Friday, May 31, 2019
The Necessary Lie in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essays -- Heart
The Necessary Lie in Heart of Darkness In his narrative, Marlow declares, You roll in the hay I hate, detest, and cant bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appalls me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of death rate in lies, - which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world - what I want to forget (Longman 2210). In spite of these strong words, he lies to Kurtzs mean when he visits her and tells her, The last word he pronounced was - your name (Longman 2246). Marlows words, spoken in Part I to the audience, seem to contradict his words spoken in Part III to the Intended. Upon closer examination however, it is clear that it was keeping to his beliefs that caused Marlow to lie to the Intended. Marlow was initially hired for this job by using connections his Aunt had. After severe in vain on his own, he approached her and she pulled a few strings, and got him hired. He then commences to explain to the audience that Its queer how out of touch with lawfulness women are. They live in a world of their own, and there had never ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Probability of a Major Hurrican Hitting New Orleans :: essays research papers
The Probability of a Major Hurricane Hitting new(a) Orleans Table of ContentsExecutive Summary3Introduction3 surmise7Analysis & Method8Conclusion10References12Appendix14Executive Summaryfresh Orleans, Louisiana lies at the minute lowest elevation among major cities in the United States. It is a city surrounded by water, making it almost like an island. To counter this dangerous combine of the low elevation along with the lakes, rivers and swamps surrounding it, the Army Corps of Engineers built a serial of levees around the city to foster its protection. It is these very same levees provided that might doom the city should a Category 3 hurricane ever hit. Our statistical analyses examined the current belief that there is a 39% probability that New Orleans will be hit by a major hurricane and based on the resulting Z-score, rejected that belief. We did find however that the probability, while not 39%, was still in the 30th percentile range, which should still be a major cause for concern among the leaders and residences of the city of New Orleans.IntroductionNew Orleans is a city that is rich in culture as well as history. The city is in effect, an island Lake Pontchartrain surrounds the city to the north, the Mississippi River to the west and south, and a bevy of lakes including Lake Borne to the east. Surrounding the city is a series of levees to keep these bodies of water at bay. In addition to these levees, the only defense the city has is a series of canals and a very antiquated pumping system. However, the same levees that protect the city, makes it a death trap should a major hurricane make a direct hit to the metropolitan area. The risk of intense flooding brought forth by storm surges of 20+ feet would wipe the city out.New Orleans was founded to be a port to the ball with its intersection at the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, it was a great location for world trade. However, it was also a cesspool of disease, floods, and other probl ems. Despite this, the city was a major economic powerhouse and the city grew and prospered despite of the problems.As the city expanded, swampland was reclaimed to expand the city. To protect its citizens, the Army Corp of Engineers built a series of levees around the city. These levees form a bowl around the city. It is precisely this architecture that was meant to protect the city will in effect destroy the city.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analysis of Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti Essay -- English Literat
Analysis of Cousin Kate by Christina RossettiCousin Kate by Christina Rossetti describes a cottage maiden who wasseduced and apply by the lord of the estate for which she worked. Shewas surprised and taken a back by the fact that someone so great andpowerful could be slenderly interested in her, and so she automatic each(prenominal)yfell in love with him. It wasnt until after he had slept with herthat he left her for her cousin, Kate. The cottage maiden wasdevastated that he had make that to her. She felt unclean andunwanted. The lord asked for Kates hand in marriage and she accepted.The cottage maid thought that he married Kate because she was innocentand beautiful, Because you were so dangerous and pure/He bound you with hisring - the cottage maiden is in complete contrast to her cousin. Theonly good thing that came out of this was the cottage maiden had achild, Yet Ive a gift you have not got... and my fair-haired son.The lord had seduced the cottage maiden and used her like a silkenknot. This basically means that the lord used the cottage maiden as atrophy and used her when he wanted to.This is a poetry based and written in the 19th century. There argon threemain characters in the story. Cousin Kate, the cottage maiden and theLord. The title of this song is self-explanatory. The poem is based ona character called Cousin Kate. As she is the main character in thepoem, the whole poem revolves around her. The poem basically tells usabout 19th century intent and peoples attitudes towards unlawfulrelationships. The poem tells us about a cottage maiden who had anaffair with a Lord. She loses her virginity to him, and then regretsthe whole ordeal. In the 19th century, if you were not known as pure... ... but further onshes not able to contain this calmness anymore and has an outburst ofhatred towards the Lord - something that shes been trying to cover.The last stanza of the poem becomes more of revenge than hatred. Shefeels shes had revenge over the Lord a nd Kate by having a child -something that theyre not likely to get. She sounds veryself-satisfied.Christina Rossetti has written a very good portrayal of life in earlytimes. It shows how society rejected woman who had unlawful sex inearlier times women were judges and disowned by all people who knewthem. Society has now changed. Women are no longer judged or evenlooked down on by anyone. It has become a way of life that in earliertimes may have been considered as dirty and unlawful, peoplesattitudes have changes and it is no longer as big a deal as it was inthe early 19th century.
Alternative Sources of Energy Essay -- Energy Research Papers, 2015
As the population continues to increase day after day, so does the demand for oil and former(a) natural resources. Eventually we will get to a point where we will need to find variant ways of efficiently producing energy at a low cost. Twenty to thirty years ago it was hard to imagine what sources of energy (other than obvious possibilities like solar panels and get upmills) that could efficiently supply the world. The advancement of engineering science today is opening new doors in the energy field that are likely to change the way we think about energy. With so many different sources of energy that are prevalent around the world, the challenge is found in harvesting and securing the energy at its source, and doing so in an efficient manner. I determined to do some research about possible future sources of energy, and my search turned up some interesting results. One of the most basic up to now potentially worthwhile investments was found on an alternativ e energy website. This particular article talks about the use of flying wind farms. These flying wind farms are essentially airborne turbines spinning at high altitudes sending power surmount via nano-tube cable tethers to generate power. Basically there would be 2 turbines attached via the nano-tube cables that would fly high in the sky like kites. The strong wind from the high altitude would allow the turbines to capture and transmit the energy down the cables. The idea was being explored by NASA who said that the t...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Software Piracy :: essays research papers
Software PiracyWhat is Software PiracyThe PC patience is just over 20 years old. In those 20 years, both(prenominal) the qualityand quantity of available software programs have increased dramatically.Although approximately 70% of the worldwide market is today supplied bydevelopers in the United States, significant development work is occurring inscores of nations around the world. But in both the United States and abroad,unauthorized copying of personal computer software is a serious problem. Onaverage, for every authorized copy of personal computer software in use, atleast one unauthorized copy is made. Unauthorized copying is kn receive as softwarepiracy, and in 1994 it cost the software intentness in excess of US$15 billion.Piracy is widely practiced and widely tolerated. In some countries, legalprotection for software is nonexistent (i.e., Kuwait) in others, laws areunclear (i.e. Israel), or not enforced with sufficient commitment (i.e., thePRC). Significant piracy losses ar e suffered in virtually every parting of theworld. In some areas (i.e., Indonesia), the rate of unauthorized copies isbelieved to be in excess of 99%.Why do People Use Pirated Software?A study reason for the use of pirated software is the prices of theREAL thing. Just walk into a CompUSA, Electronics Boutique, Computer City,Egghead, etc and you will notice the expensive price tags on copies of the mostnormally used programs and the hottest games. Take the recent Midwest Microholiday catalogue for example and notice the prices. Microsoft Windows 95 $94,Microsoft Office 95 $224, Microsoft Visual C++ $250, Borland C++ $213, CorelDraw 7 $229, Corel Office Professional 7 $190, Lotus Smartsuite 96 $150,Microsoft Flight Simulator95 $50, Warcraft 2 $30. The list goes on and on andthe prices for the programs listed above were only kick upstairs versions. Users ofthe software listed above include anywhere from large companies kindred AT&T toyourself, the average user at home. Although a $ 30 game like Warcraft 2 doesntseem like much, by the time you finish reading this paper, it will seem like afortune.Ease of AvailabilitySince the law states distinctly that making a copy of what you ownand distributing it or installing more than one copy of one piece of software ontwo distract computers is illegal, then why do the average Joes like you and usstill do it? There are many answers to that question and all of them seem authentic except that no answers can be legally justified. A friend borrowinganother friends Corel draw or Windows 95 to install on their own PC is socommon that the issue of piracy probably doesnt even come to mind right away or
Software Piracy :: essays research papers
Software PiracyWhat is Software PiracyThe PC industry is just over 20 years old. In those 20 years, both the timberand quantity of available software programs have increased dramatically.Although approximately 70% of the worldwide market is today supplied bydevelopers in the United States, significant evolution work is occurring inscores of nations around the world. But in both the United States and abroad,unauthorized copy of personal computer software is a salutary problem. Onaverage, for every authorized copy of personal computer software in use, atleast iodine unauthorized copy is made. Unauthorized copying is known as softwarepiracy, and in 1994 it cost the software industry in excess of US$15 billion.Piracy is wide practiced and widely tolerated. In some countries, legalprotection for software is nonexistent (i.e., Kuwait) in others, laws areunclear (i.e. Israel), or not enforced with sufficient commitment (i.e., thePRC). meaningful piracy losses are suffered in virtually every region of theworld. In some areas (i.e., Indonesia), the rate of unauthorized copies isbelieved to be in excess of 99%.Why do People Use Pirated Software?A major reason for the use of pirated software is the prices of theREAL thing. Just walk into a CompUSA, Electronics Boutique, computer City,Egghead, etc and you pull up stakes notice the expensive price tags on copies of the mostcommonly used programs and the hottest games. Take the recent Midwest Microholiday catalogue for pattern and notice the prices. Microsoft Windows 95 $94,Microsoft Office 95 $224, Microsoft Visual C++ $250, Borland C++ $213, CorelDraw 7 $229, Corel Office Professional 7 $190, Lotus Smartsuite 96 $150,Microsoft feather Simulator95 $50, Warcraft 2 $30. The list goes on and on andthe prices for the programs listed above were only upgrade versions. Users ofthe software listed above include anywhere from large companies like AT&T toyourself, the average user at home. Although a $30 game like Warcraft 2 doesntseem like much, by the time you finish reading this paper, it will seem like afortune.Ease of AvailabilitySince the law states clearly that making a copy of what you ownand distributing it or installing more than one copy of one piece of software ontwo separate computers is illegal, then why do the average Joes like you and usstill do it? There are many answers to that question and all of them seemlegitimate except that no answers can be legally justified. A friend getanother friends Corel draw or Windows 95 to install on their own PC is socommon that the issue of piracy probably doesnt even pass off to mind right away or
Monday, May 27, 2019
Eurocentrism Essay
Eurocentrism can be defined as the idea that the Roman and Grecian gardenings gave rise to the modern explosion of ideas and learning. Within this idea is contained the notion that the origins of Greek culture lie strictly within the borders of what is currently considered westward europium, making the ancestors of Western Europeans responsible for either the progress of the modern cosmos (Dussel, 465). This idea is considered by modern historians to be false and based not on factual accounts precisely rather on the distortion of taradiddle by colonizers (Blaut, 10).This distortion of history is based on the Inside-Outside or Center-Periphery models of civilisation which pinpoint an area of the knowledge base as the peak of nuance, and the areas outside of it as barbaric. This model depicts Greater Europe as the insider area which contained the civilized culture, and it posits a gradual diffusion of that culture to the other separate of the world border it. Yet this model presents an erroneous view of the worlds process of civilisation. The ideas that are based on the models above tend to describe Europe on the one hand as being civilized and making strides in scientific and technological advancement.On the other hand, this view places the world outside of Europe in a position of stagnancy, with knowledge remaining static unless ideas were learned from Europe. This idea also commits rise to an ethnocentric idea of European noeticism as being the reason for the centralization of knowledge within that area. It also gives rise to the antipathetic idea of non-West European culture as necessarily consisting of low-level ideas which might be described as savage, atavistic, uncivilized and evil (Blaut, 16).The truth is very different, however, as the Greek and Roman cultures that contributed to the civilization of Europe must give attribution for its ideas to a wide array of cultural influences whose origins span areas as far as Africa and Asia (Dussel , 465-468). According to Dussel, Europe cannot claim Greece as a sort out of its earliest origins. Furthermore, during the height of Greek cultural dominance, awareness existed in the Greek world of the progressive nature of the Egyptian (African) and Turkish (Asian) civilizations (Dussel, 465 Yurco, 1).Yet, while this Greek centerfield civilization was aware of the existence of civilized Africans and Asians, their knowledge of what is now Modern Europe was minimal and the area considered to be populated by the uncivilized, the non-political and the non-human (465). The idea that Greece bequeathed civilization to Rome and to Europe is false. Rather, a dichotomy existed between the Latin (West) and Greek (East) cultures, and this configuration did not include a strict conception of Europe. The Greek culture was dominate in classical times as much by the Arab (Muslim) culture as it was by the Byzantine (Christian) culture.Therefore, the Aristotelian basis of civilization was histor ically strongly connected to the Middle Eastern and even Asian (Turk) civilizations (466). What actually occurred to lead to the development of civilization in Europe is based on an interplay of cultures from all over the continents of Africa and Eurasia. Such thinkers as Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus relied heavily on the ideas that came from the Turkish-derived Aristotelian ideas (Dussel, 466). The ideas generated by Aristotle were actually studied in what is now modern-day Iraq (Baghdad) beforehand Aquinas became exposed to them.Indeed, Aquinas exposure came only after the Muslims in Spain translated these works into the Latin vernacular. The arrival of these works in Paris during the late 1100s B. C. attach the initial period in which differentiation occurs between Europe and Africa/Asia (466). The Crusades, which followed during this era, therefore may be seen as the first attempt made by Europe to become dominant in the newly differentiated territories of Africa and the Eastand these campaigns might be considered failures (466).Eurocentric ideas concerning the Old World can therefore be seen to be a myth based on the colonially driven histories that have been passed down in the recent past. The failure of the Crusades might be seen as a focussing in which Europe itself was kept out of the civilization encompassed by the Turkish and Muslim regions, which spread their dominance from Morocco to India and even to the Philippine island of Mindanao. Even the Roman Empire, which dominated Europe for centuries, never penetrated to become the center of civilization in the African and Asian worlds (Dussel, 466).Before this time, the only empire that came close to being dominant and of Eurasiatic origin are the Hellenistic empires. Yet these empires are not one and the same as Europe, and never gained as large a dominance as the Muslims had after them (467). In contrast to the Eurocentric model of civilization is the strong Turkish (Muslim) civilizationhis torically represented by the term Asia (Blaut, 20). This area, which later became know as the Ottoman Empire, was dominant within its region.It even began conquering territory into south-eastern Europe, and this idea falsifies the theory of all civilization issuing from Europe. Even in the ordinal to eighteenth centuries, European presence in the African and Asian continents was merely a matter of trade rather than dominance. The idea of a Eurocentric world actually found root only during the nineteenth century when colonization occurred in areas of the Old World (India, Asia, African and China). During this period, the multifaceted Greek culture was select and re-classified as European.The Greek culture is then identified with that of the Romans and then the two are placed at the center of the worlds historical civilization. It is at this point that Europe is able to emerge as the worlds intellectual benefactor. However, the fact that at this point no united world history existed and their location made it impossible for them to be central in providing for the surrounding territories an impetus toward civilization (468). Colonization in the nineteenth century can be seen as the chief mechanism through which Eurocentrism has been able to become dominant in global thinking.In order to maintain the colonial thrust, European colonizers were prompted to earn ideologies that support the dominance that European countries had gained in their respective colonies. Religious, social, and scientific ideas that were spawned during that time gave rise to the Eurocentric ideas that are extant even in modernity. According to Blaut, A Christian missionary might have great love and respect for the people among whom he or she worked, but could not be expected to believe that the culture and mind of these non-Christians was on par with that of Christian Europeans (24).The social and legal theories being fashioned at the time were created by those who were in charge of making t he policies that the theories should support. Therefore, intellectual history became biased in its outlook regarding the comparative price of the cultures that stand alongside the European culture. However, in the disciplines of economics and anthropology ideas and truths were discovered which did not fit intimately with the tendency toward Eurocentrism.Such ideas as equipoise and stasis developed in Keynesian economics. In geography, stasis was found to be a natural occurrence in regionalism. Theories of equilibrium and stability were embodied in such anthropological ideas as functionalism, while cultural relativism declared in essence that each culture has indispensable worth (Blaut, 27). However, within the discipline of Anthropology, political motives can be found for publicizing the fact of cultural relativism, though tempered with a Eurocentric overtone.The notion of the intrinsic worth of the culture would have the effect of discouraging unrest, while the Eurocentric overt ones would have the complementary effect of evoking gratitude in the heart of the colonists toward the colonizers (27). Overall, however, colonial indoctrination has been characterized by a teleological view of the Wests advancement, which is responsible for the benefits accorded Latin American, Asian, and African nations. Many other cultures outside of Europe experienced great progress and civilization throughout history.Yet, the result of inattention to the civilization status of Europe and other regions at other time periods has given rise to contemporary confusion surrounding these cultures. One such problem can be found in the misunderstood racial composition of Egyptians. In fact, the analysis of the racial composition of the Egyptian royalty gives credence to the idea that multiculturalism existed in the Egyptian civilizations of the past. Peoples from lands traditionally connected with Europe became traders and settlers in Egyptand this underscores the centrality of this civ ilization during the ancient times.Such centrality naturally rebuts the idea quarter Eurocentrism. However, the fact that interbreeding led to the Europeanized features of many of the Egyptian drawings and mummies has helped fuel the myth that European cultures played all the dominant roles in the civilizations of the past (Yurco, 2). Eurocentrism involves the idea that civilization was generated from a European center and somehow diffused to the other areas of the world. This idea finds its strength in the recent dominance that Europeans have had in the several continents of the world.Colonialism needful justification, and the method by which this was done involved the creation of ideas and systems that placed Europeans at the forefront of history. It involved the Europeanization of the Greek cultures and the oversimplification of the factors leading up to the current socio-political recount of the world. Furthermore, the fact that world history has been written down and propaga ted mainly during the period European dominance has facilitated the Eurocentrism that can now be seen in the historical judgement of the world.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Motivation and Compensation Essay
Attrition problems occur when an governing body is going through changes. Magic Graffix seems to be having problems with recruiting, training, and retaining employees. The gradual reduction of a workforce by employees leaving and not being replaced rather than by their being laid off is called attrition. Attrition can be explained after a little digging to see where the problem actually occurs. The problem of diminishing employees for Magic Graffix is happening because the employees ar not motivated to complete the task at hand.HR has been assigned a budget to come up with a plan to assort the problem. A number of steps must occur to correct the attrition such as finding out why the problems exist and trying to see how to make it better gradually. Attrition starts when employees start to leave an organization. The move is when it is archetypical noticed what can be done to correct the issue so that it does not get any worse. The Magic Graffix simulation enables suggestions that would help in escalating the problem and correcting it.Conducting an employee survey, as well as commissioning, Who is fortunate is the first steps to combating the problem. The employee survey will accommodate the organization to get a detect or sense of how the employee thinks and what he or she is feeling towards the organization. The survey will also allow for seeking any areas that need improvement as the employee see it. Commissioning, Who is Smiling will allow the organization to see how other employees in same organizations feel about the industry and his or her organization.The next step was to determine the necessarily of the employee in each area of the organization. I have decided that employees are less concerned with his or job descriptions or the training provided however they are concerned with benefits and compensation so this is an area that postulate to be looked into closely. Our employees want to be compensated for a job well done he or she would like to have a salary that is comparable to others in the industry. Pay is a key motivating factor for the employees, so correcting the pay scale is a good place to start.The employees are also not concerned with the recruiting techniques. In the future after correcting the pay scale and making the pay more in-line with similar organizations Magic will look into other aspects of training for upward mobility. The next task was to identify Business Delivery needs. What I have chosen should pass on morale throughout the department. Game credits will allow the developer to see that he or she is valued by the organization. It will also boost conceit and awareness of his or her skill in the industry.Personal projects will allow the developer to showcase his or her skills. This will allow him or her to flaunt the creative sound judgement that he or she was hired for. Telecommuting opportunities in todays industry is crucial to the success of an organization. As a gaming developer they need to f eel comfortable when working. It may be feasible to offer telecommuting to the software and developer personnel. Telecommuting will allow for personal freedom to get the task undefiled in a timely manner.Developers and software personnel get burnout therefore it may be nice to offer a mini sabbatical. This will allow him or her time off to get things put in order. Time to get his or head in the right place is always a neces baity. If allowed the mini sabbatical the employee will come back refreshed and invigorated full of new ideas. Compensation and benefits is an instant motivator for an employee. It would be a sensible decision to structure pay and incentives around the type of job that is done by the employee for the organization.Spot performances, group incentives, individual incentives, and lump sum merit awards are the choices to support compensation and incentives. Magic has people that work as a part of a team and also individually therefore the pay, rewards, and incentive s should be pit up around the job title. The simulation has great ideas to correct the attrition problem however there are a few ideas that should be looked into. The first idea is the recruitment techniques. Magic has done the homework and analyzed the needs of the organization as well as the employee, putting this to use is the key to success.A recruitment plan to hire the outmatch employee would include group or series interviewing techniques because this will allow for the organization to get a feel for the campaigner and the candidate a feel for the people he or she would be working with. I would also recommend testing on the software the organization is currently using, because this will allow the organization to determine the individual skill level to complete the task. Once the person is hired it would be beneficial to sit with him or her at intervals along the way to determine if the organization is meeting his or her individual needs.At each interval the person is evalua ted on his or her production and also areas are pointed out that need work. The employee will also be allowed time to give feedback to the organization. Magic Graffix is currently in a incline to improve the way they utilize the employees. Magic is currently faced with trying to retain its employees as they are leaving for better jobs within the industry. Magic needs to make itself more competitive in the industry. Making the organization more competitive and offering key incentives will allow Magic to recruit the best candidates for the job.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Othello and Faustus Blame Term Paper Essay
Trust is an essential part of a peaceful society. The look people act decides whether they be current or not. One who manipulates go for to deceive people is to blame for the disturbance. Those who places trust in the wrong some ashes are also to blame. Placing trust in an unworthy person is the initial fault as it opens the protagonist to deception. Thus they base their actions according to the moody information which blames them. The person who is to blame is viewed as a villain quite a than a hero. The object of the misplace trust is decides to what extent they are to blame.Othello and Faustus place their trust in unworthy people. Othello is a trusting man, causing him to trust a deceiver who wishes him harm. Iago explains his plan for Othello in this way, After some time, abuse Othellos ears/ that he is too familiar with his married woman./ To be suspectedframed to make women false./ The bind off is of free and open nature/ that thinks men sightly that scarcely seem t o be so/ and will as tenderly be guide by thnose/ as asses are./ (A1 S3 L390-393). Iago plots to manipulate Othello when he bows he will abuse Othellos ears. He states that he will convince Othello that Cassio is having an af decent with his wife and describes that he picked Cassio because he seems like the type of man to commit this offence.This quote also shows the excessive trusting nature of Othello. Iago confides that it would be simple to deceive Othello because Othello is honest to the point where he entrusts no one is dishonest. Iago will be able to slide by Othello into believing Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. Iagos plan would cause the experiencefall of Cassio and Othello which is absolute for Iagos motives. Othellos trusting personality causes him to misplace his trust in a deceiver, which is the beginning of his downfall. Othellos flaw of trusting is an excess of a satisfactory trait, placing more blame onto Iago.Faustus places his trust in himself be cause he is prideful. He was k right awayledgeable in every acceptable weapon system of knowledge. Faustus is presented in the prologue in this way That dead he was graced with doctors name,/ excelling all, and sweetly stooge dispute/ in thheavenly matters of theology/ Till swolln with cunning, of a self-conceit,/ his waxen locomote did mount above his reach/ and melting, heavens conspired his overthrow (prologue L16-21). The quote shows that Faustus was praised with the title of doctor after surpassing everyone in the subject of god, which is the most important branch of knowledge at the time.The quote continues to describe Faustus pride to be swollen, which means it has grown larger than it should be. vanity is the deadliest of the seven deadly sins and Icarus, who was prideful, reached beyond what he was receptive of. Icarus flew too close to the sun even though he was warned by his father. This resulted in the melting of his waxed wings and ultimately killing him. Icarus bears the blame all for his downfall. This quote shows that Faustus shares the same pride as Icarus.If Faustus were to fall because he were to reach beyond his capabilities with the knowledge that he should not, Faustus would bear all the blame and be viewed as a villain. Faustus understands theology better than everyone, but he chooses to be prideful. His excellence causes him to be prideful and believe he is better than what he truly is. Pride is viewed as a negative trait and will cause the reader to lean towards viewing Faustus as a villain rather than a hero.The misplaced trust cause Othello and Faustus accept false knowledge. Othello vows to kill Desdemona because he trusts Iago. Othello expresses his plans as, Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace,/ shall nevr look back, nevr ebb to depressed love,/ till that a capable and wide revenge/ swallow them up. He kneels. Now, by yond marble heaven,/ in the due reverence of a sacred vow/ I here engage my words./. ..Damn her Come, go with me apart. I will withdraw/ to furnish me some swift means of death for the fair devil./ (A3 S3 L454-458 & 473-475). Being a trustworthy man, Othello would never break his promise.He begins to say that he has thoughts of murder for his revenge. He continues to say that he refuses to think otherwise. He chooses to have an unwavering mind of having revenge. He makes a vow with Iago and he vows to kill Desdemona as soon as possible. His promise to kill Desdemona is base on the false information Iago has given him. Othello is mentally prepared to commit a fault that will condemn his future because he trusts Iago. Othello is partially to blame for this mistake because he vows to take revenge based on circumstantial evidence. He is stubborn to set his mind to one path.Faustus accepts false information because he believes that he knows everything about(predicate) divinity. In his demonstration of the types of knowledge, his ignorance causes him to escape essential details. Jeromes Bible, Faustus view it well. Ha The reward of sin is death? If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. Why, then belike, we must sin, and so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death What will be shall be Divinity, adieu (A1 S1 L36-43) Faustus starts his speech on divinity with pride. He states that he has viewed the bible without lose anything.As he reads a passage from the bible, he shows that he does not view it well. He reads that those who sin are damned and men must sin. Therefore, he decides that all men are damned. He overlooks rueance and shows how his pride is fatal. Repentance is the key to divinity because it is the only way to save ones intelligence. Faustus overlooks divinity as another branch of knowledge he has mastered.His knowledge causes him to be prideful and place his trust in himself. He neglects the concept of repentance and dismisses divinity. By dismissing divinity, he would be unable to review the whole passage to understand if he had missed anything. His pride causes him to believe that there is no salvation and pursues a path that will condemn him. Faustus is completely to blame because he has an excess of pride, which is a bad trait. His trait led him to accept false knowledge so he bears all of the blame.The actions that condemn Othello and Faustus are based on false information. Othello commits murder because he believes Desdemona was false to him. Othello is lead by false information that was given to him from Iago. Othello announces, Shes like a liar gone to burning hell Shes like a liar gone to burning hell/ Twas I that killed her/ Tis pitiful but yet Iago knows/ that she with Cassio hath the act of shame/ a thousand measure committed. Cassio confessed it/ And she did gratify his amorous works/ with that recognizance and pledge of love,/ which I first gave her. I saw it in his hand./ It was a handkerchief, an antique token/ my father gave my mother (A5 S2 L128-1 29 & 207-214).Othello admits he killed Desdemona because he is time-honoured and refuses to avoid punishment by with killing Desdemona by lying. He says that he killed Desdemona, but without shame because he believes he has done so for a trade good cause. He states his reasons, which were all based on information that Iago has given him. Othello justifies his actions with events where Iago was deceiving him. Iago and Cassio were talking about Bianca, but Iago tells Othello it was about Desdemona.Iago also says that he has seen Cassio wipe his beard with Desdemonas handkerchief. Othellos evidence is all based on Iagos deception and false evidence which is later proved wrong by Emilia. Othello wrongfully murders Desdemona and is condemned. Othello befogged his loyal wife, his status and his respect that was gained through many years of service. Othello bears most of blame because he accepts Iagos uncertain information and stubbornly devotes himself to revenge. He focuses on Iagos i nformation and is unable to see through Iagos obvious lies. Iago still bears little, but some of the blame for giving the false information.Having rejected divinity, Faustus chooses necromancy, which condemns him. He pride causes him write the terms for the devil. Faustus states the terms as, I, John Faustus of Wittenberg, Doctor, by these/ presents, do give both body and soul to Lucifer,/ prince of east, and his minister Mephostophilis/, and furthermore grant unto them that,/ quadruple and twenty years existence expired and these/ articles above written being inviolate, full/ power to fetch or carry the said John Faustus,/ body and soul,, flesh, blood, or goods, into their/ habitation wheresoever./ By me John Faustus/ (A2 S1 L108-117). Faustus dictates the terms of the contract.He sells his soul to Lucifer for twenty four years of leisure and the obedience of Mephistophilis. His pride causes him to not realize his eternal soul is worth much more than twenty four years of pleasure . In the end, he states that the terms were by him, repeating that it was him who created the terms. He remains prideful and sells his soul to Lucifer to pursue his path of necromancy. Faustus made this decision because he believed in himself and based his action on the false knowledge. His overlooking of divinity causes him to damn himself. He is completely to blame for his actions because the devil did not influence Faustus. Faustus knew exactly what he was doing because he creates a contract that will condemn him and dictates its terms to Mephistophilis.The blame for the downfall depends on the characters final actions. Othellos honour wills him to right the wrong. Othello shows his honourable personality by saying, I have done the state some service, and they knowt./ No more of that. I pray you, in your letters,/ when you shall these unlucky deeds relate,/ speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuated, nor set down aught in malice. Then you must speak/ of one that loved not wisely, bu t too well/ Of one not easily jealous, but, being wrought ,/ perplexed in the extreme of one whose hand,/ like the base Judean, threw a pearl away/ richer than all his tribe I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this, killing myself, to die upon a kiss (A5 S2 L334-344 & 354-355).Othello tries to make a last attempt to justify his actions and regain his honour. He talks about his past deeds and about how honourable he was. He also asks that his unfortunate deeds should not be excluded in his report. He tells Lodovic to report on his love, and that he was not wise in his love, but he was madly in love with Desdemona. Othello admits that he was jealous and was not thinking logically when he doubted Desdemonas loyalty. Othello was perplexed in the extreme, causing him to charge Desdemona with groundless evidence. Othello describes himself like Judean. Judean refers to Judas, who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.Judas betrays Jesus, condemning himself to hell. Othello says he has killed Desdemona which has condemned him. He continues to be loyal to Venice and now that he has become an enemy of the state, he decides to kill himself. His last line was dedicated to Desdemona, saying that there is nothing he can do to repent for killing her, but he is willing to sacrifice himself to right the wrong.Othello understands his mistakes and tries to justify his actions. Seeing that he has taken the life of an innocent person, he decides that it is only fair he takes his own. This shows that Othello bears a little bit of the blame because he shows he truly had no intent of killing Desdemona and admits he is wrong. Iago bears most of the blame because he deceives Othello, an innocent and honest person. Hence, Iago is viewed as the villain whereas Othello is viewed as a hero.Faustus destruction is brought upon himself due to his rejection of repentance. Faustus demonstrates his pride even when he knows he is wrong by saying, exactly Faustus offense can neer be pa rdoned./ The serpent that tempted Eve may be saved, but/ not Faustus (A5 S2 L42-44). Faustus continues to be prideful and states that his offense can not be excused. This is related to the point when Faustus rejects divinity. Divinity shows that he can repent, but he overlooks it again. He believes in the false information and his pride causes him to believe that his actions were more significant than the serpents actions, which damned all of humanity.Faustus pride believes he is more superior to the very devil he had sold his soul to. Faustus understands that he is wrong, but refuses to acknowledge it. Faustus bears all of the blame for his downfall because he has allowed himself to be led by pride. Faustus is offered another chance to repent and save himself from damnation, but his pride convinces him to discard this opportunity. Faustus is viewed as a villain for not repenting to God and refusing to save himself after he is condemned.Othello trusted Iago, which led him to believe false information. The false information caused Othello to condemn himself, but Othello recognizes his mistakes and tries to right the wrong. Faustus is prideful and trusts himself, causing him to make an error in his studies. The error leads to Faustus condemnation, but Faustus is capable of saving himself many times by repenting unlike Othello.Othello did not have a second chance where as Faustus had many chances. Faustus discards all of his opportunities and refuses to accept the fact that he is wrong. Othello bears less of the trust because he was unable to save himself after he realized he has been condemned, but tries to right the wrong. Faustus bears all of the blame because he is condemned, and is capable of saving himself, but chooses not to. Thus, Othello is viewed as a hero while Faustus is viewed as a villain.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Nuclear Energy Social Benefits and Costs
Its impacts on the environment atomic number 18 almost Non-existent if well managed It occupies tho scurvy surfaces of land and consumes small amounts of fuel its shove off is small, confined, and isolated from the environment. there is no industry in the world that bay window present the same excellent criminal record of safety performance as the nuclear industry. Introduction to thermonuclear Energy for Civilian Purposes * Most early atomic research focused on growth an effective weapon for use in World War II.After the war, the United States government encouraged the development of nuclear energy for peaceful civilian purposes period continuing to develop, test, and deploy new nuclear weapons. * The Experimental Breeder Reactor I at a site in Idaho generated the first electricity from nuclear energy on December 20, 1951. * As of 2008, 13% of the worlds electricity comes from nuclear energy. Fewer than 400 nuclear great power reactors were operating as of May 2012 (Japans 54 reactors were gradually taken offline after the March 2011 meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi).There were also 60 nuclear reactors under construction. * In the United States alone, there are 103 nuclear power reactors, which provide about 19% of the nations electricity. * A new nuclear power engraft has not been ordered in the U. S. since 1973. How It Works The Scientific Process Behind Nuclear Energy * Nuclear energy relies on the fact that some elements can be split (in a process called fission) and will release part of their energy as inflame. Because it fissions easily, Uranium-235 (U-235) is one of the elements most comm completely used to produce nuclear energy. It is generally used in a mixture with Uranium-238, and produces Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) as waste in the process. * A nuclear power plant generates electricity like any other steam-electric power plant. water is heated, and steam from the boiling water turns turbines and generates electricity. * The main difference in the various fictitious characters of steam-electric plants is the heat source.Coal, oil, or gas is burned in other power plants to heat the water. Heat from a chain reaction of fissioning Uranium-235 boils the water in a nuclear power plant. Some have compared this process to using a mandate to kill a fly. * On March 11, 2011, a strong earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. The resulting tsunami caused meltdowns at multiple reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. For more information on the misadventure at Fukushima,click here. * On April 26, 1986, the No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl power plant (in the former U.S. S. R. , present-day(prenominal) Ukraine) exploded, causing the worst nuclear accident ever. SOCIAL COSTS External Costs * The waste material generated by nuclear energy from nuclear fleets to nuclear plants is radio-active, and for this waste to naturally decompose it takes from hundred thousand to millions of years, if it is not fully decomposed it s till poses a threat. * The waste material created by nuclear energy if it isnt disposed well, and terrorists can have access to it the result would be disastrous, as it can be used for nuclear weapons. If there is any nuclear accident the reaction would spread to a large area and apart from destroying peoples lives it would also cause other people and different organisms to be radio-actively undetermined creating long-term health problems. * Nuclear accidents tend to destroy the natural ecosystem, by polluting water-bodies and animals. * Nuclear accidents can cause climate change extreme heat waves or droughts. Private Costs * Allocating the resources (land) for building the nuclear energy power plant is very difficult, as finding a fairly sparsely populated portion close to a water-body isnt available readily. The investment needed for to build a nuclear energy power plant, and the capital for its safety measures all cost a lot of money(in billions). * If a nuclear power station wants to shut down, the process of nuclear decommissioning (process of entrusting the land for other uses) is also very expensive. * The process of acquire rid of the nuclear waste is very costly, as the investors need to hire highly skilled people to enclose this waste into tin boxes for it to degrade, and the capital (equipment) and transfer facility for this process is very expensive. Nuclear accidents can three times more than the operating revenue of that nuclear power plant. SOCIAL BENEFITS External Benefits * Nuclear energy has very high chances for development, as some can produce less nuclear waste, others have chances of efficiently reproduce the waste, and nuclear power plants can run on other types of radio-active materials, or with little waste products producing huge amount of electricity. * Nuclear energy running on different types of radio-active material is predicted to put to death the increasing demand for electricity for more than 3000 years. Nuclear energy is the one of the energy type which does not release any greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but only releases water-vapour as a by-product, but yet still has the capacity to produce a lot of energy. * The waste product generated from fossil fuel is far great than nuclear energy, the burning of coal not only produces greenhouse gases but also fairly radio-active materials which are leashed into the environment, but in nuclear energy the radio-active waste is shielded from the environment and is far less compared to that of burning fossil fuels. Nuclear energy plants have the ability to produce large amounts of electricity which would not only be cheap but would have a high voltage this would help a countrys industrial (secondary) sector. Private Benefits * The amount spend on buying fuel (uranium rods, etc. ) is very less. * For investors according to their scale of preference to develop a power station, a nuclear energy plant would be high on the scale.Because the chances of ther e being a nuclear accident is very low, as there is no power industry in the world that can present the same excellent records of safety measurements than the nuclear energy industry. Despite the Chernobyl disaster which was because of the USSR developing very fast and lack of the type of technology available today, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster being an act of God, which the world wasnt prepared for but now is.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Alcohol and Sports
When college students and adults drink irresponsibly, they often create negative associations with inebriant and its hindering effects. Alcohol is a constituent of various recreational and other(a) events in the United States. It is available at a wide range of public sporting events and often is the central focus of celebrations of success and achievement. Unfortunately, as headspring as contri justing to relaxation and conviviality, alcohol is also associated with verbal and physical abuse, arrests for aggressive behavior and violence and admissions to hospitals as a consequence of alcohol link up assaults.These concluding aspects require recently been raised in sport bare and news nationwide. This initiates problems such as violence, public urination, or people collapsing as a consequence of overweening drinking. Facility trouble programs have made ripe precautions regarding such events. These problems are not a new phenomena in the world of sports. In an attempt to cont ain violence, more facilities and leagues have taken action to control and remove the availability of alcohol at such events.After considerable re attempt, there seems to be a repetition of facility worry aspects used in everyday sporting events, such as the aggroup and FAM organizational programs, specific pre and post plunk for provisions, and actions regarding in- punt incidents. There are many alcohol management strategies that facilities and programs have developed over the past two decades. Almost every professional sport team up and facility follows the grand design of the non-profit organization called Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management.TEAM begin back in the 1980s in reaction to the high number of concern fatalities resulting from heavy drinking at sporting events and to increasing public awareness of the problem of alcohol-related driving (Stadium Alcohol Management). This program has two major goals regarding alcohol management reduce drunk-driving and publ icize responsible drinking services and consumption at sporting arenas. There main focus is on major sporting venues. TEAM also branches into another program called Facility Alcohol Management (FAM).FAM further assists to public arenas in developing alcohol management. Furthermore, TEAM puts a strong strain on their 300 trainers who in turn train more than 30,000 sport facility employees. Training is a very important component involved in enhancing the awareness of staff. This regards factors that contribute to hostility and strategies to defuse potentially dangerous situations and legal issues regarding the proper management of venues. Hence, giving the staff an understanding of strategies to manage alcohol aggression on licensed premises.Planning is one of the most important features of alcohol management within a facility. An appropriate location of an event should always be selected with lax access to transport to and from the venue. Many sport facilities have restrictions or bans on alcohol brought into the venue, as well as restrictions on the type of containers brought into the venue. Alcohol is a great source of revenue for sport leagues and arenas. Facility organizers may also be unwilling to set up alcohol-free events because it is such a main attractiveness during game-play.More than 60% of professional sporting event revenues come from alcohol purchases (Class Video). Another important example of alcohol management planning is making sure to house information before and during the event. This should overwhelm risks, regulations, requirements and controls. more or lesstimes the lack of information about strict alcohol polices can result in fans arriving un defecated, either not deliverance enough money to purchase alcohol inside the venue or spending it before entry.There has been precaution involving the amount of alcohol served at sporting and boastfully public events. Severity of alcohol problems can be related to length of a game, wheth er or not it is a playoff game or even if the game is an exciting one or not (Class Discussion). Facility managers and staff must take into consideration those key features of a game in order to prepare for alcohol related incidents. Facilities set restricted times for serving alcohol, including set period before the end of the event, where alcohol is no longer served..There have been proper preparations for regulating the sale of alcohol on premises within the grounds, referenceicularly the times at which alcohol could be served. This allows for sobering up of patrons and reduced likeliness of drunk driving and other issues. This can be in between an inning, or at halftime. For example, most baseball games stop serving alcohol at the end of the 7th inning in order to maintain the crowd. Having a limited amount of alcohol served to each fan is another way a facility can avoid issues. Concession stands should only be serving 1 drink per node.Most sporting facilities have kept this under control but staff members working the beverage stands have let this slide and provided more than 1 drink per customer. Server staff selection and training is very important, although severalise shows that enforcement needs to accompany this in order to ensure its effectiveness. Security staff and police officers have been a vital part of alcohol facility management over the past decade. During preparation for games and large sporting events, security department takes measures to properly secure a facility for intended alcohol related use.Many facilities have use a range of strategies to reduce risks such as segregation of opposing fans or higher levels of policing. If there were safety concerns, security is granted authority to search public vehicles and individuals trying to enter an event with soaking beverages. It is important for the police force to try and maintain a crowd during the tailgating portion of an event. This is where the sot excessive drinking takes place . An example of a facility security measure involves video surveillance at the Milwaukee Brewers stadium.In the article Drinking Games, it states that most parks now include video surveillance equipment that can home in on specific seat locations, but beer hawkers, concessions-stand workers and ushers equipped only with their own eyes are also relied upon to recognize the tell-tale signs of intoxication, or in some cases the mere probability of intoxication. The security staff and police presence should be visible and have a establish view of the area around them. Also, they should have the authority to ban or remove fans for public displays of drunken behavior.Facility managers take into consideration the importance of harm reduction. Some arenas have been setting up dry areas or family areas to reduce risk and nuisance, especially for families and young people. Also, alcohol served in a tempered glass or plastic and foam cups help reduce the likelihood of containers being used a s weapons, and to prevent accidental or deliberate injury to staff and fans on the licensed premises. In Europe, they have sobering-up areas which act as a very valuable strategy (Study Abroad experience 2011).There was minimal effectiveness but it may enable management of those who are overly intoxicated. Traffic management should be something planned before, during and after a sport game. After games, there are security checkpoints where drivers are checked for intoxication or any alcoholic beverages in their possession. This is where many people are arrested for DUIs and drunkenly misconduct. When looking at the alcohol management regarding Madison Square Garden, there seem to be procedures and provisions similar to the ones listen previously in this research paper.At most of the events at MSG, alcoholic beverages are available for purchase. They train their staff within the terms of the TEAM organization. Alcohol sales are limited to up to two alcoholic beverages per customer pe r transaction and must provide an ID with purchase. MSG makes sure that guests do not bring in alcoholic beverages from outside vendors, and cannot leave with beverages purchased inside the arena. The last part of their alcohol management statement deals with management reserving the right to refuse the sale of alcohol to any guest (MSG. com).While there have been significant sport broadcasting about alcohol related harm at various professional and collegiate sporting events, there is little direct evidence to guide tonus practice of such events. Nevertheless, there are a range of strategies that can be generalized from the mainstream research on reducing alcohol related incidents and strategies that have unpretentious biases. This relationship is a complex one, it arises from our interactions among various factors relating to the American culture, our drinking venues and the individual.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Behavioral Plan
Alex is a 10th grader in a public school. He is an active boy, though too active that he finds it hard to focus on his lessons or even just listen to his teacher for an extended period. piece of music he can cope with class most of the time, he finds it hard to excel because of the inability to focus to his lessons. Thus, intervention must be made to military service Alex focus and get more out of his classes. Hypothesis Alexs excessive liveliness is a sign of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, a condition suffered by millions of children in the United States alone.Other countries add to the statistics. It is therefore commensurate for a formal research to be made in an attempt to conclude the problem and help Alex along with the many children suffering the disease. Doing so will help them live normal, productive lives. Objectives of the Study The study focuses on Alex and aims to (a) help Alex stomach in class, (b) help Alex participate in class, and (c) help Ale x avoid teasing and disrupting separate kids in the class. There ar certain difficulties in trying to pitch these objectives.First, Alex may not be expected to comply one hundred percent of the time with the teacher. Second, Alexs attention-deficit problem is innate in him and it is not patrician to stop him by just telling him to stop. Lastly, Alex finds this kinds of activity fun and comfortable, and so suddenly taking it away can pose further problems to him. These should all be considered in planning an intervention plan for Alex and with all similar cases. Data GatheringThe first step, as clinical practitioners suggest, was to gather as much information about(predicate) the subject as possible. Interviews with Alex, with his parents, and with close friends have been done. Often generation, behavior characterizing ADHD starts from untoward occurrences in the childs life that has affected him psychologically. The case deepens if the child finds no outlet for pouring hurt emo tions or depression. Alexs activities were also observed. Charting will be done on the quantify of the day that he is most active, and times when he is calm and collected.It was also noted at what activities Alex is not paying attention and which ones constitute him stay put. These will tell pretty much how Alexs behavior can be corrected. Considering these, Alexs data was compared with other children. This comparison will instill or deny if Alexs behavior is right for his get on with and maturity level, and if corrective actions should be made. If the data from the charts show that Alex is acting according to his age, constructive yet disciplinary actions may be given to make him arrange in class.However, if the data shows that Alex is acting differently, further and more serious actions shall be made and executed. Data Analysis Alexs data revealed important facts about his condition. The charting erect that Alexs parents both work, and he is often left to his babysitter. Alex is an only child, though he has an older sister from his fathers first marriage. The sister does not live with Alex nor is she close to him. When Alexs activities were observed, it has been found that he would stand up and play around when Kara starts speaking.It seems that Alex does not like passive listening. Even at times that Kara was able to convince him to sit and listen, he would be fidgeting with his pencil, the pages of his workbook, or the hems of his shorts. However, when there are activities to do in the workbook, in the board, or plainly if there are activities that Kara asks the class to do Alex complies and quietly finishes his tasks. Yet when Kara starts speaking again for the purpose of discussing, Alex begins with his activity again.It should be noted, however, that only short activities keep Alex preoccupied. When activities reach more than quintette minutes or so, he begins fidgety again and looks for new things to do, leaving his activities unfinished. Looking at the behavior of the children similar to his level, Alexs actions are not fitting his age and maturity level. While other children of his age are easy to talk to and direct into doing what is acceptable, no encouragement convinced Alex in doing the same. PropositionsGiven that Alex cannot stay rivet in his class and because it greatly affects his participation and ultimately his grades, the following interventions were proposed. 1. At the first week, Alex was seated in the front line of the class, near the teachers table. This allowed the teacher to keep contact with Alex constantly throughout the class. 2. On the second week, Kara gave Alex a special role in class which allowed him to keep track of other children in class who are not behaving well.Standing and talking were among the activities that Alex kept an eye on. 3. Kara started giving the class periodic activities every ten minutes starting on the third week. Activities include lesson-related works but also calisthenics and even breaks. 4. At the fourth week, Kara held a conference with the parents and solicited their help in the case. She stressed the magnificence of keeping themselves present for Alex to aid what depression there may be in Alex. 5. Alex was given short special assignments every other day to make up for his low grades in class.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Isolation of Crude Acetaminophen Essay
later on first isolation of bumpy acetaminophen, 1.22g of light, brown shiny, fine Crestline unanimous emulated, which demonstrated slight less than 0.030g of harvest-home was lost from original 0.150g of p-aminophenol. The liquescent full stop clench of bounderish acetaminophen ranged from 166.8-167.6C, when comp be to the known melting point of pure acetaminophen which ranged from 169.5-171C, is slightly blue. After decolonization of crude acetaminophen 0.060g of a very light burning/pink almost white, fine, shiny gossamer purified acetaminophen was recovered. Significant amount was lost slightly over half was lost from 0.122g crude acetaminophen. Purified acetaminophen resulted in a much lighter coloring than the crude acetaminophen. Purified acetaminophen was slightly light tan/pink nearly white, whereas crude acetaminophen was light brown. After crystallization of acetaminophen, 0.028g of whiter, shiny, fine crystals resulted with no patent odor. Slightly less than h alf of increase was lost from 0.060g purified acetaminophen that was crystallized and ab come to the fore 0.122g was lost from the original 0.150g of p-aminophenol started with. The melting point range of the crystallized acetaminophen (166.1-169.8 C when compared to the known melting point range of pure acetaminophen at 169.5-171C is clearly depressed and elongated. 169.5-171CCalculations% comport of crude increasex = 0.207g crude acetaminophenx 100 = 58.7%% yield of crystallized (final) warex = 0.207g crude acetaminophenx 100 = 13.5%ObservationsWeigh out about 0.150g p-aminophenol and place this in a %ml conical vial. Note nearly amount of convergence was lost do to spillage. .150g weighted out p-aminophenol is a false purple powder containing few small grains. Using pipette, add 0.450ml of peeing and 0.165ml of acetic anhydride. About 450ml and 0.165ml of water and acetic anhydride weighted out. Addition of water formed dark purple viscous mixture most p-aminophenol disso lved. Addition of acetic anhydride to the mixture produced a dark brown mixture brown lessen seemed to have formed at the bottom of the vial. Heat the reaction with an alumina block at about 120C while stirring gently. After solid precipitate has completely dissolved heat for an addition 20 minutes. Remove vial from heat and allow cooling. Once cool remove the swirl vane and air condenser from the conical vial and let cool to room temperature. Once safe to touch put the mixture in an drinking glaze bath for 15-20 minutes allowing for crystallization.Collect crystals through vacuuming through Hirsch funnel for 5-10 minutes allowing for air to go through. Once dry add weight the crude harvest and do melting point range test 166.8-167.6C compared to the know melting point range of 169.5-171C. Dissolve 0.2g of sodium Dithionite in 1.5ml of water in a 5ml conical vial. Weight out about 0.204g of sodium dithionite, a grey- white solid powder, add the crude product to the vial and hea t up the mixture at about 100C for 15 minutes. After heating the crude product completely dissolved producing a light tan translucent solution. Note spillage occurred when transferring crude product into conical vial. Cool mixture in an ice bath for about 10 minutes. Collection of crystals are done by vacuuming with the Hirsch funnel, once dry weight the purified acetaminophen 0.060g resulted. The purified acetaminophen resulted in a much lighter coloration than the crude. Place purified acetaminophen in a craig resistance.Crystallize the material from a resolve mixture composed of 50% water 50% methanol by volume. Set up the Craig tube apparatus described in technique 11, section11.4. Add drops of hot solvent until solid is dissolved. When product has dissolved, place the Craig tubeinto a 10ml Erlenmeyer flask, insert the inner chaw of the Craig tube and allow solution to cool. Place in ice bath for several minutes to allow acetaminophen to crystallize. After crystallization has occurred collect crystals using apparatus shown in technique 8 figure 8.11, place assembly in centrifuge for several minutes collect crystals on watch glass weight it at 0.028g and find the melting point range of 166.1-169.8C. Questions1. Most compounds have lower solubilitys at lower temperatures. You can stupefy more product y crystallization at lower temperature. 3. Product can be lost through Hirsch funnel if over washed.4. x = 0..180g crude acetaminophenx = 0.00119g mol acetaminophen6.DiscussionThrough the main reaction between 0.150g of p-aminophenol with acetic anhydride, 0.122g of crude acetaminophen was produced along with some acetic acid. This indicates a 58.7 percent yield of crude acetaminophen. This is a fair percent yield considering a slight amount of p-aminophenol was lost due to spillage in the transferring process into conical vail and slight amount of crude acetaminophen was lost when trying to remove crystallized crude acetaminophen from conical vial.Percent yield is 58.7% indicating exit of reactants or spillage of products. There is possible error when performing suction filtration too much washing of product can cause product to fall through filter eventually decreasing overall percent yield. also overheating may have caused a loss of product some of the product may have been splattered out of the reaction vessel when heating. 1005 yield would mean that one has carried out the lab activities perfectly producing the predicted amount of product. prone the 58.7% yield actually obtained, it is evident that experimental procedures be accurately followed for further improvement. It is in the transferring process ofp-aminophenol to a 5mL conical vial. Where error is most critical and product can be readily lost.After decolorization process, 0.060g of decolorized/purified acetaminophen was obtained indicating a significant loss of product. Prior to decolorization process, 0.122g of crude acetaminophen solid was present, meaning half of pr oduct was lost in the decolorization process. It is important to note that a significant amount of product was lost due to spillage when transferring crude acetaminophen into conical vial to decolorization. Error may also be present if mixture is overheated and product is evaporated off.After crystallization process of purified acetaminophen, 0.028g of white final acetaminophen resulted indicating a 13.5% yield. this is a poor percent yield. this indicates slightly less than half of 0.060g of purified acetaminophen was lost. Such a low percent yield can be attributed to the loss of product throughout the crystallization process. It is important o note that a significant amount of product was lost within supernatant after centrifugation, also, product was lost when trying to remove product from Craig tube and plug.Purity of final product of acetaminophen was tested through qualitative observation of coloration and by comparing obtained melting point ranges of crude and final acetamin ophen to the literature melting point range of pure acetaminophen. Because crude solid acetaminophen contains dark impurities carried along with p-aminophenol we can qualitatively compare the level of impurity before and after decolorization. As for the second test for impurity, the melting point range of the crude acetaminophen, 166.8-167.6C is slightly depressed when compared to the known melting point range of pure acetaminophen 169.5-171C. Crude acetaminophen melting point range is depressed by 2.7C. A difference of less than 5C indicates a good melting point range was obtained for crude acetaminophen this indicating a token(prenominal) amount of impurity present. The melting point range of final crystallized acetaminophen, 166.1-169.8C is slightly depressed and elongated when compared to the known melting point range of pure acetaminophen 169.5-171C.It is depressed by 3.4C and elongated by 2.2C. A difference of less than 5C indicates a good melting point range was obtained, th ough impurities may still be present. When crystals are isolated by filtration from a solvent, it is important to allow complete drying/evaporation of the solvent in order to minimize impurities and get a good melting range. Residual solvent may also function as an impurity and allow depress/broaden the melting range for acetaminophen. When two chemicals are mixed, side reactions may take place and produce by-products which can serve as impurities ultimately lowering and elongating the melting point range. For further reference, one must meticulously carry out experimental procedures to ensure that neither reactants nor product is lost and higher(prenominal) percent yield is obtained.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ferdinand and Miranda Essay
How does Shakespe atomic number 18 express the encounter between Ferdinand and Miranda from lines 450-499? The encounter between Miranda and Ferdinand in lines 450-499 of The Tempest is presented using three characters, Miranda, Ferdinand, and Prospero. Miranda and Ferdinand have fall in love at first sight to Prosperos delight, though he doesnt penury them to fall in love too quickly or interfere with his plans, so he lies to Miranda intimately Ferdinands unworthiness and then charms Ferdinand from moving. Miranda is presented as a helpless damsel distressed by the path her father handled this situation.If the ill spirit have so fair a house, Good things will make to dwell witht These are Mirandas first words in these lines saying that physical steady is a sign of proper morals and righteousness. This was an axiom during the renaissance period, hinting that she is only wise enough to province the obvious argument. After Ferdinand is charmed from moving she says, Hes gentle an d not fearful. This sounding exchangeable she believes he is courageous, but more likely she is emphasizing his gentleness and compassion. These short interjections present Miranda as unserviceable to the entire dispute.There are only three lines of verbal exchange between Miranda and Ferdinand, My father is of a better nature, sir, Than he appears by speech. This is unwonted Which now came from him. This shows Mirandas inexperience with men as she is nearly too shy to say anything at all. Ferdinand is depicted as a good-looking man, with the normal qualities that add together along with royalty much(prenominal) as courage, and a heroic nature. I will resist such entertainment (treatment) Till mine enemy has more power. This expresses Ferdinands royal nature, as he is wedded to overpowering all enemies.After prospero commands his attention, accuses him of falsely bearing the title of the prince of Naples, and asks for him to obey his every word, Ferdinand says, No, as I am a man. This explains Ferdinand is used to getting what he wants and being adored by all and has antecedently given out orders rather than taken them. Finally, Ferdinand gives up arguing prospero, Might I but through my prison one a day Behold this maid He pledges his heart to Miranda saying that he doesnt care if he gets punished as long as he can overtake this girl. But both of these characters are dwarfed by Prosperos powers and wisdom.Prospero is the centre of all talk in these lines, as both of the younger characters are pleading to Prospero to let them live out their love for one another, though neither can match the sorcerers power, Come from they ward, For I can here demilitarise thee with this stick And make thy weapon drop. Here is the suggestion that prospero is the mightiest of all men, as his stick can thrash any armed man. His wisdom is also expressed through the use of proverbs, What, I say, my foot my passenger vehicle? This asserts Prosperos paternal control over Miranda as well as proving that prospero is a man of nifty intellect.All of Prosperos aside passages allow the audience to see through his eyes, (aside) They are both in eithers powers, but this swift Business I must uneasy make. Here we are told that prospero, despite the fact that he is pleased with his daughters love, is planning to put Ferdinand through menial tests, possibly to keep him from disturbing his plans. Seeing this passage through Prosperos eyes gives the audience a sense that he overwhelms the others in power and wisdom. Shakespeare has made Prospero the key to the presentation of this encounter.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Brain Response of Behavior
The communication process of nerve cells in the sensation is a complex electro chemic process from iodin neuron to the next in a series of chemic reaction to pass the sum (Charles, 2002). However, the pass along to be passed precedes the process of communication involved. The core to be communicated to the brain neurons originates from the senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound.The neurons dendrites ordinarily receive a chemical nitty-gritty from the neighboring neuron which generates or triggers off a chemical reaction to form nerve impulse.The generated nerve impulse or action potential travels down the neuron tube referred to as axon through the borderinal button at the end of that neuron. At this end, the depicted object carried is passed to the next adjacent neuron through a synapse. However, the synapse has a gap called synaptic cleft that sum neurotransmitters should diffuse through to the next nerve cells dendrites. The electrical message to be easy throu gh synaptic cleft is contained in synaptic vesicles with several neurotransmitters.The neurotransmitters on the presynaptic neuron or neuron that has the message to diffuse through synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron or on the receiving neuron mustiness be in appropriate key and fit complex body split (Charles, 2002, p. 63). This is necessary to enhance successful neurotransmitters binding after diffusion. Once the neurotransmitters are diffused through the synaptic cleft, they bind to the dendrites of postsynaptic neuron and release the chemical message that triggers off or stimulates neuron chemical changes.Thereafter, the process repeats as the previous single for this neuron until it moves message to the next nerve cell and communication enhanced. It is a point of worth to note that, once message diffuses through the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron, on that point are several neurons that shall receive the message but sole(prenominal) specific neuron that i s compatible to the message is shall successfully receive and pass it by to the next neuron.For slip, if there is need for body temperature control, the neurons that are specialized in body temperature control messaging only shall despatch communication to the brain and after interpretation by the brain the same neurons shall carry message to the hypothalamus. because hypothalamus gland shall release hormones to increase liver activities, constriction or vasodilatation of blood vessel, follicle hair behavior and individualised behavior to respond to cold by warming or wearing heavy clothes or hot weather by wearing light clothing (Albert, 2002).Neurotransmitters and their effect on behavior The noticeable behavior is a result of brain interpretation and stimulated action course. However, it should be noted that the brain ability to influence behavior is highly dependant on neurotransmitters contained in the synaptic vesicle. The neurotransmitters have the efficiency to influen ce the message being passed and the outcome in terms of behavior exhibited. In this regard, neurotransmitters are chemical agent in the neurons that are responsible for facilitating message movement from one neuron to the adjacent one through axon (Charles, 2002).To this effect, neurotransmitters are either excitatory which allows communication or inhibitory that hinders information release depending on the nature of message being passed on. But effects of neurotransmitters whether inhibitory or excitatory are different depending on the nature or receptor. Some common examples of neurotransmitters are Acetylcholine which is an excitatory neurotransmitter dealing with the muscular tissue tissues especially the heart muscles to facilitate blood pumping mechanism.Epinephrine is concerned with competency provision for urgent confrontation such as immediate flight or fight by producing glucose as a ready energy to an individual. Another neurotransmitter is the Serotonin which is conc erned with persons mood and insufficient leads to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. Oxytocin is concerned with maternal related behaviors such as mammary glands, sperm production and ovary release in sexual related behaviors. On contrary to excitatory neurotransmitters, Dopamine is an example of exhibitory neurotransmitter that inhibits action potential in motor neuron.Abnormal quantity of Dopamine results to Parkinsons disease and substance attachment (Charles, 2002 Albert, 2002). Part II major regions of the brain and their functions on behavior The brain is a complex structure that is divided into specialized posts or regions that perform specialized function. The importance of specialization and brain parts division is not only in brain processing information and generating responses, but the specific sham on behavior of an individual generated by each specialized part. In this regard, the brain has three chief(prenominal) regions rational cortex, li mbic system and the brain stem (Charles, 2002).The brain stem is the most primitive part of the brain that is located at the joint where the spinal cord enters the brain (Charles, 2002). This part of the brain contains such sub-parts as reticular activity system, medulla and the Pons. The main function of this part of the brain is for autonomic functions deemed as necessary for survival such as health, food, shelter and security seeking behaviors. For instance, when a person go ill, the brain stem triggers off the course of action to seek medication or health care, thereof such an individual shall move towards the hospital premises than to any other direction of food or security.The cerebral cortex is brain region that is on outer part that covers the brain (Charles, 2002). By integrity of covering the brain, the cerebral cortex is considered as the largest part of the brain. The behavioral function of the cerebral cortex involves high cognitive processes such as memory process that enhances language, thought and learning. Therefore, behaviors such as performance in academic work, ability to retain and remember, verbal fluency and speech development are controlled and generated by the cerebral cortex.Limbic system (Charles, 2002) is the third region of the brain with structures such as genus Hippocampus, thalamus, amygdale and hypothalamus. This part of the brain is responsible for emotional related behaviors of individuals such as motivation, memory functions, and physiological functions. For instance, amygdale is responsible for behaviors such as anger, fear and aggression. The hippocampus sub-structure involves the functions of memory such as information coding and processing into short term and long term memories. Hypothalamus is responsible for emotional behaviors such as hunger, sexual feelings, thirsty and reproduction behaviors.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
New World Order: Impacts in Terms on Global Cooperation
As the Cold enjoin of war among US and USSR reached to an end, the mankind witnessed a shift from bilat datel to unilateral nature of power. In 1991, hot seat furnish inoculated the concept of spic-and-span dry land revision which aimed to increase the internationalistic collaboration, incarnate protective covering, internationalization, interdependency, ascendency and work of common goals. All the impacts of New knowledge domain rules of order directly or indirectly left their tag on the nature of cooperation among nations. This paper, after succinctly introducing the concept of New founding Order in general, aims to talk over the crotch hair Administrations version of New human race Order.The paper discusses the impacts of New globe Orders implementation in call of cooperation among the estates and later discusses its negative corollaries. After providing a critique of the complete viewpoints about the impacts of New public Order, the paper ends by drawi ng a conclusion in favor of the concerned system as the only viable solution if international peace and credential is to be achieved. Introduction Although New World Order is not a novel concept, it is often misinterpreted as one. It is for the nigh part because of various transformational chassiss the system has gone through ever since its inoculation.However, differences among its versions have existed. These differences argon more evident delinquent to the changing circumstances in which these versions were established. As the New World Order aimed to append amelioration in the prevailing system, its guiding principles have varied from time to time. Giddens believes that the direct corollaries of these changes appear in the shape of forces bid globalization, individualism and political agency etc (Pillay & Elliot, 2001, p. 8&9). Before analyzing the implications of New World Order in call of cooperation across the earthly concern, it is mandatory to create a sufficient understanding of the concept.New World Order is an abstract concept that attempts to create a better world. Therefore its contents may vary from time to time establish on the situation and the nature of paradigm shift required. New World Order and the joined States In the history of the United States, the term New World Order was first introduced by Woodrow Wilson after the World War I. Marked by idealism, the concept did no prevail long. After the World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt try to establish the concept by making possible increasing function of international bodies analogous United Nations for the attainment of peace which never reached pragmatism.Both these versions of New World Order remained transient up until 1991 when President George H. W. render introduced the term at the time of Gulf War which marked the characteristics of post stone- inhuman war era. Bushs idea behind new world order included the abandonment of aggression against nations, incarnate security to guard against the aggression and increases collaboration of nations to meet such peace creating goals (Miller and Yetiv 56). Before 1991, the New World Order only existed as an abstract concept.President Bush perpetuated it in the international politics (Yovanovish 3) which was practically enforced in case of the Iraqs war with Kuwait. Concept of New World Order in the bring down of Bush Administration What Bush Administration implied by New World Order was fairly divergent from the preceding concepts addresses by the other US presidents. In a nut shell, the major components of President Bushs New World Order can be reckoned in the following except from his speech, a new era-freer from the menace of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which thenations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony a world where the restrain of law supplants the rule of the jungle where the strong respe ct the rights of the weak (Miller and Yetiv 56). The concerned statement passed in 1991 provide an unequivocal agenda of New World Order that included peace creation, global prosperity and a rule of law to control the world. The other aspects introduced by President George H. W. Bush included interdepence, joint security, collective action, international authorities and globalization etc. Positive Impacts of New World Order in equipment casualty of world(prenominal) CooperationThe New World Order has played dual role in bringing the phase of transformation. On a positively charged side, establishment of this order and the end of cold war removed the threat of thermonuclear havoc. Similarly, the state governments shifted to a mutual problem solving approach as a effect of increasing dependency arriving from globalization. Such corollaries are evident in events like General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and North American warrant Trade Agreement etc (Hauss 2&3). Interdependenc e The end of cold war and the collapse of Soviet Union led to a unipolar environment in the world politics.As the balance of power disturbed , the New World Order inoculated a system of mutualness providing equal opportunities for all the states by advocating the dependence of nations on one another. Related to interdependence is the preference of common interests to state interests that was addressed by the new system (Kessler 53). Therefore, the New World Order suppressed national reign in favour of international authority. Cooperation To increase interdependence and through the work of international bodies, the concept of Free Trade emerged as a product of New World Order.With the lifting of trade barriers as a go away of Free Trade policy, increasing flow of technology across borders, individuals from different countries are crossing their borders to visualise into the other countries to hunt for opportunities and are constantly being exposed to the foreign cultures and issue s. This trend has started diminishing the borders between nations thereby threatening the concept of statehood. As a result greater economic and social interdependence seem to affect national decision-making thereby making the concept of state obsolete (Bertucci & Alberti, p.9). However, the whole exhibit served to achieve an important goal of New World Order which was to increase cooperation between the nations. On social grounds, the emergence of English language as a lingua franca is largely a corollary of the New World Order. Although widely criticised to have caused languages deaths, the very transformation has brought an aspect of cooperation among the contemporary nations by providing a said(prenominal) mass medium of communication thereby enhancing better understanding (Bandura 6). International BodiesAs the interdependence among nations increased and the international bodies were given higher(prenominal) levels of authority, the New World Order triggered a transformatio n in the role of state in terms of sovereignty. The states in post cold war era experienced debilitating sovereignty as it is supplanted by the international authority of the bodies like United Nations. In terms of cooperation, this shift provided better chances of cooperation by providing a rule of law and peace keeping environment for all the nations.Implementing a just supreme authority like UN above all the nations was aimed to motivate the nations in thinking globally quite an than locally. The increasing role of United Nations in the New World Order was in addition because in the preceding times of cold war, the authority of UN remained nearly impossible because of the conflicting super powers of US and USSR. Empowering such international bodies by New World Order was aimed to protect the interests of both the strong and weak nations alike in order to cite justice for peace and cooperation.The very fact was accentuated by Former UN Secretary-General Sir Brian Urquhart who s aid, It is no longer acceptable that international action is taken only when a situation threatens the interests of the most powerful nations. (Holmes). Such International bodies are of varied types. One such example in economic world is that of World Trade Organization. World trade organization as a key instrument of New World Order has been development uniform trade policies for all the nations participating in the international economic trade. The developing countries are arise as a result of free trade.For the very reason the share of developing countries in global trade market increased. Consequently, on economic grounds the stronger states like US are as practically dependent on the relatively weaker nations as they are on the former. Collective Security To ensure collective security, the New World Order advised a rule of law. It overly led to the UN resolution that prohibited invasions as a way of practicing aggression against other nations. In order to make possible th is collective security and maintain absence of invasions, US used force against Iraq to withdraw its forces from Kuwait.The very concept of collective security led to the UN forces to aid the weaker nations during the times of war. Although providing a great scope of amelioration, the New World Order also implies certain threats arising imputable to the increased collaboration and globalization. Such threats include the transcendence of national boundaries, increased nuclear proliferation and the intermingled and inseparable nature of problems facing the world etc (Hauss 5). Globalization As perceived by Waters, If globalisation in its most complete sense takes effect then the nation-state will be its chief victim (Shaneland). With the positive picture of new world order to have catalyzed the process of globalization, authors like John Mc Murtry also throw light on the inexplicable threats of such apparently favourable changes. The author goes on to divvy up new world order a glob al coup detat which encourages oligopolistic trade in the work of international free market (Gordana 23). According to the paper Is there a future for the nation-state in an era of globalisation? If so, what future? provided by Shaneland, there are three basic challenges that the nations are to face as a result of global development shaped by rapid globalization.These include (a) a cut ability of the state to exert influence on its economy in the times when economic proceedings are increasingly taking place on a global level which is considerably due to the trend of free trade (b) an augmentation of trans-national bodies. These bodies are political (for instance the UN), economic (like NAFTA), a combination of the deuce (like the EU) and even the Non Governmental Organizations and (c) the establishment of global ruling organizations.Often termed as the super-national and sub-national centres of power, they include bodies like United Nations. The same author believes that in such a scenario the role of state has shifted from being the primary unit of international relations to being a provider of public goods and infrastructure to global businesses. International Bodies Many analysts propose the existence of a global authorities leads to the process of ruling the nations by meddling in the state affairs. The instruments of such a global authority are considered to be the present worlds organizations.This content that at one hand the states are losing their role within their territories and at the other hand they are not having a considerable role in the global community (Shaneland). Nuclear Proliferation Increased cooperation and ties between nations have resulted in increased nuclear proliferation. Previously held by only a single state, umpteen of the contemporary states are now armed with nuclear weapons which pose a constant threat to the world peace and security. A war raged in such a scenario would lead to massive destruction. New World Order A Cri tiqueMany aspects of the New World Order are criticized for their contrary hidden implications. Joseph Nye argues that the interdependence suggested by New World Order is multilevel in nature. By the term multilevel interdependence, Nye suggests the idea of multiple layers in terms of distribution of power where one layer may have bipolar structure while the other sustains a unipolar structure. The most crucial of this layer is that of military power which is clearly unipolar in favour of the US. The second is the economic layer which although tripolar til now has US as a major sharer.In fact it is only the terce and last layer of interdependence that shows lack of concentrated power in favour of any strong country like US (Kessler 54). According to Marguerite K. Rivage-Seul and D. Michael Rivage-Seul, the New World Order is in itself a threat to the poor states and thence a strategy used by the stronger nations like US. This might result in a third world war against the weaker nations (1). Such an assumption is based on the increasing vulnerability of weaker nations as a result of international authority.For instance, to survive in the global economic competition, the weaker nations require larger investments than they can afford. Loans from organizations like International Monitory Fund increase the vulnerability of such nations. Such a threat is not faced by the stronger nations. Conclusion Every phenomenon has its differential dimensions. So is the case with the new world order. However, the richness of it in terms of increasing interdependence and cooperation cannot be denied.As an alternate course of action, if the New World Order is to be replaced, the success of the system would require benignity which in turn demands an extra ordinary derive of change on the part of the human (Hauss 4). To dwell in such an idea of change would rather be utopianism than rationalism. In short, the merits of New World Order greatly supersede its demerits thereby ma king it the most viable international system for the cooperation and peace creation among the nations in the contemporary world. Works Cited Bandura, Abdul Karim. Accelerated quarrel Deaths in the DevelopingWorld A Consequence of the New World Order. Oct. 1997. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). genus Gallinago University Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 11 Apr. 2009 Bertucci, Guido, and Adriana Alberti. Globalization and the Role of the State Challenges and Perspectives. United Nations. 11 Apr. 2009, Hauss, Charles. Beyond Confrontation Transforming the New World Order.Westport, CT Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996. Holmes, Kim R. New World Disorder A Critique of the United Nations. Journal of International Affairs 46. 2 (1993) 323-340 Is there a future for the nation-state in an era of globalisation? If so, what future? Shane Martin Coughlan. 11 Apr. 2009 Kessler, Bart R. Bushs New World Order The Meaning Behind the Words. Mar. 1997. Air eclipse and Staff Col lege, USAF Air University, Montgomery, Alabama. 11 Apr. 2009
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
John le Carre The Spy Who Came in from the Cold This book is a blemish story, about bluffs between the British Secret Service and the German Democratic Republic. I found it really difficult to understand. The stroy occurs during the Cold War, in the 1950s and 1960s. The main character is Alec Leamas, a british agent in charge of East German espionage. He is recalled to the Circus, because there are no agents left. Control asks him to stay in the cold. That means one last mission for him, his job is providing false information to the East German Communists.During his job in the libary he fells in love with his co-worker, a Jewish woman, Liz Gold. She is at the Communist society in Britain. Leamas goes to jail because he assaults a civilian. He goes to Netherlands, then to East Germany, to the Intelligence Srvice. At the same time, George Smiley and Peter Gulliam travel to Liz Golds house, and have many questions about Alec. Leamas meets Fiedler, an East German spy, Mundts lieutena nt, who joined the Communists and remained an anti-Semite. Mundt ordains the torturing and arresting of Fiedler and Leamas.Than it is a little complicated, becase Fiedler reports Mundt at the same day. I also look it hard to understand the situation from different eyes. We can get to know many characters thoughts. Sometimes I cannot decide which is the good side and the bad. It is very exciting and complicated, sometimes confusing. Fiedler discovers that Mundt is a double agent, and he was arrested before, provided allowed to escape if he agreeing to work. Liz Golds apartment is paid by George Smiley and she promises Leamas to not to look for him afterwards his leaving.Mundt gets to know these thing, and that those things happened before the murdering. Liz is sent to the jail with Leamas, and they are taken in a car together. umteen things become clear. Liz gets to know that the British Intelligence intended to kill Fiedler. The end of the story is outrageous. Personally I waite d for a happy end after many complicated and confounded situations. Liz and Leamas wanted to break the fit on the Berlin Wall, to escape to western Berlin. Leamas climbs up to the Wall and when he touches Lizs hands, she is shot.Smiley tells him to jump down from the West side, but he climbs back. He is shot dead as well. I think he accomplished that he was a fool, he was manipulated and he had that chance to flee, but it did not work, so he gave up. I have never read such a story before, I have a smell that I have to read it once more, because there are many things I did not clear understand. It is so lifelike and realistic that I can imagine it has happened in reality during the Cold War.
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