Write my essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Do magazines promoted for young people send an inappropriate message? Utilizing at any rate three explicit magazines for help, contend possibly in support of the good and moral messages that command magazines coordinated for the adolescent segment. Is it opportunity of the press or provocation? Contend whether the paparazzi aides or obstructs the motivation behind the free press. Are grades significant? Talk about whether evaluations are important so as to keep understudies on target with learning. Is schoolwork essential? Right of passage is an issue on college grounds America could begin utilizing all year school People ought to have green burialNon-fundamental plastic medical procedure ought to be illicit for kids under 18 Parents ought to be educated if their youngster is conceived an offspring control It has been said that America's greatest fare is mainstream society. Is Hollywood a decent minister for America? Should state funded schools give more classes and entry level posit ion programs for understudies who decide not to set off for college? Are school selection tests like the SAT or ACT great pointers of college achievement? Would a voucher framework that took into consideration more school decision be a positive change for the American instruction framework? Should guardians be permitted to sumbit their adolescents to tranquilize testing?Would single-sex state funded schools be more compelling than co-ed? Specialist helped self destruction should (or ought not) be lawful. Each car driver should (or ought not) be permitted to send their garbage mail. Each vehicle driver should (or ought not) be required to take another driverââ¬â¢s test at regular intervals. Electroshock treatment is (or is definitely not) a compassionate for of treatment. Each understudy should (or ought not) be required to gain proficiency with an unknown dialect. Sun oriented force is (or is definitely not) a feasible interchange vitality source. Medication addicts should (or ou ght not) be placed in emergency clinics for clinical treatment rather than in jail for punishment.American laborers should (or ought not) be ensured an extended weekend by law. All wellbeing experts should (or ought not) be tried every year for HIV diseases and AIDS. Self-broadcasted ââ¬Å"militiaâ⬠should (or ought not) be firmly checked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ambush weapons should (or ought not) be out-lawed. All proprietors of guns should (or ought not) be required to enroll their weapons with the police. A fourteen day holding up period should (or ought not) be required for anybody endeavoring to buy a gun. Capital punishment for killers should (or ought not) be abolished.The capital punishment should (or ought not) be forced on adolescents. Street pharmacists persuaded of disseminating huge amounts of medications should (or ought not get capital punishment. The U. S. military should (or ought not) be utilized to control tranquilize carrying in the U. S. T he U. S. should (or ought not) remove all remote guide to fascisms. Smoking should (or ought not) be prohibited in open zones, for example, eateries and air terminal terminals. State and neighborhood governments should (or ought not) work lotteries and betting club. The U. S. should (or ought not) stay in the United Nations.Immigrations into the U. S. should (or ought not) be limited. Houses of worship should (or ought not) be required to make good on charges. Government financing for expressions of the human experience should (or ought not) be given. The present-day charge framework is (or isn't) out of line to white collar class and lower-salary Americans. School competitors should (or ought not) be required to meet the scholarly necessities of their schools. Sex instruction should (or ought not) be required course in all schools as ahead of schedule as 6th grade. Everybody should (or ought not) be required to finish a competency test before being permitted to move on from high sc hools.Chronic mental patients should (or ought not) be housed in ââ¬Å"halfway housesâ⬠or habitations in the network, instead of in remote mental emergency clinics. The President should (or ought not) be restricted to a solitary six-year term. Boards should (or ought not) be banned on interstate roadways. Business should (or ought not) be allowed to make spontaneous calls to residents. Level of intelligence tests are (or are not) substantial proportions of human insight. Analysts and therapists should (or ought not) affirm in court for the not-blameworthy by-reason-of-craziness plea.Regardless of salary, all Americans should (or ought not) be ensured essential clinical consideration under a national medical coverage program. Heredity is (or is definitely not) a more impressive impact on character improvement than condition. ESP is (or is anything but) a certifiable logical truth. Logical experimentation on creatures should (or ought not) be prohibited. Heroin should (or ought not) be lawful as a torment reliever for at death's door patients. Needle therapy is (or is anything but a legitimate clinical method. Magnificence events do (or don't) spoil ladies. The lowest pay permitted by law should (or ought not) be postponed for immature and youthful grown-up workers.Despite their lawful duty derivations and escape clauses, all moguls should (or ought not) be required to make good on government personal assessment. Police should (or ought not) be permitted to set up detours to disconnect and capture disabled drivers. Competitors should (or ought not) be permitted to utilize steroids. Understudies should be increasingly watchful and attentive to abstain from turning out to be casualties of grounds wrongdoing. Residents should oppose endeavors being made to close down zoos and aquariums. Steps must be taken to lessen contaminants in the nationââ¬â¢s water supplies. Youngsters and adolescents should be instructed on the risks of huffing (sniffing solvents a nd aerosols).Lawmakers need to pass harder enactment to demoralize the developing number of stalkers. Each individual ought to specify that in case of death, the individual is eager to give organs. Individuals all things considered and ethnic gatherings ought to know that overexposure to the sun can cause skin malignant growth, paying little mind to a personââ¬â¢s skin shading. Pooch and feline proprietors ought to have their pets fixed and fixed. Residents with phones can help ruin wrongdoings and aid the catch of crooks. Individuals needing restorative medical procedure ought to examine the dangers before submitting to medical procedure.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
What It Means to Have Type A Personality Traits
What It Means to Have Type A Personality Traits Theories Personality Psychology Print What It Means to Have Type A Personality Traits By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 15, 2019 More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Type A vs. Type B Type D Type A Traits Traits of Type A Behavior Negative Effects Fixed vs. Situational View All Back To Top You may have heard people say they are Type Aâ"you may be one of those people yourselfâ"but understanding what it truly means to have a Type A personality can be transformative, both in how you manage stress and in how you recognize and respond to those who may be Type A. Since researchers started studying Type A personality, beginning with cardiologists Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman in the 1950s, itâs become a household term. Most people now know that Type A personality characteristics have something to do with being competitive and work-obsessed and can bring an increased risk of health problems, but itâs not always understood exactly what traits constitute âType A Behavior,â or exactly how these traits impact health and wellbeing. Here youll learn more about Type A, how it affects people, and how to deal with stress if you have a âType A Personalityâ or if you work closely with someone who does. 1:28 6 Key Traits of a Type A Personality Type A vs. Type B Type A personality traits, including competitiveness, time urgency, and a tendency toward workaholism can be seen (particularly by Type A people) as beneficial for career success??. However, they are counterparts with Type B personalitiesâ"those who tend to be less focused on competitiveness and more on enjoying the journey. This doesnt mean that Type Bs dont like to achieve. They may work hard and take real pride in their accomplishments, but they dont attach the same stress to their outcomes if they dont come in first or achieve the most, something that tends to create significant stress in Type As. Type Bs also tend to be more creative and low-stress by nature. Fortunately, some of this relaxed perspective can be learned and developed. A Note About Type D A somewhat newer personality type known as Type D (the D is for distressed) is distinct from Type A and Type B. Type D is characterized by negative emotions like worry and attempt to inhibit these emotions at the same time, all while avoiding social interaction.?? These factors, while different from Type A, can also cause significant stress and negative health outcomes. Fortunately, as with Type A traits, there are effective ways to combat Type D traits like negativity, excessive worry, and inhibition. Illustration by Cindy Chung, Verywell Traits of Type A Behavior While the term âType Aâ is thrown around often, itâs not always fully known what specific characteristics make up Type A personality, even among experts. For some people, the term applies to rude and impatient people. Others see workaholics as Type A. Many see competitiveness as the main characteristic. According to research, the following characteristics are the hallmark characteristics of Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP): Time Urgency and Impatience, as demonstrated by people who, among other things, get frustrated while waiting in line, interrupt others often, walk or talk at a rapid pace, and are always painfully aware of the time and how little they have to spare.Free-Floating Hostility or Aggressiveness, which shows up as impatience, rudeness, being easily upset over small things, or âhaving a short fuse,â for example.?? Additionally, Type A behavior often includes: Competitiveness: these people need to win at everything from work to relationships, even if these activities arent inherently competitive.Strong Achievement-Orientation: Type A people tend to get their feelings of self-worth from what they achieve.A Need for Dominance: Many Type A people try to show dominance in business and personal interactions, disregarding the wishes and needs of others in favor of their own.Certain Physical Characteristics: these result from stress and from years of Type A behavior, and are listed below. Friedman associated the following physical characteristics often accompany TABP: Facial tension (tight lips, clenched jaw, etc.)Tongue clicking or teeth grindingDark circles under eyesFacial sweating (on forehead or upper lip)?? Negative Effects of Type A Behavior Over the years, the type of extra stress that most Type A people experience takes a toll on their health and lifestyle. The following are some of the negative effects that are common with those exhibiting TABP. Hypertension: Although the relationship between personality types and high blood pressure is complex, there has been some association between hypertension and Type A personalities.??Heart Disease: There is some ambiguity, but some research shows that there is a causal relationship between TABP and coronary heart disease. ??However, recent analysis has failed to confirm this.Job Stress: Type A people usually find themselves in stressful, demanding jobs (and sometimes the jobs create the Type A behavior), which can lead to stress-related health problems.??Social Isolation: Those with TABP often alienate others, or spend too much time on work and focus too little on relationships, putting them at risk for social isolation and the increased stress that comes with it.?? Fixed Characteristic vs. Situational Reaction While many personality traits, such as extroversion, are innate, most researchers believe that Type A personality characteristics are more of a reaction to environmental factors, or tendencies toward certain behaviors, and are influenced by culture and job structure. For example: Many jobs put heavy demands on time, making it necessary for workers to be very concerned with getting things done quickly if theyâre to adequately get their jobs done.Some workplaces put heavy penalties on mistakes, so efficiency and achievement become extremely important.Other jobs just create more stress, making people less patient, more stressed, and more prone to Type A behaviors.Other people do have a natural tendency toward being more intense, but this tendency can be exacerbated by environmental stress, or mitigated by conscious effort and lifestyle changes. How to Change and Soften Type A Characteristics Fortunately, like traits such as optimism or assertiveness, Type A characteristics can be altered. The following are ways to soften Type A characteristics in yourself if you possess them: Change Your Work Life Altering certain factors in your work life to make your job less stressful, more rewarding, and less demanding. For example, you can consciously make an effort to enjoy the meaning you attach to your work rather than focusing primarily on outcomes. You may talk to your boss about expectations to be sure that it is possible to meet them with a reasonable level of work if your job has been stressful enough to affect your health. Change Thought Patterns With practice, when you alter your thinking patterns to more positive ones you develop more trust in yourself and in those around you and can soften your Type A tendencies. When you find yourself feeling inadequate if you make mistakes, for example, focus more heavily on what you are doing well. When you find yourself using negative self-talk, focus on talking to yourself the way you would a good friend. Fake It Till You Make It Sometimes you can act your way into new habits. Even if you donât always feel calm and serene if you make a conscious choice to try to slow yourself down and be more patient with people, that behavior will most likely become more of a habit and begin to come more easily to you. Note Itâs not recommended that you become completely detached from awareness of your feelings, or that you keep them bottled up until you eventually explode, but that you focus on making some changes in your behavior in conjunction with emotion-oriented strategies, you should make more progress, more quickly. Start Journaling The practice of keeping a journal has many proven benefits for your stress level and overall health. It can also be a helpful practice in softening Type A characteristics, especially if done right. The following are the best ways to use your journal as an instrument of change: Keep a record of how many times you lose your temper in a day, treat people rudely, or feel overwhelmed by frustration. Becoming more aware of your tendencies and what triggers reactions in you can be a valuable step in changing your patterns.Write about your feelings. This helps you to process them and takes some of the intensity from them, so youâre less overwhelmed by strong emotions.Write about solutions. Solving your problems on paper (rather than obsessing about them in your head) can help you to feel less overwhelmed by them. You can also look back through your journal to remember old ideas on solving new problems. Face Your Fears This may sound crazy, but a good way to work past Type A tendencies is to give yourself an extra dose of what frustrates you in order to show yourself that itâs not so bad. For example, some therapists would recommend that you pick long lines in the grocery store, just to show yourself that you can survive the frustration of waiting in line for a few extra minutes. Or, perhaps the threat of having to wait in a longer line will force your subconscious mind to be more patient in one of the shorter lines. Make It a Game When youâre frustrated on the road, make a game out of it and count what frustrates you. The same can be done for life in general. If you see how many frustrating things you can playfully tally, for example, youâll almost look forward to peopleâs quirks. Breathing Exercises The next time youâre about to scream, why not take that deep breath and, instead, just breathe it out? When you feel youâre about to explode, a few deep, slow breaths can do wonders! Learn breathing exercises for a stress reliever you can use anywhere. Breathing Exercises for Rapid Stress Relief Love Your Pets Pets have many stress management and health benefits and can help provide you with the extra calm you need.?? Walking a dog can be relaxing and social, get you out into nature (or at least out of the office), and gets you exercise (another stress reliever) as well. Caring for an animal and receiving its unconditional love can get you in touch with the best parts of your own humanity. Even watching aquarium fish has been known to have a measurable effect on blood pressure. How Having a Pet Affects Your Stress Levels Gardening Getting out into the sunshine, beautifying your yard, and getting back in touch with nature are some of the benefits of gardening. It all adds up to some great stress relief. This tension-taming tool can reduce overall stress and teach you to take it easy a little more, softening your Type A tendencies. Gardening for Stress Relief A Word From Verywell Changing your Type A traits doesnt necessarily imply that your existing personality is not a good one. If youre looking to soften a few of your Type A traits, it may just mean youre looking to reduce stress and enjoy your journey more. You can still achieve your goals. What if youâre not the one with the Type A personality characteristics, but you have to deal with someone else who is? By practicing assertiveness and healthy conflict resolution techniques, you can maintain healthier boundaries and keep yourself from being overrun by a person who exhibits strong Type A personality characteristics.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Getting an Equity Card
Having an Equity card basically means that you are a member of the Actors Equity Association. Representing both actors and stage managers, the Actors Equity Association (AEA) has been negotiating wages and benefits for its members since 1913. Benefits According to the AEA, benefits include: Minimum salaries (negotiated rates, overtime, extra pay for additional duties,Ã free housing or per diem on tour)Work rules (length of day, breaks, days off, safe and sanitary conditions)Health, pension and 401(k) benefitsDispute resolution (including recourse to impartial and binding arbitration)Just cause (penalties for improper dismissal)Bonding (guaranteeing payments to the Actors if the producer becomes insolvent or defaults)Supplemental Workers Comp insurance, which provides additional compensation over-and-above Workers Comp if youre injured on the jobEquity-only auditions via casting call and Equity hotlinesAgency regulationsMember discountsThe Equity News and websiteSeminars and special eventsProfessional name protectionTax assistance through VITAVoting privileges Union membership also includes access to service organizations like The Actors Fund, Career Transition for Dancers, the Actors Federal Credit Union and the AFL-CIO. These organizations offer a host of additional resources such as emergency assistance, seminars, career counseling, low-cost financial services, loans, and discounts. Starting a Career Every year, thousands of Broadway hopefuls flock to New York City hoping to break into the theater business. Before you rush off, you may want to stop and visit the Equity website to find out if a union is right for them. If you arent yet an Equity member, you might still land a role on Broadway. But your chances are slimmer. Many theater employers will only hire card-carrying union members. How to Get an Equity Card Gain employment under Equity Contract (this is often tricky because some shows wont let you audition unless you are already an AEA member).Be a member of a sister union such as SAG, AFTRA, or AGMA. Members of these unions can also register for AEA.Utilize the Equity Membership Candidate Program. If you are an actor or stage manager-in-training, you can register with AEA and earn credit towards eventual membership.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluation Of A Research On The University s Performance
Student Name University Course Name Professor Table of Contents Introduction 3 Methodology 3 Student Numbers 5 Total Staff Numbers 6 Staff and Student Numbers 6 Research contract values supported 7 Conclusion 7 Strategic management accounting 8 Kaizen Costing 9 References 11 Introduction Evidence shows that people are influenced by social norms and what others are doing (UK Department of Government, 2013). People get swayed by actions of individuals or groups or institutions who they believe that they can be comparable to them. Benchmarking Kanymoon University against BU and AU public universities, which are among the top three public universities in Singland, seeks to identify and improve cost efficiency in Kanymoon University to enable the university continue running its operations even without government funding. This provides a powerful tool of change as it will enable Kanymoon University make strategic decisions based on this management report on how to be cost effective. This report provides information on how finances are used in Kanymoon University relative to the universityââ¬â¢s performance. Methodology The benchmarking study of Kanymoon University used a comparative benchmarking approach that examined different cross-organizational units as well as their costs of running the university which were deduced from the recent academic year. The study sought to measure and evaluate how Kanymoon University can be cost efficient in the awake of the SinglandShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Program Evaluation1017 Words à |à 5 PagesA Program Evaluation is an important factor in determining if an agency is producing successful results. Usually a program evaluation is requested or brought forth by a specific concern that is in need of being addressed. This type of practice-based research method provides agencies with accountability. 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American Pride Free Essays
ââ¬Å"For Americans, September 11 was a terrifying day of abject horror for both themselves as individuals and for their nation as a wholeâ⬠(Gillespie 3). As we all can agree that America hasnââ¬â¢t been the same since that day. The day when the south and north towers of the World Trade Center came crashing down making a distinct organization marker to describe our countryââ¬â¢s history as ââ¬Å"before 9/11â⬠to ââ¬Å"after 9/11. We will write a custom essay sample on American Pride or any similar topic only for you Order Now â⬠After this Americans were questioning their own individual identity, national identity and patriotism towards their country. Americans needed guidance, encouragement and strength and thatââ¬â¢s where some music industries came to the rescue and stepped up. Yes, there were a few artist that did play tributes or wrote songs for September 11, 2003, but there was one that took out unlike the rest, Toby Keith. Toby Keithââ¬â¢s song ââ¬Å"Courtesy of the Red, White and Blueâ⬠expresses inspiring American patriotism with the relevance of what Americans faced after the tragedy of September 11,2003. Toby Keith has always been seen as a successful musician for all music genres with his major record labels and touring all around for almost eight years. Keith was always humble about his fame and fortune when others ask he would respond that he is ââ¬Å"no different than anybody elseâ⬠(Gillespie). Six months before September 11, a tragedy had hit a lot closer to home for Keithââ¬â¢s father was killed in a hit and run accident. All the anger, frustration and sadness was overwhelming for Keith. Instead of attacking someone or something with anger or blame he decides to write the song ââ¬Å"Courtesy of the Red, White and Blueâ⬠that would have much more meaning behind the lyrics. Keith decides to write this song as an outline for a story after 9/11 and includes his father who was an Army veteran. He uses a process of ââ¬Å"unconscious and conscious identificationâ⬠for his listeners to take from the song (Gillespie 12). Consciously his listeners will see his opinions and judgment for our nation and army while unconsciously they will take their own meaning by to their personal experience on 9/11. From the very beginning, Keith sets a high state of pride and patriotism. He begins the song by saying American men or women ââ¬Å"will always stand up and saluteâ⬠defining their support for our nation(Keith). He didnââ¬â¢t want to just have focus on the national patriotism but relate to his father and the people who serve in our troops. He begins to mention the fact that we do have soldiers who have died for the country but justified it so that we can sleep ââ¬Å"in peaceâ⬠at night(Keith). Toby is clearly a ââ¬Å"proud supporter of our armyâ⬠standing by that our troops are fighting for a reason(Gillespie 9). He continues to tell the story of his father, who lost his right eye in the army, and yet still flew the American flag out in their yard till the day he died. Seeming to be random to add in his song but Keith is telling us to still stand by our nation even if something does go wrong. Of course corresponding to September 11, Keith calls the nation to act on after we have been ââ¬Å"fallinââ¬â¢ under attackâ⬠(Keith). For us to tell the intruders that were going to ââ¬Å"lit up your worldâ⬠(Keith). To act ââ¬Å"like the fourth of July,â⬠when we take action. Him choosing these concrete words of a certain national independence holiday enfaces that he wants us to act like our ââ¬Å"our fathers and forefathers didâ⬠to get the independence we live in today. He also carries in the song the ââ¬Å"notion of sacrifice, service and freedomâ⬠as a response to September 11 events(Gillespie 10). Keith sings how now that the nation that he loves has had a ââ¬Å"mighty sucker-punch came flying in from somewhere in the backâ⬠relevance to terrorists crashing into the World Trade Center towers. He tells how ââ¬Å"the bulldog will fightâ⬠relating it to our United States army ordered to war by the President Bush(Keith). You can clearly hear the angry in his voice when he continues to say that we will talk about how the army is going to fight for justice when he describes that they will feel as if the ââ¬Å"world is raining downâ⬠on them(Keith). Music is essentially a medium process of an individual or communityââ¬â¢s identification expressed within the music. Keithââ¬â¢s song can definitely be said he interplays with the recognition on individualââ¬â¢s level and community level for our nation. He elaborates, narrates and communicates on the remembrance of September 11 and our national patriotism that followed. He spoke louder than any other artist could that inspired many to take a stand for our nation which made an everlasting difference. How to cite American Pride, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Understanding Material Culture by Ian Woodward
Introduction Things we possess and own form part of our culture. These things shape our identity as they have a direct influence on us. In this article, I undertake a review of the book Understanding Material Culture authored by Ian Woodward. This book basically explains what material culture entails in a manner that is easily understood. The book specifically shows that consumption is an act of culture creation.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Understanding Material Culture by Ian Woodward specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Preview Ian Woodward makes a very comprehensive and yet simple to understand approach in discussing material culture. He organizes his ideas in a pragmatic manner making it a very useful starter text for students as well as an accompaniment for even the experts in this field. Using illustrations, the author discusses various aspects of material culture in manner that does not deviate from the main objective of the book which is to show the reader that consumption is part of culture creation and not slavery to culture industries. Understanding Material Culture The book is divided into four parts with a total of nine chapters taking up to 201 pages. The chapters in each of the four parts are structured well. Each chapter starts with a summary of the main points covered and at the end the author makes a short but detailed suggestion for further reading. The parts support each other and going through each is necessary in order to have a good understanding of the part that will follow. These parts are reviewed below and their significance is highlighted. Locating Material Culture This part discusses material culture in an introductory manner. This is done by examining the main concepts and terms common to material culture studies. A few case studies are highlighted to show the significance of understanding material culture in everyday life. As illustrated in the case of Helen, materials have aesthetic value (Woodward 6). Materials can also act as identifiers ââ¬â people identify with different objects and the value attached to different objects differs from one person to another.Advertising Looking for book review on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Remark This part is important in showing that people do not just buy objects without a reason or because of being compelled by some forces but rather that consumption is made to fulfill some need. Indeed the author argues that industries in the process of production aspire to find out what people need and produce goods that satisfy that need. Theoretical Approaches to Studying Material Culture This part examines the ideas of significant authors who made remarkable contribution to the field of material culture. Marxââ¬â¢s views are first to be analyzed. The author points out weaknesses in Marxââ¬â¢s views on objects that people own. Marx observed that capitalism advanced exploitation of some classes of people and predicted that there was no possibility that it would keep on progressing. On the other hand, Lukacsââ¬â¢ views tried to address the weak sections in Marxââ¬â¢s observations. Lukacs tried to explain why men cannot rebel against abusive systems: he argued that products are deceptive and they blind people from seeing that the process of production is oppressive. This part also examines the Critical Theory as discussed by the Frankfurt School scholars. The author observes that the views and observations presented through the Critical Theory are relevant today and actually explain the production of commodities on large scale. He also examines the role of tastes and preferences in material culture. Remark This part is used wisely to bring out the views of previous authors who view the act of consumption as one that progresses enslavement of some class of people. The views that objects are deceptive and are symbols of enslavement best described as ââ¬Å"crystallizations of the sweat, blood and energy of workersâ⬠(Woodward 38) are discussed. Objects in Action The third part examines the process through which objects turn from being just objects into acquiring status, aesthetic value and personal taste. It also looks at the correlation between material culture and identity. It shows how objects help in the formation of social identities and collective identities. This part shows that objects acquire cultural significance through narratives and performances. The manner in which an object is talked about shows how it is valued. An object which is not valued is usually ignored and the role it plays is often not recognized. A narrative brings a social life into an object and makes it a social object.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Understanding Material Culture by Ian Woodward specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Objects are also said to have ââ¬Å"performative capacityâ⬠(Woodward 152). This happens when an object and a person become symbolic and complement each other. For instance, a bus conductor and a mobile ticket machines complement each other. Remark This part best brings out the argument that consumption is an act of creating culture and that it is made consciously without any form of enforcement. This part shows how objects make who we are. It is shown that the objects a person buys are for specific needs which are unique to the buyer. This is actually why the author considers consumption an art that requires skills. Part four makes the concluding remarks. The author recounts the significant ideas covered in the previous chapters and makes important remarks about them. The author has included a list of reference used in the book after the conclusion. Critical Remarks This book helps to create a new understanding of material culture. In a comprehensive mann er, it refutes bourgeoisie ideologies on consumption as proposed by Marx and chooses to view consumers as conscious beings who make deliberate choices of objects. The book views acts of consumption as emanating from the artistic nature of consumers as opposed to being due to manipulation. This book helps us to understand that acts of consumption are meant to bring out personality. In regard to consumption, the author claims that it is ââ¬Å"merely one part of the process of building culture, through continuously expending, rebuilding and expending bits of itâ⬠(Woodward 97). It shows that objects have some influence on us though that does not mean that objects control us. The illustration of a home used in the book is best in understanding the argument of the author that consumption is an artistic act by the consumer. The home is used as a showroom by the owners for self expression. The organization of a home and the furnishing made speaks much about the material culture of th e owner. It is easy to learn a lot about the material culture of a person by examining his or her home. In reviewing Woodwardââ¬â¢s book, Ossewaarde is in agreement that consumers create culture through consumption. He argues that consumptions should not be regarded as an act of slavery to capitalist systems but rather an act of culture creation (Ossewaarde 783).Advertising Looking for book review on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the process of consumption, Woodward views choice and taste as key components, he says, ââ¬Å"making choices is a fundamental skill, perhaps a duty, required for people who live in a consumer societyâ⬠¦taste is a core component of thisâ⬠(Woodward 6). Conclusion Understanding Material Culture is a text which attempts to show the significance of consumption in creation of a culture. The author refutes that consumption originates from manipulation by capitalistic systems and culture industries. He instead views consumption as an art which requires the skills of choice and taste. Works Cited Ossewaarde, Marinus. ââ¬Å"Joint Reviews.â⬠Sociology 43.4 (2009): 782-785. Print. Woodward, Ian. Understanding Material Culture. London: Sage Publications, 2007. Print. This book review on Understanding Material Culture by Ian Woodward was written and submitted by user Eileen Obrien to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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