¬Å"Translation used to be regarded as a necessary evilâ⬠(Levenston 1985a). The Direct Method made its way very prominently into the field of ELT in the east during the British Mandate (Bamberger 1958).The American behaviorist school (Skinner 1938; Watson 1913) of language teaching ushered in the Au dio-lingual Method, which concentrated on patterns and structure with an emphasis on drill and technique. The product, not the process, was important; there was to be minimal explanation of rules and no recourse to translation (Larsen-Free-man 1962). The reaction to the audio-lingual method, grounded in the Chomskian Revolution, was the Communicative Approach (Ministry of Education 1988; Savignon 1987).Communicative competence ââ¬Å"has come to be used in language teaching contexts to refer to the ability to negotiate meaning, to successfully combine a knowledge of linguistic and sociolinguistic rules in communicative interactionsâ⬠(Savignon 1987: 16). At the same time, the advance of cognitive psychology, which was also influenced by the Chomskian revolution, made an impact on ELT (Titone & Danesi 1985). The findings of cognitive psychology indicated that ââ¬Å"deductive, or rule-based, strategies play a prominent role in language learning.Deductive teaching methods are ther efore based on the learning principles of cognitive psychology and its linguistic counterpart, transformationalism, and are generally known as cognitive-code proceduresâ⬠(Titone & Danesi 1985: 110). ââ¬Å"The role of the teacher is to recognize the importance of mental activity in learningâ⬠(Chastain 1971:92). Teachers of FLT were now called upon to address the problems of consciousness raising. (Bialystok 1986, 1988; Carrel 1989; Castillo 1991; Cohen 1986; Gerloff 1986; Hosenfeld 1978; Kern 1989; Rivers 1991; Rubin 1975; Templeton 1989; Thomas 1988; Vieira 1991; Wenden & Rubin 1987).It came to be realized that the study of translation skills might have value as a means of raising the learner's linguistic awareness with regard to his or her native as well as to the foreign language (Boersch 1986; Carton 1966, cited by Rubin 1986; Faerch ; Kasper 1986; Hosenfeld 1978; Lehmann 1986; Levenston 1985b; Loerscher 1986; Ministry of Education 1990; Naiman 1978, quoted by Levens ton 1985a; Rosenblith, stated in Ackerman 1992; Sharwood Smith 1981; Titford 1983).The contrastive analysis of the two languages, L1 and L2, which accompanies the translation process, is presumed to heighten the learner's metalinguistic awareness of both languages and to facilitate their perception as abstract language systems.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Advertising Effects On Young People Essay
Advertising on American youth has changed somewhat in the last ten years. Todayââ¬â¢s youth, mostly between the ages of 15-18, see an advertisement on television, or the internet and they want to try it , have it, or even steal for it because they desire it. Take alcohol advertisements for instance. Alcohol advertisements are more complex and appealing to todayââ¬â¢s youth than they were ten years ago. The effect of these alcohol related advertisements, cause our youth to try just a little sip or worse drink to many. Because our youth today donââ¬â¢t understand the effect of alcohol on them, they get behind the wheel of a vehicle and either cause an accident where they hurt or kill themselves or they hurt or kill someone else. Alcohol advertisements were not as appealing ten years ago as they are today. Really all you would see were a few beer advertisements and the ââ¬Å"Drink Responsiblyâ⬠at the end of it. Honestly, who really drinks responsibly these days? I donââ¬â¢t believe that our American youth does or there would not be that many drunk driving accidents involving our youth. As far as technology advertisements, they are just as bad. The effects of these advertisements are a hundred times worse on todayââ¬â¢s youth than they were ten years ago. Therefore, the effects of advertising on todayââ¬â¢s young population has increased the potential for success, however there is still non-targeted advertisement that reaches out to todayââ¬â¢s American youth in a potentially negative perspective. Television is the dominant way to advertise to American youth because that is what our youth spends most of their time doing. By searching online for evidence that could support this, I found these statistics from ââ¬Å"Ages 15-24 spend 43% of their time watching television. Young people particularly like commercial television, which accounts for 76% of ages 16-34. Commercial television reaches 62% of the 16-34 population every day, 89% every week, and 97% every month. Of ages 5-16, 45% talk about their favorite television program with friends and family. Of ages 5-16, 34% say they regularly visit their favorite television website or Facebook page. 10% of ages 5-16, watch television on their laptops or computers in their roomsâ⬠(à ising/#2). These statistics can somewhat show that the youth today spends more time watching television and playing on their computers than they do outside. Furthermore, television has become a powerful piece of technology for todayââ¬â¢s youth. For example, the variety of channels that is now available for our youth. For that reason, television is the main source of advertising to our youth today. Advertising today vs ten years ago can raise a lot of viewpoints among Americans today. Most people will argue that advertisements do not cause any effects on our youth, but I disagree. For instance, cigarette advertisements effect our youth in some way. Some young people choose to ignore these advertisements because they know it harms the body, while others choose to go purchase cigarettes because they think it makes them fit in more with their peers. I have seen more young people with a cigarette today than I did ten years ago. In addition to the cigarette advertisements, the alcohol advertisements raise concern with some. Alcohol advertisements tend to persuade our young people that its ok to drink as long as you drink responsibly. There is not one young person that says ââ¬Å"Ok, I will only have a couple of drinksâ⬠. Young people tend to do what they think will make them more acceptable in todayââ¬â¢s society. To me, this is unacceptable behavior. In a similar fashion, Violence has taken over our youth today. The video games that most young people play portray violence in a very bad way. Some gangs or ââ¬Å"clicksâ⬠use this type of violence as an initiation for young people to join. I have seen more teen tragedies in todayââ¬â¢s news due to this type of violence than the last ten years. There is teen kidnappings, violent injuries and even murders. Most of the time, it is teen on teen violence because they think its ok because they see it on television or even the internet. It is ridiculous on how much violence has happen with todayââ¬â¢s youth. I believe it is because of all the advertisements that portray violence has an ok thing. For example, video games are the main source of violence in todayââ¬â¢s youth. My opinion on this type of advertising is one of the causes of most of our youthââ¬â¢s accidents, tragedies, and even deaths. Todayââ¬â¢s advertising has more effect on our youth than it did ten year s ago. In conclusion, advertising on American youth has caused tragedies and even death. Young people today really donââ¬â¢t have enough common sense to know that if it looks, taste, or smells bad, that it probably is and that they should not partake in it. Our young people today seem to think that if they partake in things that could hurt them then it makes them fit in more with their peers. To clarify, ââ¬Å"If you can drink this or smoke this or even try this, then you can be part of this ââ¬Å"clickâ⬠. It sickens me to know that even our youth today has effects on other young people. Parents should monitor more of what their child is doing, what they are watching and what kind of people their child is friends with. In another sense, parents could prevent tragedies or even death from occurring. Yes, advertising in some way has increased the potential for success in American youth; however it still has potentially negative perspectives on American youth today. By parents monitoring what their child is watching, what their child is doing, and what kind of people their child is friends with can potentially decrease the amount of smoking, drinking, and violence that our young people partake in today. There is always positive potential for our American youth. We just have to monitor more of what they watch and make sure that they know right from wrong. THESIS AND OUTLINE The effects of advertising on todayââ¬â¢s young population has increased the potential for success, however there is still non-targeted advertisements that reaches out to todayââ¬â¢s American youth in a potentially negative perspective. I. Introduction Paragraph A. The relation between advertising today verses ten years ago. B. The effects on American youth today verses ten years ago. C. Thesis Statement II. Body Paragraph A. Topic Sentence on the focus of the paragraph B. Specific examples of the effects of advertising on todayââ¬â¢s youth. C. My explanation and analysis of my examples. D. Summary Sentence III. Body Paragraph A. Topic Sentence that identifies opposing viewpoints. B. My explanation on why I disagree C. Examples of why I disagree D. Summary Sentence IV. Conclusion Paragraph A. Summary of my body paragraphs B. Thesis statement reiterated C. My final thoughts or call for action
Monday, July 29, 2019
Green Buildings Improve Occupants Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Green Buildings Improve Occupants Health - Essay Example Construction of a green building is exceptionally costly as opposed to construction of a regular building. Before an individual is able to construct a green building he must consolidate a lot of money (Coussens, Pp 43). Individuals may save money from less energy consumption, but before this, they need to pay handsomely. Construction of green buildings is dreadfully expensive because eco-friendly materials used in building is not available in many regions. These materials have to be imported from other parts, thus increasing construction cost. There is a lot of indoor pollution in green building because these buildings are heavily sealed, hence ventilation is not enough. This worsens if the builder uses materials that emittoxic substances as it may result to health problems to the occupant. Green buildings are built in a manner that ensures maximum utilization of light. This results in construction of the buildings in the opposite direction to the neighborhood buildings, thus causing problems with the neighbors. Green buildings may take a long time before they are completed and this may put the home owners in difficult situations. The home owners are in difficult situations because some of them want the building to be completed at a specific time (Coussens, Pp 54). Green houses may take long before they are completed because materials are scarce and they have to be shipped from other countries. Another cause of delay is unavailable recycled materials that are supposed to be used in construction. It is difficult to install air cooling features that are self regulating like natural environment.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
George Lucas THX 1138 and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Essay
George Lucas THX 1138 and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World - Essay Example Huxley's opening passage immediately draws attention to this illusion of dystopian literature as follows: A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY (Huxley 3). The "squat grey building" is symbolic of happiness and stands in sharp contrast to the World State's motto of community, identity and stability. Each component of the World State's motto can therefore be taken as subtle indicators of intense control, although initially the motto can lead to an early impression of a utopian society. Early warnings of this false impression of utopia are also found in the prominently displayed sign over the grey building: CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE. This signs draw immediate attention of state control. THX 1138 however gets directly to the measure of control in society and makes no illusions about the nature of repressed freedom in its opening scene. The film introduces THX-1138 who is seen requesting "something stronger" from his medicine cabinet (THX-1138). Population and mind control is prominently unveiled in this opening scene by the request for something stronger. This is a less subtle approach than the opening in Brave New World where the population and mind control is inferred from the sign displayed on the grey building. In both works the opening scenes introduces two different types of control designed to bring about vastly similar results: control of the population. In Brave New World the Director takes a group of students on a tour of the London Hatchery and the reader learns through this tour that the State controls reproduction by extracting and genetically fertilizing ovaries to control the numbers of human beings produced. In THX 1138, population control is commandeered by controlling sexual desire through the use of sedative drugs. The sedatives are mandatory and cannot be altered as they control sexual desire. Sexual intercourse is an offence in THX 1138 whereas sexual intercourse is encouraged in Brave New World and is of no consequence to reproduction since the State controls reproduction. Ultimately, the underlying themes in THX 1138 and Brave New World is control through mind conditioning and manipulation. Both works create communities where one on one ties are entirely discouraged and people exist in a world characterized by community relations. Individuality is entirely discouraged. Both works are heavily themed by the concept that individuality provides division and division leads to instability. In furtherance of this ideology, Brave New World focuses on a world where infants are produced in caste systems where they are conditioned to comport with their designated class and status. For instance Delta babies are conditioned to dislike books and nature through associative therapy (Astrachan 35). In this therapeutic exercise, the babies at the Hatchery are naturally inclined to craws toward picture books and flowers. However, they are quickly men by a series of terrifying sounds which instinctively lead to an intense dislike for books and nature. In THX
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Aesthetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Aesthetics - Essay Example The interchangeability and kaleidoscopic dimensions of art is a forecast of profound divergences, aspects, and opinions in every realm of existence. Art is ubiquitous â⬠¦ it is seen everywhere and is created by everyone. Karl Marx stated in so many words that the history of the world is the history of class struggle and while this may be true to a point, the history of the world may very well be the history and development of art and the body of philosophy called aesthetics. ââ¬Å"In short, the history of human experience is a history of the development of arts (Cohoon 2000).â⬠Often timeââ¬â¢s art is representative of political ideas and statements and because of these ideas and statements, art can narrowly, and at times broadly, be construed to have definition. A definition of aesthetics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the perception and quintessence of what regards artistic merit versus lack of artistic merit. Aesthetics also concerns inquiries into whether a rtistic qualities underlie objectively qualified definitions of a particular mode or character of what constitutes aesthetics. With respect to this topic, Philosophers ask many questions about whether a work of art is beautiful or ugly (i.e., ugly meaning that which cannot be considered having artistic value), and ultimately weight in a multitude of various interpretations of what a work of art represents.
Advertising Management and Brand Delivery Essay
Advertising Management and Brand Delivery - Essay Example Before criticizing statement, one has to understand the perspectives and viewpoint David Ogilvy (who has built one of the largest advertising agencies in the world) in order to address key assignment questions in precise manner (Rieck, 2013). David Ogilvy viewed advertising as the source of promoting products and helping the company to sell items which can help the firm to generate revenue. Consideration of the confession of David Ogilvy in the book named as ââ¬Å"Confessions of an Advertising Manâ⬠reveals the fact that the advertising legend was not even ready to perceive advertising as creative expression which may not have sales impact (Ogilvy, 1988). Ogilvy (1988, p. 43) wrote ââ¬Å"I tell new recruits that I will not allow them to use the word creative to describe the functions they are to perform in the agencyâ⬠in order to his ignorance towards the word creativity. According to Ogilvy (1988), one cannot afford to become creative in advertisement designing for the sake of creativity without producing measurable result because it is responsibility of the advertising firm to take care of the interest of client who is paying for designing the advertisement. Now, the question is whether David Ogilvy was right while stating ââ¬Å"If it doesnââ¬â¢t sell, it isnââ¬â¢t creativeâ⬠or it was a misconception of the advertising legend? At this point of discussion, the essay is in no position to criticize or judge the validity of the statement due to two reasons, 1- the researcher needs to conduct literature review regarding the role of creativity in advertisement in order to get idea of theoretical background of the statement and until then, any judgement will bound to face degree of subjectivity and 2- the concept of creativity is pretty much tacit in nature hence one has to define the characteristics of creativity before making any subjective judgement to statement of David Ogilvy. Therefore, in the next section, the essay will try to answe r the three questions such as, 1- what the role of creativity in advertising is, 2- how creativity can both positively and negatively affect the success of a campaign and 3- how the creative process can be supported by the elements of the creative brief and answering the three questions will help the researcher to criticize David Ogilvyââ¬â¢s statement such as ââ¬Å"If it doesnââ¬â¢t sell, it isnââ¬â¢t creativeâ⬠in non-partial and robust manner. Role of Creativity in Advertising Kawashima (2006) compared advertising campaigns in Japan, US and UK and found significant amount of differences in look, feel and style of television adverts. If advertising is paid form of communication and aim is to just promote product information to customers then why would advertisers need to experiment with form, content and layout? Well, that is a pretty interesting question and answer to the question is linked with need of creativity in advertising space. Kawashima (2006) also found t hat advertisements produced in UK have more cutting edge cutting edge creative production appeals in comparison to advertisements in emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa which can be classified as banal calls to attract customers to buy the products. Grabher (2001 and 2002) pointed out that with the increase in competition in globalized economy, marketers are seeking to put more creative quotients in advertisements in order increase brand visibility among customers as against competitors. In the literature regarding advertisement, importance of culture, geo-demographic dispositions on advertisement got greater importance as against literature regard
Friday, July 26, 2019
MEDICINAL COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MEDICINAL COURSEWORK - Essay Example It is against this background that it is necessary that third party disease fighting defenses be introduced. Through chemistry and medicine, the commonest form of third party or external disease fighting defense that has been given to the human body has been by the use of drugs or what is commonly known as medicine. Depending on the disease that a person is battling, different drugs are introduced. One typical drug that has been very keen in body disease defenses is Omeprazole, having the been useful in the treatment of a host of diseases including dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease among others (Hassan-Alin et al, 2001). With a market name of Losec, Omeprazole comes in several forms including tablets and capsules. In this essay, a very detailed chemistry analysis is made of the drug with an aim of trying to understand the medicinal value of the drug, background to the diseases that the drug treats, functionality of the drug, as well as an evaluation of how the drug performs its chemical roles in the human body. Disease Omeprazole is used to treat Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Omeprazole has been found to be suitable in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GORD or GERD (Lagerstrom and Persson, 1984). Gastro-oesophageal reflux is more of a medical condition, which involves the abnormal relaxation of the lower part of the oesophageal sphincter in such as way that easily allows the back flow or reflux of the stomachââ¬â¢s acidic content into the gullet (Andersson, 1991). It will be noted that the stomachââ¬â¢s acidic content has its special role that it plays in the stomach and has special compartments within the stomach specially designed to contain it (Hassan-Alin et l, 2000). For this reason, if the acidic content flows into undesignated places like the gullet, it causes uncomfortable reactions to patients involved. In most cases, it is the muscular ring found beneath the oesophagus that gets malfunctioning, resulting in the abnormal relaxation. Smoking and drinking, as well as heavy eating are all associated with the disease (Cederberg, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1991) and it comes with symptoms such as burning sensation in upper abdomen, sour taste of acid reflux in the mouth, excess belching and difficulty in breathing for some patients (Edvardsson, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1990). Fig. 1: A Person suffering from heartburns Source: Henderson, 2012 Peptic ulcers Peptic ulcer is a bacterial disease that involves damages to areas of the mucosa, commonly referred to as the inner lining of the stomach (Andersson et al, 1993). It would be noted that ulcers are generally wounds or open damages that affects various parts of the human body. Once such ulcers occur in the upper part of the intestine, also known as the duodenum or the mucosa of the stomach, peptic ulcer is said to have resulted. Peptic ulcers are commonly associated with the Heli cobacter pylori, which causes the ulcer in the identified spots of the stomach. As far as peptic ulcers are concerned, it is important that people know their state of risk to the disease so that they can moderate most of their intake contents including smoke, alcohol, some food and some medicine. This is because these intake contents have the potential of worsening risk of contracting the disease (Miners, Veronese and Birkett, 1994). Hitherto, it is advised that
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Clinical Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Clinical Audit - Research Paper Example Between September 20th 2010 and September 22nd 2010, 21 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 21 patients. 11 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. While 12 procedures out of 21 complied with guidelines the rest was of a diverse character such as non compliance, unavailability of guidelines and antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines. According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patie nts. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients.... According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patients. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. For example there were cases of non compliance and therefore the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis could not be determined. Between September 26th 2010 and September 28th 2010, 19 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 19 patients. 10 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. For example Teicoplanin, Gentamicin, Metronidazol were other antibiotics received by the patients. 14 procedures were complied with the guideline out of 19 procedures while the other procedures did not comply with the guidelines due to various reasons such as missing guidelines, antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines and procedures being cancelled. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients. 11 elective patients were given
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Module 2 Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Module 2 Review - Essay Example Through the internet, there has been the introduction of online trading where buyers and customers can meet and exchange. The platforms allow consumers to purchase their most preferred products, and receive home deliveries from the supplier (Delone and McLean 2003). Information systems also allow businesses and companies to advertise their products on the internet. In this way, the organizations widen their market coverage, reaching a larger portion of the market. The company thus improves its sales, and overall profitability, which results to growth of the organization. The internet plays a major role in ensuring timely deliveries and supply of products, both from the supplier and to the customers. Previously, organizations relied on post offices, where sending price lists, inquiries and other documents was tedious and time consuming. Through the internet revolutionary, these organizations have been able to optimize their just in time operations, offering faster services to the customers. Online trading and money transfer have helped boost the participation of the internet in bettering companiesââ¬â¢ market performance. Through these avenues, organizations can process their deliveries fast and reach their customers on time. The internet also offers GPS locators and maps, which help the supplier locate his or her customers easily and deliver immediately. The internet also enables organizations to order for inventory easily, and on demand periods. For this reason, organizations have little or no wastes owing to the ease of ordering products. The companies can process their orders online, choosing their preferred combinations and paying over the online platforms. Therefore, organizations do not require to make prior purchases, which are not sure sales in the highly volatile market. They can order when demand rises, whereby just on time deliveries have been made
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
1 - Assignment Example The company has been in existence since 1980. The company is well set up and its employees have an average of 8 years work experience. All of their 30 personnel have at least a college qualification. This company has their own equipments which are maintained in their site. This vendor does not respond with haste to projects but offer quality service and is averagely flexible. Upon contract agreement, they start work after 6 to 8 weeks. It employs its own equipment and can work into the night to complete the project but charge for every extra hour. In case an extra item arises a charge of 200 dollars per hour is levied with equipment if required. The company has operated from 1995. The personnel of this vendor on average have a working experience of 10 years. They have fewer employees than vendor 1, as they have 18 full time employees. All the 18 employees are as qualified as the ones for vendor 1. Just like vendor 1 they are not very quick in responding to projects. Unlike vendor 1, it is highly flexible but offer moderate quality service. It also has some of its equipment maintained in site. Upon contract agreement, they start work after 4 weeks which quicker compared to vendor 1. Vendor 2 offers a break down in its pricing and identifies what can be done in house. It can also customize and write training programs using the companyââ¬â¢ material. In case an extra item arises a charge of 180 dollars per hour is levied with equipment if required which is less than vendor 1ââ¬â¢s offer. The company has existed since 2000. Itââ¬â¢s a new firm but their personnel have an average of 5 years experience. It has 10 employees who are highly qualified compared to vendor 1 and vendor 2. They respond very fast to project and are moderately flexible. The company offers acceptable quality but not outstanding. They respond a week after an agreement is reached. They can work into the night to complete the project. In case an
Monday, July 22, 2019
Playing Hard to Get Essay Example for Free
Playing Hard to Get Essay Walster, Walster, Piliavin, Schmidt have designed a study to test the why women play hard to get when to comes to dating. This article is talks about how there are two different types of women when it comes to relationships. One type is the easy to get and hard to get. Easy to get women are girls who are either desperate for affection, who might have to many demands for their significant other, may want to get serious right away and possibly may have a disease. Whereas, the hard to get women have something about them that every guy would want to be with, she knows she is pretty and that every guy would do anything for her. A women knows in her mind, playing hard to get will make any man go through all kinds of trouble or challenges just trying to please her and hopefully making the girl like him or even falling in love with him. If a guy, can get to be with her itââ¬â¢s like winning a gold prize and gaining respect from all kinds of men because they can recognize that the girl is a hard to get girl. The experimenters tested 5 different experiments to test and see if any theories can prove about these hard to get girls. Experiment I was the dissonance theory was the first experiment was to predict to see if one had to spend a lot of energy to attain one goal because he would be unappreciative of the outcome. Experiment II was the learning theory was next to see if two advantages were attainable: exclusiveness with value and frustration that will increase drive. Experiment III was the Schachtarian theory requires two components just like the learning theory to test the person for calling it love. Both Walsters Lyons designed a field study and a laboratory experiment in to demonstrate that men prefer a date that plays hard to get. Computer matching service was conducted for women to be hired as experimenters. Precise instructions was given on how to respond when their computer match called them for a date by pausing to think for at least 3 seconds accepting the date, which would be labeled hard to get. Other times women were told to accept the date immediately, to be labeled as easy to get. The results indicated that elusiveness had no impact on the mans liking for his computer. Experiment IV was a laboratory experiment that tested the knowledge that a woman is elusive gives one indirect evidence that she is socially desirable. This indirect evidence should have the biggest impact when a man has no way of acquiring direct evidence about a coeds value or when he has little confidence in his own ability to assess value. When direct evidence is available, and the man possesses supreme confidence in his ability to make correct judgments, information about a womans elusiveness should have little impact on a mans reaction to her. Blind dates were being tested to see if this came true. Experiment V, we had decided that perhaps the hard-to-get hypothesis must be tested in a sexual setting with prostitutes that gave the men mixed drinks that will see if the hard to get hypothesis is true. Later this experiment resulted that there is two components: How hard or easy she is for him to get how hard or easy she is for other men to get. To test this, 71 male summer students at the University of Wisconsin were recruited for a dating research project. This was designed to determine whether computer matching techniques are in fact more effective than is random matching. All participants were invited to come into the dating center in order to choose a date from a set of five potential dates. When the subject arrived at the computer match office, they were handed folders containing background information on five women. Some of these women had supposedly been randomly matched with him and others had been computer matched with him but in reality, all five folders contained information about fictitious women. Experiments asked if they liked her, would you get along, first impressions and questions of that nature. All these results of their hypothesis turned out to be false but learned new information of women being hard to get. In my own opinion, the experiments did their best to test this phenomenon regardless of how old this article is because till this day, a hard to get women is described as someone who requires a lot of work in order to talk or to be seen with. Being with a women gives the man a lot of respect because start to question to figure out what does a man have to do to be such a girl with high standards. These experiments are valid even though they have failed but have demonstrated how these women work when playing hard to get. When it comes to girls, men are usually clueless because there are no set rules on how they react or how to keep them happy. Any interaction with women are general is an experiment because it involves a lot of variables, different possibilities of what the men can say leading to various reactions from the women. A follow up study can be done because this article is over 20 years old but it may just strengthen the results of this article. A study of how or why women act hard to get in the first place, their intentions or see if there are any tricks to get by these kinds of women. Experiment V was the best experiment to test by randomly selecting girls for the men and seeing what their likes and dislikes were when women were being hard to get. Men today have changed a lot when these experiments have taken place according to society at that time. I feel that these experimenters did all they could with their limited technology and how boys and girls acted in that time frame. Nowadays, women explore all options of being hard to get and easy to get by mixing it to fully get what they want and that drives men insane because we tend to get clueless of how things work. This article is valid of what has been tested and outcomes that of that women playing hard to get is still unknown till this day.
Training of Airline Pilots Essay Example for Free
Training of Airline Pilots Essay This motto goes: ââ¬Å"One mile of runway can take you anywhereâ⬠. Through my little time of being an aviator this has proven to be true. Aviation is an incredibly exciting field of interest that has no limits as to how far an individual can take it. Flying airplanes for a living can be very challenging, fun, and exciting; however looking past the outer shell, aviation is a main component of what makes the global economy work. According to Airsaftey.Aero, the aviation industry supplies 4. 5 million jobs directly related to airports and has a multiplier of 1.7, meaning that for every 100 jobs in aviation their are 170 jobs in associated industries. They also state that the total global value is US $880 billion. The industry allows faster, cheaper, and more efficient ways to travel for business, tourism, cargo, and mail. As you can see aviation is a huge power in the development and success of the global economy. The companies can make big profits and the economy is obviously better off with this industry. One item that is in direct correlation with the revenue of these companies is safety. Some people say that a pilot will make his whole lifeââ¬â¢s earnings in one flight and that may or may not be true, but the fact that the training of these pilots is crucial cannot be denied. This paper will discuss the attitude needed to become a pilot, the medical requirements to become a pilot, the beginning steps of becoming a pilot, the three main routes to become a professional pilot, and the continuing training required to maintain a professional pilotââ¬â¢s license. Attitude of Becoming a Pilot A pilotââ¬â¢s attitude can be the most important and valuable asset he has, yet it can also be the most dangerous. Decision-making is what separates a good pilot from a bad pilot. Every decision is a reflection of the attitude that a pilot has. Human factors are the number one cause of all aircraft accidents, and most of these stem from undesirable attitudes. It does not take an outstanding set of physical talents to become a pilot. Most people need to understand that the skills are within themselves to become a professional pilot. Aviation is very unforgiving to those who push the limits. There have been five hazardous attitudes identified that can be most detrimental to becoming a successful pilot. These attitudes have been classified as: Anti-Authority, Impulsive, Invulnerability, Macho, and Resignation. (Haz) The Anti-authority attitude is found in pilots who do not like anyone telling them what to do. This pilot may disregard rules, regulations, and procedures as silly or unnecessary. They have a ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t tell meâ⬠type of attitude and the proper antidote would be to say, ââ¬Å"Follow the rules: theyââ¬â¢re usually rightâ⬠. The Impulsive attitude is displayed when the pilot feels the need to make decisions without fully thinking through the situation. Instead of saying ââ¬Å"do something quickly,â⬠this pilot should be saying, ââ¬Å"Not so fast, think firstâ⬠. Pilots who tell themselves that accidents and malfunctions cannot happen to them face the invulnerability attitude. Instead of ââ¬Å"It canââ¬â¢t happen to meâ⬠pilots need to think, ââ¬Å"It can happen to meâ⬠. Another undesirable attitude is described as macho. This is when the pilot has the attitude that he can take risks and that he is invincible. Instead of saying ââ¬Å"I can do it,â⬠pilots with a macho attitude need to train themselves to say, ââ¬Å"Taking a chance is foolishâ⬠. The fifth category of undesirable attitudes is resignation. Pilots have no room for blaming occurrences on bad luck and that is what this attitude is. The pilot blames an undesired situation on luck and gives in. Someone with this attitude usually says, ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s the use,â⬠when they should have the attitude that ââ¬Å"I can make a difference.â⬠Pilots need to be committed to keeping a positive, levelheaded attitude. A good way to do this is to review human factors before every flight, recognizing the outside factors such as stress, money, commitments, etc. that will effect the decisions they make (Haz). Obtaining a Medical Certificate Obtaining an FAA medical certificate is required of every aviator, whether he will be at the controls as a student pilot or an Air Transport pilot. In this process a certified AME (aviation medical examiner) will perform what seems to be a basic physical examination on the patient. The examiner will check the patientââ¬â¢s eyes for distant visual acuity of 20/20 or better in each eye separately, with or without corrective lenses, near vision of 20/40 or better, the ability to perceive colors necessary for the safe performance of airman duties, and normal fields of vision. Next he will check the ears, nose, and throat of the patient making sure a certain decibel level can be heard, and that no preexisting issues can be identified within the nose and throat. Those are some of the main things that the examiner will be looking for in the physical components of the exam; however the rest of the examination will also include mental health, neurologic health, cardiovascular strength, and anything left that falls under general medical condition. It is recommended that if one wants to become an airline pilot that he obtain an FAA First Class Medical Certificate rather than the required Third Class Medical rating before beginning training as he cannot and will not be hired without one. The FAA does have an option to give waivers to those who may be on the border of passing one of these sections of the medical exam; however with the costs of training being very high it would be wise to make sure to meet all job qualifications prior to training (Con). Beginning Steps Now that the attitude required to be a professional aviator as well as the medical requirements have been discussed, the next step is to ask oneself some very important questions before beginning the actual training. The first question should be, ââ¬Å"how much will this all cost?â⬠There is no concrete number, but expect non-military training to cost somewhere around $60,000 for all the ratings. The next question to ask is, ââ¬Å"how long will it take?â⬠Again, there is no set time frame on this as some might learn faster or slower than others. From personal experience, expect two to four years to obtain all of the ratings unless doing military training, which is an accelerated program. Another question to ask would be, ââ¬Å"what topics will you need to learn?â⬠Most professional aviators did not just wake up one day and decide that they were going to try to be pilots. They have a passion for what they do and that is what makes them stand out in the fierce competition of the industry. This leads to the desire to learn many different aviation subjects such as Aircraft systems, Aerodynamics, Navigation, Weather, Aircraft operations, and Regulations. The last question one should ask is, ââ¬Å"where should I go for flight training?â⬠This question leads to the discussion of the three main types of flight training, which include Part 61 civilian, Part 141 flight schools, and military training. After considering whether one has what it takes to become an aviator, then the next step is to evaluate the fastest, cheapest, and most efficient way to obtain the required ratings while looking good on a resume. Part 61 Civilian Training While there is no college requirement to be an airline pilot, most employers will look for some college time and prefer a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree. Part 61 training is probably the simplest and easiest to complete, as there is no set time requirement for completion. The private pilot license, instrument rating, commercial license, and multi-engine license can all be obtained through part 61 training. This type of training is usually done outside of a school and all bookwork is done using a self-study style. A certified flight instructor will give all of the endorsements needed to complete the ratings up to the point when the student must fly with an FAA examiner. The timeframe is set on the studentââ¬â¢s urgency and is usually a little less expensive than a Part 141 program. The most attractive attribute of a Part 61 flight school is the flexibility it gives its students. Even though this path has the least direction from the FAA, the pilots get a well-rounded training experience. Part 141 Civilian Training Part 141 flight schools have a more focused curriculum that requires not only flight checks but ground courses also. The FAA gives a lot of direction to the trainees. There are clear outlines for every part of the training to obtain each rating including the ground lessons, flight lessons, and stage checks. This is the best option for pilots who are serious about making a career out of flying and not interested in serving in the military. As with Part 61 training, there are several check rides required before completing flight training. The curriculum of the flight portion is set up to save flight hours creating a less expensive alternative. A Part 61 school requires a minimum of 40 hours, whereas a Part 141 schools only requires 35 hours. This may seem appealing, but many students at part 141 schools need over the 35 required hours. According to Patch on ââ¬Å"The place where you may want to look at a part 141 school is when you go on to your advanced ratings. This is where your decreased requirements may actually have a true cost savings for you. For example, if youre getting your instrument rating at a part 61 flight school, youll need to have logged 50 hours cross country as pilot in command (PIC). Thats not a requirement for part 141 schools. Thats a considerable cost savings for most students.â⬠Military Training Military aviator training is the toughest, least expensive to the pilot, and most desired because one can build turbine time. In the United States Air Force, officers go through a 4-phase program leading to receiving their wings. Phase-one is academic classes and pre-flight training. In this phase pilots learn and test in subjects such as Aerospace Physiology, Altitude Chamber, Ejection Seat / Egress Training, Parachute Landing Falls, Aircraft Systems, Basic Instruments, Mission Planning / Navigation, and Aviation Weather. In phase-two the officers begin primary aircraft training. This phase includes approximately 90 hours of flight training, lasting 22 weeks, with the Purpose of teaching students basic flying skills, Focus, Contact, Instruments, Formations, and Navigation. At the end of this 6-month phase, students pick which Advanced Track in which they wish to fly. Students pick based on their performance ranking in Phase-2. In Phase-3, advanced aircraft training begins. After Approximately 120 hours of flight instruction in 24 weeks of training, the hope is to put these pilots in fighter/bomber aircraft. Finally these select few are ready for phase-4, which is graduation. After roughly 52 weeks of training, officers receive their silver wings and are awarded the aeronautical rating of pilot (Spe). This method of training is desirable because one can get paid to become a pilot, can receive instruction from the worlds best, and can build turbine time before applying for an airline job (assuming the pilot are placed in a fixed-wing aircraft). The negatives of this path, on the other hand, is the competition and risk that one may end up not being a pilot, as well as a contract requiring a lengthy commitment to service. Overall this can be the way to go if one is confident in his own skills and abilities. Airline Training Once one has completed getting all of the ratings, certificates, and licenses and thinks all the training is over, well guess again. The airlines require even more training. Joel Freemen of says: ââ¬Å"Regardless of your background, the airline will train you based on its procedures and its FAA-approved training curriculum. Even though all airlines fly the same kinds of airplanes, each airline has slightly different methods and procedures. The goal of an airline is to train you to be qualified in your position and to be standard. Standardization is one of the pillars of a safe airline. The concept is that, within the airline, cockpit behavior and procedure will be the same in every flight, no matter which pilots are at the controls, to prevent confusion and misunderstanding.â⬠The initial training includes regulations and company-specific procedures. The pilot will then spend two weeks learning specific systems and equipment that they will be operating. Next is the simulator training. The airline will simulate every emergency procedure and mishap imaginable to ensure the ability of the pilot before allowing them to fly their million dollar airplanes. Next the pilot will be fly to obtain initial operating experience. This experience includes at least 25 hours of flight time. After this, the pilot is released to operate scheduled flights as a crewmember. What to Expect From an article on here are three short testimonies of the life of a few regional pilots: ââ¬Å"Alex Lapointe, a 25-year-old co-pilot for a regional airline, says he routinely lifts off knowing he has gotten less sleep than he needs. And once or twice a week, he says, he sees the captain next to him struggling to stay alert. Neil A. Weston, also 25, went $100,000 into debt to train for a co-pilotââ¬â¢s job that pays him $25,000 annually. He carries sandwiches in a cooler from his home in Dubuque, Iowa, bought his first uniform for $400, and holds out hope of tripling his salary by moving into the captainââ¬â¢s seat, then up to a major carrier. Assuming, that is, the majors start hiring again. Capt. Paul Nietz, 58, who recently retired from a regional airline, said his schedule wore him down and cost him three marriages. His workweek typically began with a 2:30 a.m. wake-up in northern Michigan and a 6 a.m. flight to his Chicago home bases. There, he would wait for his first assignment, a noon departure.â⬠These scenarios go to show that it takes a lot of hard work, passion, and love for aviation to be an airline pilot. These guys start off making awful wages, are kept away from home, get little sleep, and eat unhealthy fast food most of the year until they obtain seniority. Conclusion Pilots are the poster childââ¬â¢s of the aviation business. They are the most seen by the public; therefore it is essential that they demonstrate professionalism when they put on the uniform. Professionalism is not something that a pilot obtains when he/she begins making money for an airliner but rather a personality that shows respect to his/her crew, passengers, and aircraft. Professionalism is what airlines are looking for when they are hiring, they are looking for a potential Captain. Being an airline pilot isnââ¬â¢t for everyone though. You can probably tell from the rest of this paper that it really requires a passion as well as a great deal of sacrifice to make it through the rigorous and lengthy training. The sacrifices donââ¬â¢t end there, as pilots are often in major debt for years before they make enough to pay off the loans they acquire, they sacrifice time spent with their families, and they are physically tested from day one. Although this all seems negative, it is a must. Hopefully the passengers see these as a positive. The more training a pilot has, the safer he/she will be in the cockpit. The excess in training provides more protection to the passenger and/or the cargo. Training also improves accident rates therefore keeping passengers flying and keeping aviation stimulating and allowing our economy to grow.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis Of Human Resource And Scientific Management Management Essay
Analysis Of Human Resource And Scientific Management Management Essay Scientific management is put forward by Taylor in last century. There is no doubt that the scientific once greatly changed the world. It is highly due to this kind of management that the productivity is able to times increase. Plenty of products and services are produced in relative high efficiency, which dramatically enhance the living standard of people. However, tough it still functions well in some industry such as manufactory, it is not quite proper in current business environment. Staffs now require more respects and dignities and the mere money motivation is not enough to effectively motivate staffs to spare no effort in working. Therefore, a new concept of human relations management which concentrates more on human nature rather than machinery characteristics is high valued currently. In effect, this kind of human relations management is widely used instead of scientific management in most great companies even in some companies belong to manufactory industry. This essay is divided into three parts. In the first part, the theory of scientific management and human relations management are illustrated. In the second part, some real examples such as UPS, McDonald, and Google are used to concrete demonstrate the implement of these two theories in real world. The finally is the analysis of these two theories in current business environment. Main Body One: The theory of scientific management and human relations management. The publication of The Principles of Scientific Management which is written by Frederick Winslow Taylor marks the birth of scientific management. This book introduces the best approach to engage business works via scientific measures in that time of around 1911. (Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management, 2012) It successfully converts management to science. In the perspective of Taylor, the primary object of management is to maximize the profits of both employees and employers. The only approach to realize this object is to enhance labor productivity. (Frederick W. Taylor: Master of Scientific Management. 2012)That is to say, each worker should make their determination to do work as much as possible every day. However, the majority of workers in effect consciously do exactly the opposite. Taylor considers the hidden reasons as the following three. First, a false thought that a full-speed operation will cause plenty of workers unemployed and further cause huge damages to the entire industry is widely spread among workers. Second, there are too many defects on management systems. They directly lead workers take a defense measure of demonization in order to protect their best interests. Third, business is also conducted according to personal experiences, which is definitely in a low efficiency. Therefore, Taylor reckons the scientific management has to take the place of experience principles. Scientific management is set on the base of the accordance of profits of the labor and the capital. He requires each member in the corporation should fully perform the highest efficiency in order to achieve the biggest production and realize the maximum profits. The significant content of scientific management is chiefly divided into two aspects which are operations management and organization management. The operations management includes four parts. First, the first class workers should be selected for operations. In the perspective of Taylor, each individual possesses a distinct talent and capacity. They all potentially become first-class workers as long as suitable positions are available.(Bell, 2012) After careful observation, Taylor finds that the main feature that differs one from the other is willpower rather than intelligence. Second is the practice of work quota. Originally, the workload for a worker is highly decided by the experience of manager. It obviously lacks scientific foundation. Taylor advocates a scientific measure to identify labor work of an individual. That is to select proper and skillful worker and research their labor time and workload in order to set up a reasonable daily workload. This daily workload is so called work quota. Third is the scientific working measure. A reasonable mixture of operational approaches, serviceable tools, labor time, and leisure time should be paid much attention on(Taylor, 1911). Basing on Taylors view, the scientific management means the substitution of scientific knowledge for personal experiences. One of the key measures is to execute standardized management which includes tool standardization, standard operation, standardization of labor movements, and so forth. Only when the standardization is employed, workers are able to use more effective tools and adapt more effective working measures in order to achieve the maximum labor productivity. (Taylor, 1911)Fourth is the implement of incentive salary system. It contains three parts. Above of all, the labor time should be carefully observed and analyzed in order to identify rate of wage. What follows is the differential piece-rate system. That is to say, rate of wage of workers is decided according to the accompli shment of quota. If what a worker real does reaches or even surpasses the quota, a higher rate of wage is offered in order to encourage him. If not, a reduced rate of wage is offered. What is more, sometimes, a yellow card which stands for warning and a punishment of dismissal are employed to motivate workers. At length, an immediate remuneration should be paid. Rewards have to be provided closely after the finish of established work quota. It will dramatically motivate the workers in production and overcame the workers social loafing phenomenon. Another significant aspect of scientific management is organization management. On one hand, the planning functions and executive functions should be separated. Taylor considers that the labor productivity is not only influenced by labor attitude, labor quota, operational measures, and salary systems but also affected by the organization and conduction of administrative staffs. Therefore, Taylor advocates clearly separate planning apart from executives. (Taylor, 1911) A specially department of planning should be established. The chief task of it is to conduct researches in order to obtain evidences of setting the reasonable work quota and operation measures. On the other hand, functional foremanship is essential. System of functional foreman forms according to specific operation processes and a further divided labor. Taylor advocates set eight foremen (Salimath, 2011) instead of original one foreman. Each foreman is expected merely to bear one management function in order to better e ducate and supervise workers to accomplish their work, which is significant to achieve a high production rate. Human relations Management means the conversation management between the enterprise and the employees. This kind of conversation is always flexible, motivate, and not mandatory. The extent of satisfactory and the tendency of supporting the realization of other management objects enhance if human relations management is adapted. The chief duties for managers in human relations management are on one hand to coordinate the relationship between the staffs and the corporation and the relations among staffs; on the other hand to guide to establish a positive and active working environment. The objects of human relations management are chiefly three. First is to coordinate and improve the internal interpersonal relationship in a particular corporation. Whether the general object of the corporation is able to realize or not is highly due to the accordance of personal objects and corporation objects. When an interaction, interwork, mutual support relationship forms, a relative brilliant business psychology atmosphere is created, which definitely will enhance the working efficiency and become the powerful motive power of corporation development. Second, intrinsic value of staffs should be established. The corporation value is acknowledged and shared by the majority of staffs. It is the common belief and the standard to distinguish right from the wrong. The corporation value is gradually formed by a long term education and cultivation. Therefore, the human relationships management continuously cultivates all staffs to hold the common value and perceptions which will further influence the decisions of corporation operation, leadership style, and the entire manner of work for all staffs. Third is an increased powerful cohesion. Each staff will truly reckons himself belong to his company internally. Then staffs will unconsciously pay more attention on the honor, reputations, and interests of the corporation. All in all, the human relations managements concentrate on three aspects: the positive future which is generally identified by its staffs, the constraint system of perfect motivation, and soul contract. Compared with Taylors scientific management, human relations management is more hommization. Main Body Two: The real world examples that relate to scientific management and human relations management. There are two typical real examples in current business environment that Taylors scientific management applies. They are the United Parcel Service and the MacDonald. United Parcel Service hires more than 150 thousand of staffs. And there are about 9 million packages which are expected to transport to all states of the US and 180 (Soupata, 2009) other countries. Therefore, the administering authority of UPS has to systematically educate their staffs in order to achieve their business target of offering the fastest and most convenient delivers in the industry of mail transportation. Basing on the principle of scientific management, a systematic education for staffs will enhance the working efficiency as high as possible. The industrial engineers have carefully observed and analyzed the required time for each driving route. Besides, several standards are set on business activities such as transportation, pause, and delivering. In effect, these industrial engineers records the required time of nearly all possible activities that happens to a staff of UPS when he is in the work. Time for waiting the red light, time for transportation, time for ringing the buzzer, time for crossing the yard, time for going upstairs, time for breaks of drinking the coffee, and even time for the toilet are key data which are input into computers in order to calculate a specific time standard for each driver every day. Drivers have to strictly follow programs set by industrial engineers. If not, the daily task of delivering 130 pieces (Soupata, 2009) of packages will not be able to successfully accomplish. When these drivers drive close to dispatching stations, they loosen the safe belt, sound the horn, close the engine, pull up the emergency brake, and pour the transmission to first gear. These series of actions which are done for preparing leaving after delivering packages are closed related one another. Then the driver will slip to the ground from the driving cab with right arm tucking file folder, left hand grasping packages, and right hand holding the key to car. They take a look at the address written on the package and remember it in mind. A speed of 3 feet per second (Soupata, 2009)is necessary for a driver to fast go to the doors of houses where their clients live. The time of finding for the doorbell is even saved instead by a direct knock on the door. After the delivery, they have to finish the work of entering certain data and information of this deliver on the way back to their cars. Basing on a series of verbs that clearly show how exactly a driver of UPS performs in his work; the labor productivity is to the most degree enhanced. It is closely related to the chief issue of increasing labor productivity for scientific management. What is more, the research conducted by industrial engineers on time and the use of computer in management fully identify the UPS has successfully replace the traditional experiencing management to advanced scientific management. Another typical example of scientific management is McDonald which is the worlds biggest fast food company. It is highly due to the standardization principle of scientific management that McDonald is able to provide a high efficiency and convenient service which is generally view as one of the biggest competition advantages. Actually, McDonald Corporation has conducted a careful motion study to nearly all behaviors such as making hamburgers, frying potato chips, treating costumers, and cleaning tables advanced for the sake of determining the best way to conduct these behaviors. All standards are collected and edited in a handbook which is used to guide behaviors of managers and common staffs of each sub branch. The standards on supply of McDonald chiefly concentrate on four aspects. First, the process of making food is improved. Semi-finished products are heated or fried in high temperature, which reduces the production time of food. Second, the replenishment of drink is improved. Several kinds of beverage outlets are set in order to make sure certain quantity of drink flow to the bottle accurately without the nursing and waiting of working staffs. It definitely increases the speed of servicing for staffs. Third is to make overall managements. Business activities in the surrounding areas are referenced in order to accurately estimate peak crowd and prepare enough staffs advanced. Fourth is enhanced quality of food. Raw materials of McDonald are in the same and strict standard. All kinds of nutrition are scientifically matched. The standard of ordering chiefly concentrates on three aspects. Above of all, special staffs are expected to integrate the order, the collecting of cash and the supplement of food together. All middle steps of information transmitting are eliminated, which both saves the costs and enhances the service efficiency. (Bock, 2009) Besides, the menu is simple. Costumers time is to the biggest degree saved, which unconsciously increase the efficiency of making effective selections for consumers. In addition, several kinds of set meal are provided to enhance the efficiency and expand the sales. Apart from the establishment of all kinds of standards, McDonald always picks up the first class workers. When staffs enter McDonald, a systematically professional training is forced. They are taught to keep a good attitude of servicing. Smiles and a positive and active conversation to consumers are essential. Besides, all kinds of services such as holding a birthday party for children should be provided friendly. What is more essential is the immediate and accurate service, which causes a reduced time on waiting in the queue and getting food. The separation of planning from executives is also stressed by Taylor in his scientific management. On one hand, the planning of McDonald is conducted by corporation headquarters. Headquarters of McDonald is responsible for setting all detailed programs, rules, and regulations for all outlets spreading around the world. On the other hand, managers and common staffs of all sub branches of McDonald should follow the established standardization. It means no innovation is allowed in management and specific tasks. Professional education and training should also be strengthened in order to guarantee the accurate understanding and the thorough implement of rules and regulations. As to human relations management, Google Corporation is a brilliant example. As is known to all, Google is a great Internet company and more and more people are reliable to services provided by Google. Plenty of fresh ideas and services are put forward by Google continuously, which benefit costumer a lot and attract an enhanced quantity of talent people to work for Google. Besides wonderful services, the human relations management is also a significant factor that makes Google world famous. The work tasks in Google are tough and challenging and staffs of Google are almost so called talents. Therefore, they require a better working environment and Google cleverly satisfies them. In Google Corporation, there is no sign of traditional scientific management and even no sign of work. In effect, some people are in delightful and casual conversations, some people are drinking coffee, while some people are even playing table tennis. There seems no one actually on the work which is totally unacceptable according to scientific management. However, the free, innovational, and democratic working atmosphere also creates a high efficiency and a striking productivity. It is so called human relations management. Staffs of Google satisfy with the relaxed external atmosphere. The fully respect of their labor dramatically and effectively motivate them to do their best to accomplish their working objectives. Main Body Three: The analysis of these two theories in current business environment. In my analysis, the Taylors scientific management causes some consideration of optimization of labor for the society. This kind of consideration always continues since then. In current business environment, the human relations management which concentrates more on staffs is more proper. The satisfactory of employees are foundations and preconditions of the satisfactory of customers. The human relations management in human management sets a respect of personal independence and personal dignity (Ratha, 2011) as the precondition of management. The cohesion for staffs to their company is enhanced due to the decentralization of management. The potential capacity, activity, and spirit of innovation are inspired internally deeply in each employee. This truly comfortable mood will unconsciously and continuously encourage staffs to initiate new and excellent performances. Companies that adapts the human relations management in human management are more likely to achieve compared advantages in the aspect of human resource management, which will to a large degree make them achieve a great power in the current bitter market competition. Compared with traditional so called scientific management, human relations management requires more high quality and quick witted staffs. Human relations management focuses on a kind of intelligence operation model rather than an assembly line mode which praised highly by Taylor. Both managers and common staffs are required to get a well knowledge on modern science and master various kinds of techniques in order to be capable to handle with tough problems dependently in the business environment of information. That is to say, staffs under human relations management should have knowledge, master information, adapt to external environment, and be awarded certain power. Both scientific management and human relations management stress on the significant of education and knowledge. However, human relations management concentrates more on an active learning rather than passive learning forced by managers according to scientific management.( Rose,2005) New skills are expected to be effectiv ely learned by staffs actively in order to successfully accomplish certain tough tasks. What is more, intersect education will make staffs under human relations management possess a broad technical ability which is of great use on taking advantages of open information environment. In effect, the core and most precious treasures are skillful staffs themselves for companies which employ human relations management. In addition, human relations management also emphasize on effective motivations. However, compared to scientific management, this kind of motivation is more uneconomic. That is to say, compared with simple money motivation, staffs in human relations management pay more attention on equal treat, mutual respect, awarded power of employing their own wisdom on work, and the self-fulfilling sense of accomplishment. These will bring more satisfaction than merely money brings them. Human relations management indeed has lots of advantages. However, it is not right to one-sided say he human relations management is more proper in current business environment compared to scientific management. In effect, in most companies belong to manufactory industry; the scientific management is widely employed especially in developing or less developed countries where the mechanization is not quite advanced.(Myers, 2011) To some degree, in the perspective of scientific management, staffs are more considered as machines which have a reduced decision-making power. And in the perspective of human relations management, staffs are considered as people who are fully respected. What is more, theoretically, a reduced profit is created by mere human labor compared with innovation and technology advance. Therefore, scientific management will be replaced by human relations management gradually. Conclusion: This essay has carefully introduced the two typical theories which are currently widely employed in todays business environment. They are respectively the scientific management and human relations management. Real examples of UPS and McDonald are employed in order to clearly demonstrate the machinery behaviors for staffs working under this kind of scientific management. No self discovery is available in those companies and each one is able to be replaced. All these are quite easily to arouse negative motions of staffs even though they are forced to hang a smile on their face when services are provided. However, the Google who adapts the human relations management represents the model of future enterprises. Human relations management makes it easy to display the strengths without constraints, which is one of the significant reasons that lead Google gain a wide reputation. As the technology the economic develops, the human relations management will be adapted by more companies and the implement of Taylors management will be reduced.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
In 1861, conflicts and tension between the northern and southern United States erupted into the Civil War, the bloodiest war in American history. Economic differences existed between the north and south, which made the Civil War inevitable. The southââ¬â¢s economy was largely agriculturally based and dependent on slave labor, while the north was more industrial and based on free labor. The issue of slavery is often cited as the main cause of the Civil War, but it is actually the economic dependency of the South on slavery that caused the Civil War. Slavery being the backbone of the South led to conflict on whether or not states should be admitted as free or slave states, which could potentially tip the balance of free states vs slave statesââ¬â¢ representation in the Senate. The North and South being so radically different in economy and culture created conflict between them. Their differences actually made the Civil War an inevitable event, because as the saying goes, ââ¬Å" United we stand, divided we fallâ⬠. Their differences divided the country, ultimately leading to the Civil War. Starting from the end of the American Revolution, the north had developed differently than the south. This was largely due to differences in geography. There were more seaports in the north, and factories became more prevalent. A commercial economy resulted. Roads and canals were built, and cities grew. Many people were merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, and salesmen. The north became more and more metropolitan. There were still farmers living in the north, but they differed from southern farmers in that they used more modern technology to farm and became more efficient. Farming was easier in the north than the south as well, because of the southââ¬â¢s difficult ... ...t states, ââ¬Å"Upon the whole, therefore, it is the judgment of this court, that it appears by the record before us that the plaintiff in error is not a citizen of Missouri, in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution; and that the Circuit Court of the United States, for that reason, had no jurisdiction in the case, and could give no judgment in it. Its judgment for the defendant must, consequently, be reversed, and a mandate issued, directing the suit to be dismissed for want of jurisdiction.â⬠This meant that Scott was not considered a citizen, so he had no rights, could not sue, and had to remain a slave. The court further ruled that banning slavery was unconstitutional, since slaves were property and property is protected under the Constitution.The controversy over slavery was intensified,and further deepened the rift between the north and the south.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Popularity, Physical Appearance, and the American Dream in Death of a S
For many, the ââ¬Å"American Dreamâ⬠is the hope for a future filled with success and fortune.à Although many may share the idea of the American Dream, each person has a different perception of what is necessary to achieve this goal.à Willy Loman, the lead character of Millerââ¬â¢s play, Death of a Salesman, believes that popularity and physical appearance are the keys that unlock the door to the ââ¬Å"American Dreamâ⬠. à à à à à à à à à à à We are first introduced to the importance of popularity and physical appearance when Willy is speaking to his wife, Linda, about their son Biff.à ââ¬Å"Biff Loman is lost,â⬠says Willy.à ââ¬Å"In the greatest country in the world, a young man with such personal attractiveness gets lost.â⬠à In this quote, not only is Willy confused about how Biffââ¬â¢s good looks canââ¬â¢t help him get a job, b... ..., Ben, and the elderly man he encountered in his youth.à à à à à à à à à à à à à Willy Loman truly believes that physical appearance and popularity are the keys to success - hard work is not necessary.à Because of Willyââ¬â¢s naive ideas, he is unable to reach his goal of achieving the American Dream. Work Cited Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Literature. Ed. Sylvan Bates New York: Longman, 1997.
Early Childhood Education Observation Essay -- Classroom Observation E
While walking through the front gates of County elementary school, you see children of all ages playing while they wait for the school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parentââ¬â¢s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom. Introducing myself to Mrs. Smith the classroom teacher, and Mrs. Brown the teaching assistant; I explained that I will be observing the classroom. Mrs. Smith informed me that the name of the program is County Unified School District First 5 Pre K Academy, there are 12 elementary, 7 schools that have this program; a goal of the program is to have the other 5 elementary schools with the program. They are also part of a few other programs that make this program possible for the students: Color Me Healthy, CATCH, and First 5. Each of these programs have a high impact on the program, they help in their own subject of the program. This Pre k program is offered to studentsââ¬â¢ age 4-5 years old, and it is based on a first come first served basis. Walking through the classroom observing at what is available; I see a storage area for the students to put their backpacks and jackets right when they are to walk through the door. There is the first aid backpack, evacuation procedures, scheduled drills date, school calendar and important dates at the front by the door which is also their emergency exit. Mrs. Smith pointed me to the direction of where there will be information about the program and the pr... ...nvironment the children are in is a safe area that is provide with security and first aid. I really enjoy learning the policy about late pick, this really informed me more also on the word abandonment. Works Cited "CATCH Early Childhood Physical Education." Introduction (n.d.): 1. Print. "First 5 San Bernardino." Complaint and Grievance Procedures (n.d.): 1. Print. Healthy, Color Me. "SPARK." Introduction to Spark Early Childhood (ec) (n.d.): 1-4. Print. "Observation Essay." Observation Essay: Outline, Format, Structure, Topics, Examples. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. "Pre-K Academy - HUSD Family Resource Center." Pre-K Academy - HUSD Family Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Sorte, Joanne Author. Nutrition: Promoting Wellness. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2014. 446-53. Print. Tardiness and Late Pick-up (n.d.): 1. Print.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Vulnerable Homeless Population
Leiningerââ¬â¢s Theory of Culture Care states that ââ¬Å"Care is the essence of nursing and the central, dominant and unifying focus of nursing (2002). â⬠Leininger observes that culture is linked to every individual and that the purpose of ââ¬Å"care, is to provide culturally congruent care to people of different or similar cultures to maintain or regain well-being and health or face death in a culturally appropriately way (2002). â⬠Even if that culture is the homeless. According to de Chesnay (2008), ââ¬Å"Vulnerable populations are those at risk for poor physical, psychological, or social health.Anyone can be vulnerable at any given point in time as a result of life circumstances or response to illness or eventsâ⬠(2008 pg. 3). In this paper I will focus on the homeless population their assessment, Healthy People 2020 recomendations and intervention strategies for this group. The homeless have the highest level of exposure to social and environmental risk fac tors. This population is at risk for severe deprivations such as hunger and lack of adequate hygiene and victimization such as physical assault, robbery, and rape.Approximately one-third to two-thirds of homeless people are subjected to crime. Sexual assault rate also is higher in homeless population than in the general population. Lack of a protective and safe home, living in unfamiliar environments, and increased vulnerability from mental illness or drug-related problems are the reasons for their traumatic life events. Homeless children growing up in shelters and without a stable home often have unmet educational, social, and emotional needs (Levinson, 2004).Heath risk factors facing the homeless include and are not limited to lack of insurance, permnent shelter, lack of transportation, Where are the homeless living ? NHCHC (2010) ? Homeless youth rely on themselves or peers for survival and for this reason they engage in illegal activities and risky behaviors such as theft, panha ndling, drug dealing, and exchanging sex for food, money, and shelter. Lack of safe environment during adolescence and experiences of trauma contribute to mental illness, substance use, and risky behaviors. Approximately 20% of homeless children do not attend school.Disruption of learning, teacher, and peer supports results from frequent moving associated with homelessness and lead to poor academic achievement in homeless children. Overcrowded living arrangements in shelters result in high infection rates in homeless people. Poor nutrition may result from limited access to cooking facilities and food. Homeless people living in the street have high exposure to cold and hot weather (Levinson, 2004). Healthy People 2020 Objectives ?The goals of Healthy People 2020 homeless population include achieving health equity, eliminating disparities, and improving the health of all groups.Homeless people have high risk for negative health consequences. They have more chronic diseases, mental ill ness, and substance abuse problems. Poverty and lack medical insurance prevent them from obtaining needed health services (Kidder, Wolitski, Campsmith & Nakamura, 2007). Financial and nonfinancial barriers prevent them from accessing the needed services. Nonfinancial barriers include mistrust of health care providers, lack of access to primary care provider, and assault victimsââ¬â¢ fear of reporting of assault when seeking treatment.The strategies to eliminate these barriers include education of health care workers about the importance of non-stigmatizing attitudes toward homeless people, primary prevention of physical assault, and establishment of special programs to provide primary care for homeless patients (Hwang, Ueng, Chiu, Kiss, Tolomiczenko, Cowan, Levinson, & Redelmeier, 2010). Treating homeless patients equally with respect will help health care workers to create a trusting relationship with them, which in turn eliminate their hesitancy to seek help and improve their h ealth outcomes.Plan of Care and Interventions ? A plan of care for homeless clients will need to be performed and communicated to team members that can support care. Assessing patient by collecting the data is the first step and will help to determine thy type and depth of nursing that is needed. The nursing diagnosis and plans with rationale of the sign and symptoms presented y will help to formulate a plan that is effective to meet the patientââ¬â¢s therapeutic self care demands and overcome the self care deficits pertaining to knowledge deficit.Nurses can help educate homeless patients, shelter staff and others directly involved with them about prevention, care and management of chronic illnesses, as well as how to access the healthcare services they need (Cotton & Roden, 2006). Community nurses work in homes and places of employment. They have skills and expertise that they can use to implement health promotion strategies that will be sustainable and have enduring outcomes fo r individuals (Cotton and Roden, 2006). Homeless people use emergency rooms and psychiatric hospitals as there doctors so when they are admitted, Nurses need to identify the homeless during the admit process.Nurses can work collaboratively with the social work department to help them with necessary resources to control disease, maintain treatment or preventative measure to prevent further deterioration of health on discharge. Educating the homeless families and hospital staff about preventing chronic illnesses is crutial for supporting this population. Community Nurses can teach health promotion strategies. Identify the at risk when Emergency room or Psychiatric department visits are made. Be aware of the patients emotional, physical and psychiatric health to help in holistic care.Advocate for longer hospital stay if necessary for holistic care to be achieved. Homeless families and children have many health risks and nursing care needs that can be addressed once contact and an asses sment is complete. For example, for the nurse admitting homeless family members to hospital, such knowledge pertaining to their emotional, physical and psychological needs and strengths is an important aspect that assessment techniques can bring out so they are addressed. (Cotton & Roden, 2006). References Johnson, D. J. (2001). Understanding culture, learning cultural competence.American Public Health Association. Retrieved from http://apha. confex. com National Health Care for the Homeless Council. (2010). Addressing cultural and linguistic competence in the homeless setting. Retrieved from http://www. nhch. org Cotton, A. H. , & Roden, J. (2006,à December). Using patterns of knowing in nursing as a possible framework for nursing care of the homeless families with children.. Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 23(2), 331-341. Hwang, S. W. , Ueng, J. , Chiu, S. , Kiss, A. , Tolomiczenko, G. , Cowan, L. , Levinson, W. , & Redelmeier, D. 2010). Univ ersal Health Insurance and Health Care Access for Homeless Persons. American Journal of Public Health, 100(8), 1454-1461. doi:10. 2105/AJPH. 2009. 182022. Kidder,à D. P. ,à Wolitski,à R. J. ,à Campsmith,à M. L. ,à &à Nakamura,à G. V.. (2007). Health Status, Health Care Use, Medication Use, and Medication Adherence Among Homeless and Housed People Living With HIV/AIDS. American Journal of Public Health,à 97(12),à 2238-45. Retrieved December 4, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID:à 1392878511). Levinson, D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Homelessness. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 8
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Applying Problems and Resolving to Implement Sustainable Tourism
The applying jobs and the resolving to mechanism sustainable phaetonry In this mean solar day and age, touristry is one of the mountainousst industries, with an increasing count of tourists in wholly around the world. Because of this, in that respect argon numerous impacts on humankind, with both haughty and shun sides. Hence, the sustainable touristry, which is the archetype of see an range as a tourist and severe to make a ratio of the favorable, culture, frugal and particularly environmental dimensions, is gained in importance.However, Frey & George (2010) withdraw that this creation mindms to play a portentous role in touristry field, scarcely notwithstanding few of touristry businesses ar participating in. This essay leave adjudicate the savvys and slightly possible jots. It exit premier explain the boilersuit of the rendering of the sustainable touristry. Then the focus moves onto the factors applying the un boomingly sustain major power in practice and many particularized specimens.Next, some feasible measures will be provided. Finally, it draws a conclusion on the particular in the concept of sustainable touristry. in that respect atomic consider 18 a few definitions of sustainability at heart the context of touristry, including eco touristry, green travel, environmentally and heathenishly answerable tourism, fair trade and estimable travel.To to the highest degree plenty, sustainable tourism, that is the more or less signifi nominatet path to success in sustainability, is in time non widely understood patronage the r atomic number 18 growth of the sustainable tourism industriousness in that locationfore, Frey & George (2010) has defined the overall kernel and concept of sustainable tourism in their expression that is a part of sustainable growth, which is the closely valuable of economic, social, inherent and cultural resources by management, protection, and conservation, and still primary(prenominal)tains its unique as desire as possible for sustainable increase that could create the better visualize for responsible visitors.By definition, such(prenominal) the sustainable tourism should pass off its objective, scarce it is non because there argon opposite difficulties. First of all, the main causa that leads to the trial of sustainable tourism is the memorial tablet and management with involving placements, including both insurance and usable trains such as the effectiveness of tourism and the local anesthetic anesthetic fellowship organization. These regimen agencies be the majority of the sustainable maturation however, in recently years, the makement eer operates by all(prenominal) individual organization especially in developing countries.The quarrel to the sustainable tourism exploitation in joker is the outdo example to instance this reason. Tosun (2001) shows the meshing betwixt the central and the local political sympathi es. The fountain has concerned just closely the overall outgrowth by subscribes and promotions of the sustainable tourism in order to enchance the better economy. Nevertheless, the latter(prenominal) has their witness policies solving the local specifically troubles in separately bea, so they do not want to follow the centralization. As a upshot of this agrument, the sustainabiliy has to face with the failure.All of above, you house see the important of the coaction. Subsequently, shifting in carring capacitor is not balancing to demands of visitors. The authorities support the tourism suppuration save supplied argon not enough to provided. The best example is the tourism ontogenesis in Gambia, Thompson, OH argon, & Evans (1995) come on that the Gambia government activity has encouraged the tourism reading because they recognize the charming climate and the exquisite landscape that is attractive for a large number of tourists eventhough, the resources, such as a ccommodations, facilities, and native resources, are limited.Consequently, the tourism has been maturement in leaps and bounds in a mulct time, so the management, including economy, natural resources, judicatory and investment, facilities development, education, and training, is proposed. By doing this, the spread of drug abuse, heighten wickedness rates, increases in prostitution, and the spread of sexually transmittes diseases are some of the following social problems as a result of the failure in the development of sustainable tourism (ibid). The scarcity of resources is one of the key problem to develop the sustainable tourism.Another major reason that call for to be taken into story is a cooperation of people in each community with government policies. These people are compete roles that relate to the sustainable touriam in numerous forms, such as the monomania and supplier of goods and services. The importance of these people susceptibility be mechanism in the dev elopment of the sustainable tourism. If these people do not stand by, the development would delay or interrupt. As Ioannides (1995) argues in his article somewhat a damage implementation of the ustainable tourism in Akamas, Cyprus, in this area, the government requires to turn the rush tourism into ecotourism, which is base on the field green area, because of a wishing of accommodations and facilities. By the bearing, the local people do not chalk up with this policy so the government offers the other alternative tourism such as argotourism. The farmers and agriculturists feel that is unfair to them any longer so they still do not elapse the cooperation. All of above, there is not only the reasonable government policies, entirely overly consisting the collaboration of the local people.Despite the reasons as mentioned above, some possible sugguestions for sustainable tourism development are also given. unrivalled of the nearly possible way is a collaboration and a integr ated tourism see by balancing the economic, social, and natural resources in the vary progress towards the sustainable tourism, and a analysis how the plan sack up do in practice (Kernel, 2005). By doing this, the smirch could be improved. An another profitable suggestion woud be the evaluation about the ability to support the sufficient demands of visitors or limite the number of travellers to visit the dry land (Fortuny, Soler, Canovas, & Sanchez, 2008).Consequently, the result would permit the balance of the demand and provision equal for tourism. The further measure to pass this problem is the cooperation of people based at level of individual investment quite than the tourism sector may be good in more cooperation betwixt the government, local citizens, and tourists (Garrod & Fyall, 1998). Lastly, creating networks and sharing the information and/or guidelines between the countries facing the same crisis can be useful for each other(Kernel, 2005).If all of these sugg uestions were implemented, the sustainable tourism could be successful and optimized as long as possible. From the said(prenominal) problems and solutions of the sustainable tourism, it can be conclude that the most important point is the taste about the concept of sustainable tourism. Although, there are some factors, such as the lack of resources, the conflict betweeen the central and local government, and the cooperate from the local people, that make the concept inexperienced as it could.On the other hand, the issues about development and promotion of the sustainable tourism are about the parcticability in legitimate life. If the government and the local people who bear the tourism areas had cooperated and shared ideas with multilateral unitedly basing to the tendency of the development, and encourage people to wisely run off the resources, it could be an effective way to the sustainability. thither are not only the obligation of the people in each country, but also in cluding the tourists from another country because the sustainable tourism development relies on the cooperating people and the resources.References Garrod, B. and Fyall, A. (1998), Beyond the Rhetoric of sustainable touristry? , tourism watchfulness Vol. 19, no 3, 199-212 Thompson, C. , OHare, G. and Evens, K. (1995), tourism in the Gambia Problems and Proposals, touristry Management Vol. 16, zero(prenominal) 8, 571-581 Tosun, C. (2001), Challenges Of sustainable touristry growing in the Developing initiation The skid of Turkey, touristry Management 22, 289-303 Ioannides, D. (1995), A flaw applyation of sustainable touristry The take care of Akamas, Cyprus, tourism Management Vol. 16, No. , 583-592 Fortuny, M. , Soler, R. , Canovas, C. and Sanchez, A. (2007), skilful Approach for a Sustainable Tourism Development Case playing field in the Balearic Islands, ledger of Cleaner payoff 16, 860-869 Frey, N. and George, R. (2010), creditworthy Tourism Management The abst racted striking between Business Owners Attitudes and deportment in the Cape Town Tourism Industry, Tourism Management 31, 621628 Kernel, P. (2005), Creating and Implementing a representative for Sustainable Development in Tourism Enterprises, Journal of Cleaner Production 13, 151164The Applying Problems and Resolving to Implement Sustainable TourismThe applying problems and the resolving to implement sustainable tourism In this day and age, tourism is one of the largest industries, with an increasing number of tourists all around the world. Because of this, there are many impacts on humankind, with both positive and negative sides. Hence, the sustainable tourism, which is the concept of visiting an area as a tourist and trying to make a balance of the social, culture, economic and especially environmental dimensions, is gained in importance.However, Frey & George (2010) describe that this concept seems to play a significant role in tourism field, but only few of tourism business es are participating in. This essay will examine the reasons and some possible suggestions. It will first explain the overall of the definition of the sustainable tourism. Then the focus moves onto the factors applying the unsuccessfully sustainability in practice and some specific examples.Next, some feasible measures will be provided. Finally, it draws a conclusion on the limited in the concept of sustainable tourism. There are a few definitions of sustainability within the context of tourism, including ecotourism, green travel, environmentally and culturally responsible tourism, fair trade and ethical travel.To most people, sustainable tourism, that is the most important way to success in sustainability, is still not widely understood despite the remarkable growth of the sustainable tourism industry therefore, Frey & George (2010) has defined the overall meaning and concept of sustainable tourism in their article that is a part of sustainable development, which is the most valuab le of economic, social, natural and cultural resources by management, protection, and conservation, and still maintains its unique as long as possible for sustainable development that could create the better experience for responsible visitors.By definition, such the sustainable tourism should reach its objective, but it is not because there are other difficulties. First of all, the main reason that leads to the failure of sustainable tourism is the administration and management with involving organizations, including both policy and operational levels such as the authority of tourism and the local community organization. These government agencies are the majority of the sustainable development however, in recently years, the development always operates by each individual organization especially in developing countries.The challenge to the sustainable tourism development in Turkey is the best example to illustrate this reason. Tosun (2001) shows the conflict between the central and the local government. The former has concerned about the overall development by supports and promotions of the sustainable tourism in order to enchance the better economy. Nevertheless, the latter has their own policies solving the local specifically problems in each area, so they do not want to follow the centralization. As a result of this agrument, the sustainabiliy has to face with the failure.All of above, you can see the important of the collaboration. Subsequently, shifting in carring capacity is not balancing to demands of visitors. The government support the tourism development but supplied are not enough to provided. The best example is the tourism development in Gambia, Thompson, OHare, & Evans (1995) find that the Gambia government has encouraged the tourism development because they recognize the charming climate and the beautiful landscape that is attractive for a large number of tourists eventhough, the resources, such as accommodations, facilities, and natural resourc es, are limited.Consequently, the tourism has been growing in leaps and bounds in a short time, so the management, including economy, natural resources, administration and investment, facilities development, education, and training, is proposed. By doing this, the spread of drug abuse, enhanced crime rates, increases in prostitution, and the spread of sexually transmittes diseases are some of the following social problems as a result of the failure in the development of sustainable tourism (ibid). The scarcity of resources is one of the key problem to develop the sustainable tourism.Another major reason that needs to be taken into account is a cooperation of people in each community with government policies. These people are playing roles that relate to the sustainable touriam in many forms, such as the ownership and supplier of goods and services. The importance of these people might be mechanism in the development of the sustainable tourism. If these people do not cooperate, the d evelopment would delay or interrupt. As Ioannides (1995) argues in his article about a flawed implementation of the ustainable tourism in Akamas, Cyprus, in this area, the government requires to turn the mass tourism into ecotourism, which is base on the national park area, because of a lack of accommodations and facilities. By the way, the local people do not agree with this policy so the government offers the other alternative tourism such as argotourism. The farmers and agriculturists feel that is unfair to them anymore so they still do not give the cooperation. All of above, there is not only the reasonable government policies, but also consisting the collaboration of the local people.Despite the reasons as mentioned above, some possible sugguestions for sustainable tourism development are also given. One of the most possible way is a collaboration and a integrated tourism plan by balancing the economic, social, and natural resources in the vary progress towards the sustainable tourism, and a analysis how the plan can do in practice (Kernel, 2005). By doing this, the situation could be improved. An another useful suggestion woud be the evaluation about the ability to support the sufficient demands of visitors or limite the number of travellers to visit the country (Fortuny, Soler, Canovas, & Sanchez, 2008).Consequently, the result would allow the balance of the demand and supply suitable for tourism. The further measure to solve this problem is the cooperation of people based at level of individual investment rather than the tourism sector may be effective in more cooperation between the government, local citizens, and tourists (Garrod & Fyall, 1998). Lastly, creating networks and sharing the information and/or guidelines between the countries facing the same crisis can be useful for each other(Kernel, 2005).If all of these sugguestions were implemented, the sustainable tourism could be successful and optimized as long as possible. From the aforementioned problems and solutions of the sustainable tourism, it can be concluded that the most important point is the understanding about the concept of sustainable tourism. Although, there are some factors, such as the lack of resources, the conflict betweeen the central and local government, and the cooperate from the local people, that make the concept unpracticed as it could.On the other hand, the issues about development and promotion of the sustainable tourism are about the parcticability in real life. If the government and the local people who own the tourism areas had cooperated and shared ideas with multilateral together basing to the goal of the development, and encourage people to wisely consume the resources, it could be an effective way to the sustainability. There are not only the responsibility of the people in each country, but also including the tourists from another country because the sustainable tourism development relies on the cooperating people and the resources.Referen ces Garrod, B. and Fyall, A. (1998), Beyond the Rhetoric of Sustainable Tourism? , Tourism Management Vol. 19, No. 3, 199-212 Thompson, C. , OHare, G. and Evens, K. (1995), Tourism in the Gambia Problems and Proposals, Tourism Management Vol. 16, No. 8, 571-581 Tosun, C. (2001), Challenges Of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Developing World The Case of Turkey, Tourism Management 22, 289-303 Ioannides, D. (1995), A Flawed Implementation of Sustainable Tourism The Experience of Akamas, Cyprus, Tourism Management Vol. 16, No. , 583-592 Fortuny, M. , Soler, R. , Canovas, C. and Sanchez, A. (2007), Technical Approach for a Sustainable Tourism Development Case Study in the Balearic Islands, Journal of Cleaner Production 16, 860-869 Frey, N. and George, R. (2010), Responsible Tourism Management The Missing Link between Business Owners Attitudes and Behaviour in the Cape Town Tourism Industry, Tourism Management 31, 621628 Kernel, P. (2005), Creating and Implementing a Model for Sust ainable Development in Tourism Enterprises, Journal of Cleaner Production 13, 151164
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